Friday, February 11, 2022

Humming the Kacha Badam song is all that kids learned since March 2020

The growing generation in WasteBin is happy to announce that ever since the beginning of 2020 while schools have been closed, all that they have learned is to sing 'Kaacha Baadam'. 
That's exactly how the self proclaimed GreatestGiftOfGodToBengaliMankind wanted the situation to pan out because of the pandemic. The generation will remain uneducated and hawk merchandise on the streets to earn some legal money and support HER in her organized extortion racket to earn lakhs or crores! 
Her diabolical designs are evident with opening of teaching joints in early February 2022 under the open sky by naming her 'pokolpo' PARAI SHIKSHALAY. 'Gorrment' sponsored khela, mela, and every nonsense is on in full swing, but schools are still closed supposedly because of the pandemic. 

The kid in the video is not to be blamed. It's the fake culturally rich tribe of Bangali 'common man/ woman' and the 'buddhibichis' (self poclaimed intellectuals) who are to be blamed for his plight! 
* Kacha Badam 
* Bengal Doomed 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

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