Sunday, March 28, 2021

Didir Baani at Daspur (2021-03)

Sitting on a wheelchair while campaigning for TMChii for WB Assembly Polls, she spewed idiotic rhetorics claiming that BJP is doling out funds to voters in West Bengal from money earned through disinvestment of companies. 
She proved herself to be totally illiterate in corporate affairs although she tries to spread the message that she is the Greatest Gift of God to Bengali Mankind. 
Location: Daspur (2021-03) 

* HeadfulOfLice  (ukoon) 
* HeadfulOfLies 
* StorytellerDidi 
* CompulsiveBlufferDidi exposed 
* Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Didir Baani
* Didir Kirti
* JaoDidiJao
* AarNoiAnnay
* ModiHatersLoveMamata 
* DemonetizationAffectedLoveMamata 
* DemonetizationAffectedHateModi 
* HinduHatersLoveMamata 
* EnemiesWithinLoveMamata
* How India Travels

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