Monday, October 19, 2020

Example of Social Distancing at Sreebhumi Sporting Club, Kolkata on Dwitiya, 2020-10-18

Her Highness had announced that Corona will be in lockdown mode in entire West Bengal during the Duga Puja 2020 celebration starting from Dwitiya, viz. Sunday, 2020-10-18. 
'Culturally rich' law abiding Bengalis believed in what was announced. 
They came out en masse and maintained 'perfect social distancing' 😠😠😠! 
Here's a glimpse from the camera of Journalist Ayan Ghoshal who was there at Sreebhumi Sporting Club, between Ultadanga and Laketown, off V.I.P. Road, Kolkata on 2020-10-18 evening. 

* How India Travels

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