Tuesday, October 13, 2020

We seek justice for Capt Saurabh Kalia

On June 9, 1999, Pakistan returned the disfigured bodies of CAPT SAURABH KALIA and his five men from JAT Regiment to India. They had been brutally tortured and killed by Pak Army just before Kargil war. Father, Dr. NK Kalia has fought alone in international courts, to get justice for these soldiers for the last 21 years, since GoI has not done much. The nation owes this family an apology for not standing with them.
Despite the grave injustice, the Kalia family continues to give back to the nation. The family recently built a multi-specialty hospital, CAPT SAURABH KALIA MEMORIAL Kaydee Hospital, in the memory of the brave soldier at Dadh, 15 kms from Dharamshala to cater to the medical needs of the villages within a radius of 10-12 kms. The hospital will provide affordable high quality treatment to the poor. The hospital was inaugurated on Sept 26, 2020
Source: HeroesInUniform 

* How India Travels 

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