Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Dumdum Park in northeast Kolkata on 2021-09-21/22

Dumdum Park, off Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, in north-east Kolkata after the deluge on 2021-09-21/22. 
Since mid 2011, entire Kolkata and the rest of the state has become a living hell! 

Video courtesy: Subhra Basu. 

Don't know my name, M M

'Don't know my name, M M', that's Madan Mitra's Durga Pujo 2021 song. 

Utter nonsense! 

Delhi girl clad in saree not allowed entry into Aquila Restaurant in September 2021

A Delhi girl aged 19 was not allowed entry into AQUILA, a bar cum restaurant in Ansal Plaza, August Kranti Marg, in South Delhi in September 2021 because she was wearing a saree. The restaurant authorities claimed that saree is not a smart casual and therefore the young girl was not allowed entry. 
In the video, a woman employee of the hotel can be heard saying, “We only allow smart casuals and saree does not come under smart casuals”. 
* How India Travels

Essential medical supplies kept floating in SSKM and School of Tropical Medicine in September 2021

Essential medical supplies kept floating in SSKM and School of Tropical Medicine after heavy rains in Kolkata on 20th and 21st September 2021. 
The Health Minister of WB who's also the CM claimed in end September 2021 that she has done all her work which was due for the state. 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengal Is Happy To Elect Its Own Girl 
* How India Travels

Jyotiraditya Scindia quit Congress to join BJP in March 2020

Jyotiraditya Scindia quit Congress to join BJP in March 2020. 

The series of lies by Congress which led to the Delhi riots in February 2020

The series of lies by Congress which led to the Delhi riots in February 2020. 

Didir Baani - Mamata equated Manas Saha's dead body to dead dogs

Manas Saha was the BJP candidate from Magrahat assembly constituency in WB Election 2021. He lost to TMC. In the post poll violence he was severely injured and died after 4 months of battle in hospital around mid September 2021. 

BJP karyakartas wanted to take his body for cremation to Keoratala, not far from Mamata's house. 

While campaigning for Bhowanipore Byelection scheduled for 2021-09-30, Mamata equated Manas Saha's dead body to that of dead dogs. 

Her language sucks! 
* Didir Baani 
* How India Travels

Dilip Ghosh attacked by TMChii goons in Bhowanipore on 2021-09-27

BJP national vice president Dilip Ghosh was attacked by TMChii goons in Jadu Babu Bazaar in Bhowanipore assembly constituency in Kolkata on 2021-09-27, the last day of campaign for byelection scheduled for 2021-09-30. 
Mamata Banerjee is contesting against BJP candidate Priyanka Tibrewal. 
Two other BJP workers were critically injured and admitted to hospital. 

* How India Travels

Industry leaders happy with Modiji's initiatives for ease of doing business in a New India

Industry leaders lauded PM Narendra Modiji's efforts to put in place a system for ease of doing business in a New India. 
This was in February 2020. 
* How India Travels 

Moments before Modiji boarded the flight back from USA to India in end September 2021

Moments before Modiji boarded the flight back from USA to India in end September 2021. 
Modiji is making India proud with every step of his. 
It's only the enemies within, the fiberandus, the camel mutra drinkers, the illegitimate children of Chinese uncles, and the ones who lost their ill-gotten slush money on 8th November 2016 who are full of hatred towards Modiji. They be damned! 
* How India Travels

Mamata Banerjee claimed to have fulfilled all her WB Election 2021 within 5 months

Mamata Banerjee claimed to have fulfilled all her WB Election 2021 promises within 5 months (early May to end October 2021) of returning to power. 

This was her rhetoric (Didir Baani) on the the last day of her Byelection campaign on 2021-09-27 for the Bhowanipore assembly seat where she herself is contesting against Priyanka Tibrewal of BJP. 
* Didir Baani 
* How India Travels 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Adhir Choudhury called Mamata Banerjee a joker in September 2021

While responding to the media, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Choudhury said that Mamata Banerjee is a joker. 

This was in the fourth week of September 2021 even while the lady was campaigning hard to win the byelection from Bhowanipore in Kolkata to retain her CM's chair. 
* WB Election 2021 
* How India Travels 

PM Modi at the Central Vista construction site on 2021-09-26 evening

PM Narendra Modi at the construction site of Central Vista with engineers and workers on Sunday 2021-09-26 late evening. 

This gentleman attended 24 meeting in the past 65 hours in USA. Took 4 meetings from his flight back to India. He didn't rest due to jet lag. He didn't miss out on airing Mann ki Baat in the morning after returning. He took stock of the impending cyclone preparedness with CMs and thereafter visited the new Parliament site late in the evening. 

Modiji slogs 24x7 without a break to see a new and shining India to stun the world, while someone else who's going nuts to retain the chair of CM was aspiring to fly to Rome to speak nonsense and shame India. 

Do you think a Laal Topiwala Yadav, Hawaii Chappal Banerjee, Overgrown Weedpuffing Adolescent, Khuk Khuk Khujliwal, Vanity Bag wali Bua or any of their thug friends who are all aspiring to sit on the PM's chair in 2024 to loot India and appease the 'gaddar' community, would have ever been seen in place of Modiji? 

