Monday, October 9, 2023

RaGa carried empty suitcase with wheels on head

The deshdrohis of India were so impressed seeing their 'murkh' Gandha Owl (who they think is a common man), acting like a porter in red shirt and carrying an empty  suitcase with wheels for barely 5 seconds in mid September 2023. 

The PR agency of the diabolical Gandha khandaan is pure sh*i*t 💩💩💩. 

Modiji doing 'dhyan' at some cave high up in the Himalayas about 5 - 7 years ago or wearing a traditional tribal headgear along with tribals in Meghalaya were supposedly akin to events in junior school 'go as you like' contests 😡 

The evil anti Indian and anti Hindu designs of deshdrohis are out in the open. The highly communal id*i*ots want the corrupt to rule Bharat so that the 'khao and khaane do' continues. Simultaneously, they continue with their fake rhetoric that BJP and Modiji are spreading communal divide!  
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