Friday, December 24, 2021

Lady who can't spell TUITION wants to offer her services to kids

A lady posted the screenshot you see in some 'happening' city centric forum on 2021-12-24. 
I never stop from being harsh with people where lives of impressionable minds are at stake.
My comment read as follows:
"If you are going to offer that 'service', you should get the SPELLING of your offerings right. You need to avail of the 'service' yourself. The 'chalta hai' attitude doesn't work. Incidentally, don't defend yourself by saying that it's a typological error!"
I detest the 'chalta hai' attitude in people. I won't stop being brutal towards them.
Someone wants to offer a 'service' but can't spell the 'service' correctly.
There are people (school masters to PhDs to tech experts) who will say that the service offered by the lady might not be for English. It could be for teaching Kannadiga or Physics.
They will henceforth go on to defend people who write FOTHER and MATHER 😡 
Holy sh*t!
* Rotten English
* How India Travels

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