Narendra Modi ji, pranam, pranam, pranam 🙏 🙏 🙏 

* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* What Has ModiDone 
* How India Travels

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Standing ovation for PM Narendra Modiji in USA in September 2021

Standing ovation for PM Narendra Modiji in multiple instances during hs visit to USA during the fourth week of September 2021. 
I am lucky to have been born in India with a great leader like Modiji to take care of every Indian. 
It's only the 'enemies within' India who are unhappy because of the dizzying growth of popularity of India brought to fore by Modiji. 
* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* What Has Modi Done 
* How India Travels 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

From the Facebook wall post of Sanmoy Banerjee dated 2021-09-24

ভুলেও বিরোধী লাশ হবেন না । যদি ভুল করে হন ? 
মরে গিয়েও শুনবেন - আপনার লাশ = মরা কুকুরের লাশ । 
যা আজকে বললেন এ রাজ্যের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা ব্যানার্জি । মগরাহাটে পশ্চিমে তৃণমূলের গিয়াসউদ্দিনের হাতে খুন হয়েছেন বি জে পি প্রার্থী মানস সাহা । চার মাস লড়াই করে শেষ পর্যন্ত তিনি মারা গেলেন । আজ তাঁর দেহ নিয়ে শবযাত্রা কেওড়াতলা যাচ্ছিল কালীঘাট ছুঁয়ে । মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর বাড়ির গলির ঠিক সামনে দিয়ে । এতেই চটে লাল মুখ্যমন্ত্রী । ভবানীপুরে প্রচারে গিয়ে উগরে দিলেন তাঁর বিখ্যাত রাগ । আমার বাড়ির সামনে দিয়ে মড়া নিয়ে যাওয়া ! সাহস তো কম নয় ! আর তারপর যা বললেন তার নির্যাসটাই লিখলাম ।
 আপনার লাশ = মরা কুকুরের লাশ ।
সহজ ভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করলাম কথাগুলো । কেউ ভুল বুঝবেন না মুখ্যমন্ত্রীকে, ভুল করেও । মুখ্যমন্ত্রী যেভাবে বিষয়টা ব্যক্ত করেছেন তা কিন্তু আরও কুৎসিত । আরও বীভৎস । দু বারের পর তিন বার মুখ্যমন্ত্রীর এই সংক্রান্ত কথা গুলো শুনতে চেষ্টা করে গা ঘিন ঘিন করছিল ।
এতো গেল দক্ষিণের কথা । উত্তরের অবস্থা কি রকম ? একটু শুনুন ।
জমা জলে খোলা ইলেকট্রিকের তারে প্রাণ হারানো দমদমের কাহিনীটাও বা কম কিসের ? দমদম যেখানে ব্রাত্য বসুরা নালে ঝোলে উৎসব করেন পাবলিকের ট্যাক্সের টাকায়, সেই দমদম ।
পাঁচু রায়, সেখানকার পুর প্রশাসক । ১৩ বছরের মৃত স্নেহার পরিবারকে সাড়ে তিন লাখ টাকা হাতে গুঁজে দিয়ে গোপনে মুখ বন্ধ করাতে চেয়েছিলেন । পরিবারটি নেয়নি । উল্টে আজ স্নেহার দিদি ক্যামেরার সামনে বলেই দিলেন পুরসভার পক্ষ থেকে বলা হয়েছে যে চলে গেছে তাকে তো ফেরত পাবে না, বরঞ্চ এই টাকা নিয়ে ভালোভাবে খাওয়া দাওয়া করে মনটাকে ভালো কর । মন ভালো থাকলে কষ্ট কমবে !
পাশাপাশি ব্রাত্য বসুও  নগদ পঞ্চাশ হাজার টাকা নিয়ে হাজির হয়েছিলেন অনুষ্কা আর স্নেহার বাড়িতে । স্নেহার বাবা নাকি নেননি, ফিরিয়েছেন ব্রাত্যর উপহার ।
আরেক মৃত অনুষ্কার মা'র কথাগুলো শুনেছেন নিশ্চয়ী । ক্যামেরার সামনেই বলেছেন দু লাখ টাকা সরকারকে দিতে হবে না । আমি বাড়ি বেচে সরকারকে চার লাখ টাকা দেব । আমার ১৩ বছরের মেয়েটাকে ওরা ফেরত দিক ।
সৌগত রায় তারই মধ্যে হাজির হয়েছেন অকুস্থলে । নিশ্চিত ভাবেই কালীঘাটের নির্দেশ মত । ড্যামেজ কন্ট্রোল করতে । as usual সরকারের বিড়ম্বনা বাড়িয়ে বলেছেন - জলতো জমবেই, জমছেও কিন্তু সেই জলে ডুবেতো কেউ মারা যায় নি । কারেন্টের শক খেয়ে মারা গেছে ওরা ।
এদিকে শিক্ষামন্ত্রী ব্রাত্য বসুকে যখন রিপাবলিক বাংলা অনুষ্কার মায়ের কথা বলে তাঁর মন্তব্য জানতে চেয়েছে, ব্রাত্য তখন রিপাবলিক বাংলাকেই উল্টে নারদ বলেছেন । বলেছেন কোন নারদের কথা শুনে কিছু মন্তব্য করব না ।
ঘটনাগুলো সব লিখলাম যা আজ সারা দিন দেখলাম । স্নেহা, অনুষ্কা, মানস সাহা কাউকে আমি ব্যাক্তিগত ভাবে চিনতাম না । মর্মান্তিক মৃত্যুর পর তাঁদের রেখে যাওয়া, ফেলে যাওয়া নামগুলোর সঙ্গে আজ পরিচিত হলাম ।
আর একই সঙ্গে একই দিনে বাংলার চার সমাজ সংস্কারককে নতুন আঙ্গিকে পেলাম
পাঁচু রায়, সৌগত রায়, ব্রাত্য বসু, মমতা ব্যানার্জি ।
তাঁরা কোন ভন্ডামি না করেই আজ দেখালেন নির্লজ্জতার কোন ভৌগলিক সীমানা নেই এবং সত্যিই  হয়ওনা ।
বাংলার সেই সীমানাহীন মহাকাশে নির্লজ্জতায় তাঁরা আজও অদ্বিতীয় এবং অপ্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী । আপন শয়তানির উজ্জ্বলতায় তাঁরা এক একজন গ্রহ, নক্ষত্র এবং চক্ষুলজ্জার পর্দাহীন এক একটি জ্যোতিষ্ক ।
তাঁদের আলোতেই আমাদের উদ্ভাসিত থাকতে হবে, তাঁদের বয়ানে, বাচনে আমদের আস্থা রাখতে হবে । তাঁদের কর্মদক্ষতায় স্নেহা, অনুষ্কার পরিবারকে হাতে ক্ষতিপূরণের টাকা নিয়ে ভালো মন্দ খেয়ে ভালো থাকতেই হবে । এটাই বিধির বিধান । ২১৩র অমোঘ নির্দেশ ।
অমান্য করবেন ? স্পর্ধা তো কম নয় !!
সন্ময় বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় (৯৮৩০৪২৬০৭৮) 

