Sunday, October 25, 2020

Arnab Goswami live on Republic on 2020-10-24

Arnab LIVE on the #RepublicWitchhunt & #ParamBirScam 
Courtesy: Post on Republic at 1.26 pm on 2020-10-24. 

* How India Travels

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

There's nothing to rejoice about Amit Shah's remarks in October 2020 after the Tanishq ad

To those rejoicing about Amit Shah's 'No over activism' remark about Tanishq.
Amit Shah's personal opinions are none of our concern. Tanishq should, and WILL be punished by Hindus for being insensitive to happenings in the 'secular world' against innocent Hindus.
We stayed neutral when they threw Hindus out of Kashmir and Kairana. We stayed silent when those in the UPA government fed biryani to the 26-11 attacker while they gave 3rd degree to a sadhvi and an army colonel because of their religion.
We stayed silent when they took over narratives in the court and media and used them to tell us how bad we are.
Rest assured, an Amit Shah will not be able to tell us what to do.
(Copied from Narayani Ranganathan)
* How India Travels 

RaGa said that Mahatma Gandhi picked up the idea of non-violence from Islam

The OvergrownAdolescent januedhari catwa babbles that Mahatma Gandhi picked up the idea of non-violence from the religion of piss 😡 

* How India Travels

Monday, October 19, 2020

Mamata sent Corona into lockdown mode during Durga Puja 2020

Her Highness thought that Corona are her TMChii blind supporters. With absolute elan she declared that she is sending Corona into a lockdown mode so that people across West Bengal can celebrate Durga Puja 2020 with gay abandon w.e.f Dwitiya, Sunday 2020-10-18. 
Listen to what she said. 

* Didir Baani 
* How India Travels

Example of Social Distancing at Sreebhumi Sporting Club, Kolkata on Dwitiya, 2020-10-18

Her Highness had announced that Corona will be in lockdown mode in entire West Bengal during the Duga Puja 2020 celebration starting from Dwitiya, viz. Sunday, 2020-10-18. 
'Culturally rich' law abiding Bengalis believed in what was announced. 
They came out en masse and maintained 'perfect social distancing' 😠😠😠! 
Here's a glimpse from the camera of Journalist Ayan Ghoshal who was there at Sreebhumi Sporting Club, between Ultadanga and Laketown, off V.I.P. Road, Kolkata on 2020-10-18 evening. 

* How India Travels

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Corona is rolling into West Bengal from other states via truck tyres - Didir Baani in early October 2020

A PhD from a non-existent East Georgia University who feels that she is the 'GreatestGiftOfGodToBengaliMankind' has confirmed sitting in Jhargram Stadium in East Midnapore district of West Bengal during her district administrative meeting on Wednesday, 7th October 2020 that Corona has been rolling in to her state riding piggyback on truck tyres through the border toll plazas. She also said, "The administration must be very careful and should check the samples of the lorry tires at toll plazas". 
She went on to add that if 'forensic' tests are to be conducted, her predictions would be correct. Wow!!! 

* Didir Baani 
* Laugh Aloud 
* How India Travels 

Minority Commission has sought for an explanation from Chief Secretary of West Bengal on the humiliation issue of bodyguard Balvinder Singh on 2020-10-08

Mamata's government has a lot of answering to do on its fascism reaching repulsive levels every passing day. 
On 2020-10-08, her cops brutally manhandled Balvinder Singh, a Sikh bodyguard, of Tejasvi Surya during the call for a march to 'Nabanna', her seat of power across the Hooghly River in Howrah, West Bengal. The cops pulled off his turban and pulled him by his hairs. He was dragged by his collar and put behind bars. 
The Minority Commission of India has sought an explanation from the Chief Secretary of West Bengal. 

* How India Travels

RaGa said that had Congress been in power, it would have vanished the Chinese from Indian territory in 15 mins

RaGa, the overgrown adolescent never fails to shame our motherland, its valiant armed forces and it's citizens. 
Doesn't he know that his great grandfather was the one who facilitated the Chinese to easily occupy 1200 sq. kms of Indian territory. RaGa went on to add that had Congress been in power, it would have vanished the Chinese from Indian territory in 15 mins 

* How India Travels

We seek justice for Capt Saurabh Kalia

On June 9, 1999, Pakistan returned the disfigured bodies of CAPT SAURABH KALIA and his five men from JAT Regiment to India. They had been brutally tortured and killed by Pak Army just before Kargil war. Father, Dr. NK Kalia has fought alone in international courts, to get justice for these soldiers for the last 21 years, since GoI has not done much. The nation owes this family an apology for not standing with them.
Despite the grave injustice, the Kalia family continues to give back to the nation. The family recently built a multi-specialty hospital, CAPT SAURABH KALIA MEMORIAL Kaydee Hospital, in the memory of the brave soldier at Dadh, 15 kms from Dharamshala to cater to the medical needs of the villages within a radius of 10-12 kms. The hospital will provide affordable high quality treatment to the poor. The hospital was inaugurated on Sept 26, 2020
Source: HeroesInUniform 

* How India Travels 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Why was Mumbai Police CP unmoved after the lynching of sadhus in Palghar

Will the Mumbai CP care to answer? The entire nation wants to know. 
Was the lynching of an innocent sadhu in the presence of police in Palghar of no importance to the CP? 

* How India Travels 

WB police brutality on BJP workers on 2020-10-08 in Howrah

Barbaric ruthlessness by Mamata's cops on BJP workers who wanted to peacefully march to 'Nabanna', the seat of power of WB government on 2020-10-08. 
Whole of India watched with disdain the utter lawlessness prevailing in the wasted state.

* How India Travels 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

West Bengal Police ruthlessness on BJP workers who were marching to 'Nabanna' on 2020-10-08

Mamata Banerjee's police resorted to extreme ruthlessness to stop BJP workers from marching to 'Nabanna', her seat of power on 2020-10-08. 
The police not only lathicharged and grievously injured BJP men and women, they also sprayed concentrated chemicals from water canons which resulted in innumerable people getting admitted to hospitals. 
* venomous 
* diabolical 
* Didir Kirti 
* How India Travels

BJP processionists marching to 'Nabanna' on 2020-10-08

Mamata had predicted that BJP Yuva Morcha's call for a peaceful march to 'Nabanna' building, her seat of power across the Hooghly River in Howrah would find unprecedented number of people converging at the location on Thursday, 2020-10-08. 
She preferred to keep the building shut for the day, ostensibly to sanitize the entire building. 
The photos of all important roads on 2020-10-08 morning leading to 'Nabanna' speaks of how frustrated people are with her and style of functioning. 

* How India Travels

Friday, October 9, 2020

Adopted daughter of Indira Gandhi begs for survival

Adopted daughter of Indira Gandhi begs for survival. Wasn't the motive to adopt a strategy to win election in UP? 

* How India Travels

West Bengal Police personnel lobbed bombs from rooftop of houses on 2020-10-08

Khaki clad West Bengal Police personnel were spotted hurling bombes from rooftop of houses on BJP workers during their march to 'Nabanna', Mamata Banerjee's seat of power across the Hooghly River in Howrah. 
This shameful action by police was on 2020-10-08. 

* How India Travels 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Underpass under railway tracks completed in AP less than 5 hrs

A 38 mtrs long underpass was completed under the Howrah - Chennai 4 tracks main railway line in less than 5 hrs in July 2018. The work was initiated by Waltair Division of East Coast Railway in Andhra Pradesh. 
Here's a time lapse video of the work being done. 
Proud to be an Indian seeing a fast paced new India in the making. 
* How India Travels