Wednesday, March 10, 2021

On whose instructions did the rescue team climb up the burning E Rly HQ building on 2021-03-09 evening

On whose ANUPERONA (inspiration) did the fire brigade personnel, the railway protection force personnel and a city police officer (totalling 7 persons) agree to climb up to the 12th or 13th floor of the Eastern Railway HQ in Kolkata in a single lift even after the building had become a towering inferno which was visible from far and wide on Tuesday, 2021-03-09 evening? 
That's the moot question which must be thoroughly probed and brought to light. 

Weren't there too many crocodile's tears shedding Know_It_All VVIPs standing on Strand Road supposedly to oversee rescue operations while random giving direction? 

Ask a 10 - 12 yrs old child and he or she will tell you that lifts should never be used to climb up or down in the event of a fire. 

Om Shanti to the 9 innocent lives which were lost 🙏🙏🙏

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