Copied verbatim from the Facebook wall post of Sanmoy Banerjee dated 2021-09-24. 

* Bengal Is Happy To Elect Its Own Girl 
* Bengal Doomed 
* How India Travels

Bed of white flags in memory of the Covid affected deaths in USA

What you see in the video is not a bed of lilies in USA. Those are paper flags planted in a field by the dear ones of each of the Corona deceased in parts of only a single state in USA. The humongous number of deaths are simply shocking! 
The media in USA and opposition political don't go about mudslinging and peddling fake news to eventually harm the image of their own country. 

On the contrary, uncouth political leaders in India are still peddling fake news about dead bodies of Corona affected floating in Ganga River in Kanpur and Prayagraj in BJP ruled UP during the second wave of the pandemic in the first half of 2021. 
Utterly fake news of a dead body from UP had supposedly been retrieved from the Ganga River in Malda district in West Bengal are still doing the rounds. As recent as on 2021-09-23, the CM of West Bengal was once again heard peddling the fake news to gullible voters in Ekbalpore, Kolkata during the Bhowanipore byelection campaign in which she herself is the candidate. 
* How India Travels

Friday, September 24, 2021

Anushka Nandi and Sneha Banik lost their lives after touching a trident lamppost in Bandhabnagar, Dumdum on 2021-09-22

Anushka Nandi (12) of Bandhabnagar in Motijhil, Dumdum in North Kolkata died a pathetic death on Wednesday, 2021-09-22 after electrocution in a flooded road. 
She was on her way to a tuition class with friend Sneha Banik (12) who also lost her life in the same mishap. Both were students of Class 6 in a local school. 
Both lost their balance because of waves created by some passing vehicle.  To regain balance they had touched a trident lamppost with live wires hanging out of it (as is frequently seen all across Kolkata) and instantly got electrocuted. Both friends got electrocuted. 
Thousands of such trident lampposts were erected on footpaths on the inspiration of Mamata Banerjee immediately after she took over as CM in May 2011. Almost all are dysfunctional or are live death traps. 
* Mishap And Calamity 
* How India Travels

Thursday, September 23, 2021

PM Modi wished Lata Mangeshkar for her birthday in Sept

Before leaving for USA in September 2021, PM Modi called up Lata Mangeshkar in Mumbai to wish her for her birthday. 
* How India Travels

TMChii MP Saugata Roy wearing folded lungi and standing on a waterlogged road outside his house on 2021-09-20

TMChii MP Saugata Roy wearing a folded lungi stood outside his flooded house in knee deep water on 2021-09-20 after torrential rains lashed Kolkata for almost 24 hrs. 
Thankfully he did not fold his lungi further upwards. Had he done that all his Non Performing Assets and wealth of yesteryears would have become visible for public view 🤭
His eyes visible above the mask reveals his anger and frustration on the pathetic state of affairs in West Bengal.
His lust for power and slush money stops him from voicing his displeasure.
In the Narada scam case, he is the person who was seen/ heard on camera taking a large sum of money from Mathew Samuel, safely tucking it in and then asking the name of the company for which favours were being sought 😡

