Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mamata couldn't visualize anything better for Bengal other than 'chop shilpo'

Mamata couldn't visualize any better industry for Bengal other than 'chop shilpo' during her 10 years of utter misrule and non-governance. 

When intellect is derived while plucking lice from the head sitting on a footpath and power is wrested by sheer mayhem, then 'chop shilpo' and 'telebhaja shilpo' is the best that one can think of. 

After ousting the 85% complete Tata Nano greenfield project from Singur (barely 50 kms from Kolkata) in September - October 2008, 'kaamchor' Bengalis (with pathetic work culture imbibed by Jyoti Basu and his cohorts) had clapped in glee along with the lady who's pure aspirational without an iota of capability. 

Bengal unceremoniously removed its best CM, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, a thorough gentleman with vision without aligning to his thoughts. 
The Almighty ultimately gave Bengalis what they deserved in May 2011. 

Translation: Shilpo = Industry. 
Telebhaja/ chop = Oil fried eatables, pretty dangerous for health if consumed regularly.  
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