Thursday, December 30, 2021

Mamata's fabricated Tweet on 2021-12-27 about Missionaries Of Charity bank accounts

After her royal boot-out from Goa, the know-it-all self proclaimed Queen of WasteBin is trying her level best to incite communal disharmony between Christians and Hi*dus. 
Where are the fact checkers of Twitter? 
A fabricated Tweet by the venomous lady on 2021-12-27 after 3 pm about 'freezing of SBI bank account of Missionaries Of Charity' is enough to ban her from the social media platform permanently. 
The real fact is that Missionaries Of Charity had themselves approached SBI to freeze their accounts after enquiries were initiated against dubious overseas funding. 
However, it's certain that since the content is against the present dispensation in Delhi, no action will be taken by Twitter! 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

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