* How India Travels

Anushka Nandi died on 2021-09-22 after electrocution in a waterlogged road in Dumdum, TMChii Minister Bratya Basu offered ₹2 lakhs to the mother

কতটা অপদার্থ সরকার এই মমতা ব্যানার্জির রাজ্য সরকার। আরো বেশী অপদার্থ সেইসব জনগন যাঁরা ওনাকে নির্বাচিত করেন। দুদিন বৃষ্টিতে জল জমে বিদ্যুৎপিষ্ট সারা রাজ্যে ১৩ জন মানুষ মারা গেলেন। মায়ের কোল খালি হয়ে গেলো।
আর হেরো মুখ্যমন্ত্রী বিধায়ক হয়ে মুখ্যমন্ত্রী রাখার জন্য ভোট প্রচারে ব্যস্ত, আর এদিকে ১৩ জন মানুষের জীবন চলে গেলো। বাংলার মানুষ এইটায় চেয়েছিলেন, এখন ডিজে চালিয়ে কুড়ি টাকার পাউচ মেরে খ্যালা হবে খ্যালা হবে করুন।
ব্রাত্য বসুর লজ্জা নেই, সদ‍্য সন্তান হারাকে টাকার অফার করছে, এরা মানুষ নাকি পিশাচ?  ধিক, ধিক, ধিক্কার‌!  এই জলজমার সমস্যা ও বিদ্যুৎ স্পৃষ্ট হয়ে আকালে কিশোরী র মৃত্যুর জন‍্য সবচেয়ে বেশী দায়ী স্থানীয় নাটকবাজ মন্ত্রী ও ঘুসখোর বৃদ্ধ  সাংসদ সৌগত রায়।  ঐ এলাকার বিধায়ক তথা মন্ত্রী, ব্রাত্য বসু নিজের এলাকার সমস্যা সমাধান না করে ত্রিপুরায় গিয়ে নোংরা রাজনৈতিক কুনাট‍্য করে চলছে। নির্লজ্জ বেহায়া, মানুষ নামের কলঙ্ক। 
এবারে ভবানী পুর বাসী মাননীয়াকে যোগ্য জবাব দেবেন। মাননীয়া তৈরি থাকুন!  
মাননীয়া, ব্রাত্য বসু, সৌগত রায় রা সব কিছু টাকা দিয়ে কিনতে চায়। এরা সমাজের কুলাঙ্গার। মাননীয়া মা হলে বুঝতেন সন্তান হারানোর যন্ত্রণা টা আসলেে কি !  টাকা দিয়ে সব কিছু কেনা যায় না। 

Republic Bangla কে ধন্যবাদ এত বড় খবরটা প্রকাশ্যে আনার জন্য। অন্যান্য চটিচাটা মিডিয়া গুলো দেখাবে না। 
A girl child named Anushka Nandi (11), a resident of Motijhil area died on 2021-09-22 after electrocution in a waterlogged road in Bandhabnagar area of Dumdum in North Kolkata. 
Anushka was with her friend Sneha Banik (12) who also lost her life in the mishap. 
A shameless TMChii Minister Bratya Basu offered ₹2 lakhs to the mother (who had just lost her daughter) to pacify her. 
The girls had accidentally touched a lamppost with live wires hanging out of it. 
The body of Anushka was released from the nursing home and taken for cremation on 2021-09-23. 

Only Republic Bangla has reported the incident. 
* Mishap And Calamity 
* How India Travels 

Pathetic state of Kolkata on 2021-09-20 after the de facto Mayor of Kolkata cum cabinet Minister worked tirelessly for citizens of the wasted metropolis

The administrative head of Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC), the de facto Mayor of Kolkata had tirelessly worked for the citizens of Kolkata to land them into this situation on 2021-09-20 😡 

The KMC head had cried in front of cameras, 'Ora Aamake Manusher Jonyo Kaaj Korte Dilo Na' after being arrested by CBI for accepting bribes in the infamous Narada Sting Operation by Mathew Samuel. 

After the unprecedented deluge the Madrasa 'chaap' man has said that water from Uttarakhand (yes, you read it right) was responsible for this. 

This is the Kolkata we live in and drive on after 34 years of cunning Commie rule and 10 years of utter misrule! 
* Mishap And Calamity 
* How India Travels

Rendition of song dedicated to the 'Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind' by an opportunistic singer

The opportunistic singer who seeks opportunity in aeroplanes to befriend cabin crew, in daughter's school admission and in every aspect of life (you name it), is now a Bubblegum stuck in the hawai chappal of a 'Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind' for whom the song was dedicated! 
This was his rendition not too long ago from September 2021. 

