Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Tejashwi and Rajshri had chaat instead of cattle fodder: Breaking News in India Today

Tejashwi and Rajshri had chaat instead of cattle fodder: Breaking News in I*d*a Today. 

Some 'hanikarak' Chief Editor of I*d*a Today who gets slapped (figuratively) while trying to act funny with people who matter, also gets paid for bringing to us breaking news of humans in Patna eating 'chaat' in place of 'cattle fodder'! 

The Chief Editor must have taken the first early morning flight from Lutyens Delhi to Patna to be present at Rabri Devi's house to check the composition of sh*t of Rajshri, the naya bahu on 2021-12-22 morning. They will surely carry back a spoonful in their hand baggage to flaunt to their dumbo friends back home. 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India 

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