Tuesday, October 20, 2020

There's nothing to rejoice about Amit Shah's remarks in October 2020 after the Tanishq ad

To those rejoicing about Amit Shah's 'No over activism' remark about Tanishq.
Amit Shah's personal opinions are none of our concern. Tanishq should, and WILL be punished by Hindus for being insensitive to happenings in the 'secular world' against innocent Hindus.
We stayed neutral when they threw Hindus out of Kashmir and Kairana. We stayed silent when those in the UPA government fed biryani to the 26-11 attacker while they gave 3rd degree to a sadhvi and an army colonel because of their religion.
We stayed silent when they took over narratives in the court and media and used them to tell us how bad we are.
Rest assured, an Amit Shah will not be able to tell us what to do.
(Copied from Narayani Ranganathan)
* How India Travels 

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