* Babool Supriyo 
* How India Travels

Monday, September 20, 2021

Hindu man in Bangalore with a Muslim woman riding pillion stopped and manhandled by a Muslim man

A very 'tolerant' and 'pissful' Muscleman spotted a Muslim lady in burqa riding pillion on the bike of Hindu man, somewhere in Bangalore. They were stopped. The man was manhandled. The lady had to give the unknown man the number of her guardian at home. 
We are left wondering how the harassment saga ended that evening. 
The same 'tolerant' community incite their men to engage in 'love jihad' with Hindu girls. 
The writing on the wall is loud and clear. 
* How India Travels

Capt Amrinder Singh quit as Punjab CM on 2021-09-18

Punjab CM Amrinder Singh quits his post on 2021-09-18. 
RaGa is a person of wisdom and profound knowledge 😜 
He should be made the interim CM of every Congress ruled state 6 - 9 months before the elections are due in those states! 

* RaGa As Star Campaigner For BJP

Sambit Patra lists out examples of Muslim appeasement by Congress

Sambit Patra lists out examples of Muslim appeasement by diabolical Congress. 

The 'soch' of a Madrasa qualified person in West Bengal


Over ₹3200 crores is the allocated annual budget for Madrasas and Minority Affars development by WB Government. 
Here's what the Madrasas churn out using taxpayer's hard earned money. 
Hear the 'soch' of the Madrasa qualified idiot! 
* How India Travels

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Adv Priyanka Tibrewal, BJP candidate for Bhowanipore byelection was sent a show cause notice by the Election Commission, supposedly for not adhering to Covid protocols. She allegedly has been campaigning for the byelection scheduled for 2021-09-30 with too many supporters and photographers. 
However, an internal investigation revealed that it was plainclothes Kolkata Police personnel who are spying and keeping records of her campaign, who's meeting her, which are the households which are welcoming her or blessingsecurity to her, ther, etc. 
On Thursday, 2021-09-16 she confronted one such plainclothes police officer while campaigning. The cop wanted to justify his presence citing security issues. 
Priyanka in no uncertain terms tells him that she has been provided CISF security by the home ministry in New Delhi, and that she has not sought for any security from Kolkata Police. She also said that if Kolkata Police nevertheless, wants to provide security to her, they must escort her in uniform. 
* How India Travels

Friday, September 17, 2021

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Javed Akhtar is displeased dancing with just one Urmila Matondkar

Javed Akhtar compared RSS in India to Talibans in Afghanistan. He has every reason to feel unhappy because if he would have been in Afghanistan, he would have been merrily dancing with not one Urmila Matondkar but 72 hoors and cheered by his Ola long ago. 

A decade of economic destruction under Dr. Manmohan Singh

S. Gurumurthy explains how Dr. Manmohan Singh, an economist landed India into a $339 billion external debt during his tenure as PM of India. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Every election campaign of hers was instigation for the WB post poll violence 2021

Every election campaign of hers was instigation for the WB post poll violence 2021 that Bengal's citizens watched in horror. 
Hear the words carefully. 
This was in mid March 2021. 
* WB Election 2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Sayani Ghosh at a Yuva TMC meeting in Contai on 2021-09-13

Sayani Ghosh at a Yuva TMC meeting in Contai on 2021-09-13. 

Who provides this shameless girl Sayani Ghosh the inspiration to speak all the nonsense and lie without batting an eyelid. Everything about her speaks terrible about her schooling and upbringing. 

She is getting away with her nonsense just because she is a female and has the blessings of another obnoxious lady who has no regards for the law of the law of the land! 

Professor Nasir bin Suleiman ul Omar of Saudi Arabia says that Hindus in India are in a deep sleep

Warning: Professor Nasir bin Suleiman ul Omar of Saudi Arabia says that Hindus in India are in a deep sleep. 

Nasir bin Suleiman ul Omar, a Saudi Arabian professor says, "India is in a deep sleep.  Islam is growing rapidly, thousands of Muslims have infiltrated the police, military, bureaucracy, etc. and entered the important  organization. Islam is already the second largest religion in India. India is on the brink of destruction.  Just as the rise of a nation takes decades, its destruction requires time.
India will not end overnight. This will be phased out.  We Muslims continue to work towards that very seriously.  India will surely be destroyed." 
It's high time we Hindus wake up from our slumber and start becoming wiser. 

About 65,000 babies are born every day in India.  Of these, about 40,000 are Muslim children and about 25,000 are children of Hindus and other religions.  Of the children born now, Muslims are in the majority, and Hindus are in the minority.  At this rate, by 2050, Muslims will be the majority in India.
No one can stop India from becoming a Muslim nation then as India will burn instantly in the fire of riots. Muslims will kill the Hindus and bring them to an end.  Today, according to government figures, Muslims make up about 20% of the population, but in reality they exceed 25%. Government figures are incorrect because Wahhabi Muslims deliberately hide real numbers and do not record this rising population as their weapon to keep their Kafir Hindus unaware.

Great nonsense is going on in India in the name of secularism, but Hindus are still in deep sleep. One wonders why the Hindus did not learn a lesson by looking at what started happening in Kashmir w.e.f 1989. Hindus had to leave their wealth and also their omen and girls.
Secularism in India is as long as Hindus are in the majority and they do not know what will happen to them when they are in the minority? Stupid Hindus do not even understand this from the statistics of the infidels of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hindus will never speak, remain calm, take a high moral position. 
They are destined to sink. 

