Saturday, March 13, 2021

U-turn by Mamata on Nandigram and says it was an accident (from the earlier attempt to attack)

She realized that her bluff had been busted and by continuing with the "attack on her'' rhetoric lying in a VVIP cabin in SSKM Hospital in Kolkata will jeopardize her prospects in the forthcoming 2021 Assembly Polls. 
As expected, she made a U-turn. 
The sick lady said on Thursday, 2021-03-11 that she was standing on the bonnet (sic!) of her car (in reality she meant footsteps of her Scorpio) with folded hands when the open door hit a barrier post and slammed on her. 
Video courtesy: Republic Bangla. 
* Didir Baani 
* Didir Kirti 
* Compulsive Bluffer Didi 
* How India Travels

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