Pakistan, Bangladesh or Kashmir  .... take those for example, Hindus are sure to end.
Consider the Muslim majority areas of Kerala, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Hyderabad and other states where Hindus are constantly migrating from Muslim dominated areas to Hindu settlements.

Apart from this, countries like Zambia and Malaysia are also examples. Once the Muslims became a majority, these secular countries were declared Islamic countries.
There are examples in London, Sweden, France and Norway where violence takes place every day. Birmingham has already become a Muslim dominated locality. 

This is a ploy by the community of rogues to create panic among local people and instill unprecedented fear in their hearts without the courage to speak up!  Muslims gather in mosques 5 times a day in the guise of being religious to offer Namaaz. In reality, they conspire against Hindus!  They take a pledge 5 times a day to finish Hindus! 

Therefore, keeping your eyes and mouth shut is not stupidity.  Now is the time to open your eyes and open your mouth and make people aware. 
Remember this useful dialogue: 
Agarwal Sahab asked his servant Abdul: "I have 2 children and I am worried about their future, but you have 12 and you are not worried yet?" 
Abdullah: "After 25 years, my 12 sons will take over your shop together. When it's you who earn for us, why should I care.
The great mansions built by the Hindus of Sialkot, Lahore, Gujranwala, Karanji were built just for us.  Even in independent India, the Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir have built big mansions for us and in the end we invaded them and we don’t have to worry about you." 

Mamata as Ma Durga with Ganesh on her lap and raunchy dance performers on stage in Harishchandrapur, Malda district in September 2021

Mamata as Ma Durga with Ganesh sitting on her lap was the theme of a Ganesh Chaturthi celebration on 2021-09-12 by a club (Jagaran Sangha) inspired by the 'greatness' of Mamata Banerjee in Harishchandrapur, Malda district, West Bengal. 
As if that was not crass enough, the organizers of the club held a night long soiree where raunchy dance was performed by hired girls with the tune of Bollywood music blaring from loudspeakers. A TMChii worker even tried to hold the hand of a dancer on stage but backed off when other TMChii workers asked him to refrain from what he was about to do. 
That's the culture of TMChii. Nothing better could have been expected from them. 
And this also defines the mindset of fabled 'culturally rich' Bengalis most of whom carry the ChiiPeeMul mentality. 
* TMChii Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* MaMaMa 
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Makebelief Cultural Superiority 
* Bengal doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 

Manike Mange Hite sung by Anukriti and Palash Malakar of Tripura

Manike Mange Hite sung by Anukriti and Palash Malakar of Dharmanagar, Tripura. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Bhogobaner Jestho Putra vis-a-vis Suvendu'r Kaache Herechi Herechi Herechi

Mamata Banerjee during a meeting with her close party confidante after the byelection for Bhowanipore was announced on Ganesh Chaturthi had addressed Suvendu as 'Bhagabaner Jestho Putra'. 

Suvendu Adhikari responded to HER from a public meeting in Tamluk in his ubiquitous witty style by saying that till her last breath she will live with the shame of having lost to Suvendu. 
* Didir Baani 
* Suvendu's Baani 
* MaMaMa 
* How India Travels

Sunday, September 12, 2021

She searched for two days to get the English translation of 'hodolkutkut'

SHE supposedly spent two days to search the English translation of 'hodolkutkut'! 
And there are supposedly qualified (genuinely, 'not educated') people who are of the belief that She deserves a lot of respect. 
* Didir Baani 
* MaMaMa 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* How India Travels 

Taliban barbarism were for all to see when they shot dead a lady on the streets of Afghanistan in broad daylight

Talibans, the barbaric and uncouth illiterate tribe of camel urine drinkers claim to be extremely religious. As in the rest of the world, barring some exceptions, the community from which they hail has no regards for women. 
What's happening (or happened) in the streets of Afghanistan (including Kabul) ever since mid August 2021 (and in the 1990s) after the Talibans recaptured Afghanistan (including Kabul) is a mirror image of the mentality of the whole community! 
They treat women like animals which can be butchered at will. Watch how they brutally shot dead a lady through the head in broad daylight, somewhere in Afghanistan. 
It's not important whether the video is from August 2021 or even 10 - 15 years earlier when the Talibans were in power in Afghanistan from the mid 1990s. 

* Nonsense Under The Cover Of Religion
* Afghanistan Recaptured By Talibans 
* How World Travels 

Muslim BJP man tried to commit suicide in Baruipur court on 2021-09-10

Shahjahan Mollah, a muslim BJP worker of South 24 Parganas district surrendered at Bhangar PS immediately after the WB Election 2021 results were declared on 2021-05-02. 

He was arrested and lodged in jailed and tortured. Multiple false cases were lodged against him by 5 - 6 police stations on the behest of TMChii goons. His family members can't be traced. His house has been bulldozed. 
His only fault is that he is a BJP supporter. 

He was produced in Baruipur court on 2021-09-10. Unable to take it anymore, he tried to commit suicide by hanging himself with the lungi he was wearing. The cops on duty rescued him in time. 

A heartless TMChii supremo still maintains that there has been no post poll violence! 
* WB Post Poll Violence 2021 
* How India Travels 

Mamata till her last breath will keep fretting because of her loss to Suvendu Adhikari in Nandigram

Mamata till her last breath will never forget that she lost to Suvendu Adhikari in Nandigram in the WB Election 2021. She will eternally keep fuming at the very thought of it. 
Suvendu Adhikari in his typical humorous style spelled it out in public at a blood donation camp at a Ganesh Puja pandal on 2021-09-10. 
* Suvendu's Baani 
* How India Travels 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sayani's Baani/ Kirti

Tollywood actress Sayani Ghosh, an alumni of Hirendra Leela Patranavis School (erstwhile, Better High School) in Golf Garden was made the youth leader of TMChii by the party proprietress after both of them lost the WB assembly election 2021 from their respective constituencies, viz. Asansol and Nandigram. 
Sayani/ Sayoni is a shame for the educated society. The attached video has a collage of whatever she has done in recent times commensurate with whatever can be expected from TMChii apologists!  
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Sayani's Baani 
* Sayani's Kirti 
* How India Travels 
* Sayani Speaks

The bar of Rishi Kapoor which he left behind

The bar of actor Rishi Kapoor at his home, which he left behind. 
* How India Travels 

Interrogation of fake DSP Siddhartha Chakraborty in progress

Interrogation of Siddhartha Chakraborty in progress moments after his arrest on 2021-09-08 late in the evening. He was masquerading as a fake DSP of WB Police consuming alcohol seated in a white Scorpio with two of his accomplices.  Personnel of Chandannagar Police Commissionerate arrested him from Chandannagar. 

* WestBengalFakeOfficials 
* Kolkata_CityOfFakeHumans 
* TMChiiHaiTohMumkinHai 
* BengalIsHappyToElectItsOwnGirl  
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Makebelief Cultural Superiority 
* BengalDoomed 
* BengalisShamed
* HowIndiaTravels 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Abhijit Sarkar's body reaches home after 4 months on 2021-09-09

Abhijit Sarkar, a small time BJP worker of Kankurgachi in Kolkata was brutally killed by TMChii supporters on the same evening after the WB election results were announced on 2021-05-02. 
Kolkata Police on the instructions of 'Nabanna' refused to hand over the body to his family. Abhijit's family had to approach the Kolkata High Court which ordered a DNA test of the deceased. The High Court also ordered a CBI enquiry into 'post poll violence' involving rapes and murders. 
Late Abhijit Sarkar's highly decomposed body was finally handed over for cremation to his elder brother Biswajit Sarkar from the morgue of NRS Medical College and Hospital on 2021-09-09. 
Here's the heart wrenching video of the body being brought back home in Kankurgachi in a hearse before being taken to Keoratala Burning Ghat for the last rites! 
* Post Poll Violence 
* WB Election 2021 
* How India Travels 

Fake DSP Siddhartha Chakraborty arrested from Chandannagar on 2021-09-08

One Siddhartha Chakraborty masquerading as a 'fake' Dy Superintendent of West Bengal Police (DSP) arrested from Ranighat, Chandannagar on 2021-09-08. He was seated in a white Scorpio bearing WB Police sticker and consuming alcohol with 2 of his accomplice. 
There should be a CBI enquiry to understand if these fake officials were involved in the WB state election 2021 duty. 
These fakes wouldn't have managed to survive for so long without the rock solid support of very important people in the administration. 

* WestBengalFakeOfficials 
* Kolkata_CityOfFakeHumans 
* TMChiiHaiTohMumkinHai 
* BengalIsHappyToElectItsOwnGirl  
* Bengal Is Happy With Its Makebelief Cultural Superiority 
* BengalDoomed 
* BengalisShamed
* HowIndiaTravels 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Mamata furious on ED for summoning Abhishek to Delhi

Mamata is furious on Enforcement Directorate for having summoned Abhishek and his wife Rujira to New Delhi for questioning in the coal scam case. 

Rujira did not visit the ED on 2021-09-01. Abhishek responded to the ED and visited them on 2021-09-06 and was questioned from 11 am to 8 pm. 

CID of West Bengal had also summoned Suvendu Adhikari (obviously on Mamata's instructions) on 2021-09-06 to question him on the unnatural death of one his security personnel in 2018. However, the High Court of Kolkata issued a judgement that no coercive action can be taken against Suvendu. Suvendu did not visit the CID on the said date. 

The ED summoned Abhishek Banerjee to Delhi for another round of questioning on 2021-09-08. Abhishek did not comply. 

Angry Mamata uses the most unparliamentary words to express her anger. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

'Manike Mange Hite' sung flawlessly by Ankita Bhattacharya

The song 'Manike Mange Hite' sung by Yohana is being replicated in Bengali, Tamil and many other languages across India. 

Here's Ankita Bhattacharya of Gobardanga in North 24 Parganas district in West Bengal, winner of SaReGaMaPa singing the same song. 

Yohana is the new Sri Lankan rap sensation

'Manike Mange Hite' has made Yohana D'Silva born in 1993 to a Sri Lankan army officer and an air hostess mother, the new Sri Lankan rap sensation. Everyone from the young to the old are humming the melodious tune without understanding a word of the lyrics. 
The song is being replicated in Bengali, Tamil and many other languages across India. 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

IG Amitabh Thakur being arrested for hushing up a rape of a 17 yrs old girl in Varanasi by a BSP MP

Atul Kumar Rai, MP, Bahujan Samaj Party, raped a young girl in Varanasi, UP. 

Inspector General of UP, Amitabh Thakur cooperated/ conspired with MP Atul Rai to hush up the rape case and to protect the MP.

Yogi Adityanath ordered the arrest of Inspector General Amitabh Thakur. The video shows how the IG is wriggling out, resisting his arrest. Police dumped him in a Mahindra Bolero and took him to jail. 
* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* योगी है तो सबकुछ मुमकिन है

Friday, September 3, 2021

Britannia, the over hyped Parsi restaurant in Fort, Mumbai

Britannia, the over hyped and too expensive Parsi restaurant in Weikfield House, Ballard Estate, opp New Custom House, Mumbai (estd. 1923) has Mahatma Gandhi and Queen Elizabeth sharing space on the same wall. 

There's a board warning all ‘no fighting’, 'no water to outsiders' and many more. 

* Foodie Roadie India 
* How India Travels 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Over 100 dead outside Kabul Airport in human bomber attack in end August 2021

Over 100 people died outside Kabul Airport in Afghanistan when a Taliban human bomber blew himself up in end August 2021. 

हम रात दिन भाजपा का प्रचार इसलिए नहीं करते कि भविष्य में हमको चुनाव लड़ना है हमारा स्वार्थ बस इतना है कि हम अपने परिवार को इस हालत में नहीं देखना चाहते 😥😓😓 

I support BJP because I don want to see my dear ones dead/ injured after a similar situation. 

* Afghanistan Recaptured By Talibans 
* How World Travels 

Mamata has sent IPS officers deputed for WB state election duty 2021 by Election Commission to compulsory waiting

IPS officers deputed by Election Commission of India for election duty during the WB Assembly Polls in 2021 have been sent on compulsory waiting by the heartless and vindictive lady after SHE gained access to he CM's chair for the third term on 2021-05-05. 
* Didir Kirti 
* Heartless Mamata 
* Vindictive Mamata 
* How India Travels

Owl Gandhi definition of GDP

Why Owl Gandhi is popularly called Pappu! Hear his definition of GDP. It's supposedly Gas, Diesel, Petrol. 
* Laugh Aloud 
* How India Travels 

Foundation stone for Ayush university laid in Gorakhpur, UP

Foundation stone for Ayush university laid in Gorakhpur, UP by CM, Yogi Adityanath. ₹299 crores earmarked for construction. The campus will house Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy and Yoga medicare. 
* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* Pathbreaking Initiatives By BJP Govt 
* What Has Modi Done 
* How India Travels 
* Keep Strong Stay Happy 
* Education And Career Pundit 

Dr Abantika Bhattacharya committed suicide because of heartless transfer policies of WB government

Heartless policies of the West Bengal health department forced Dr Abantika Bhattacharya (40) to commit suicide by setting herself on fire at her home in Behala, Kolkata on 2021-08-16 after writing a social media post citing her dissatisfaction in professional life. She breathed her last at SSKM Hospital on 2021-08-31. 
Abantika was posted in Midnapore Medical College as an Assistant Professor in Community Medicine for almost 8 years. She had a specially abled 8 years old daughter. She had repeatedly requested for a transfer to Kolkata. However, recently she was transferred to Diamond Harbour without any promotion. After that she went into depression and took the drastic step of committing suicide. 
Her husband, also a doctor (gynaecologist) is posted in Murshidabad. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Expose the arch Hindu haters

Expose the arch Hindu haters. 
* How India Travels 

What good did Manmohan Singh's education as an economist from Cambridge do for India

Shame on Dr Manmohan Singh. India got ruined under the aegis of an incompetent PM cum economist, Dr Manmohan Singh. 
What good did Manmohan Singh's education as an economist from Cambridge do for India? 
I wish that this powerful video wake people up from their slumber. It appears that people knowingly don't try to understand the bitter truth of Congress. After watching this video, there will still be people who will quip that Mr. Gurumurthy was a BJP agent. 

Video courtesy: Nation With NaMo
* How India Travels

Rail Bicycle

Rail Bicycle for better inspection of railway tracks. 

Shootout at a dhaba on NH14 (old, NH60) in Midnapore on 2021-08-28

Shootout at a 'dhaba' on NH14 (old, NH60) in Midnapore (near Kharagpur), West Bengal around 8 pm on 2021-08-28. On not finding the owner at the dhaba, the goons assaulted the manager and fired to scare him. They wanted an extortion amount of ₹1 lakh from the owner by Sunday 2021-09-29. 

For the uninitiated, NH14 connects Balasore (OD) with Morgram (WB) via Jaleswar, Kharagpur, Midnapore, Chandrakona Road, Garbeta, Bishnupur, Bankura, Durgapur, Panagarh, Ilambazar, Dubrajpur, Suri, Mohammed Bazar, Rampurhat, Nalhati. 

* Unsafe Bengal  
* No Planned Night Driving