Monday, April 22, 2019

Laws don't apply to the 'appeased class' in West Bengal

Hundreds or maybe thousands of a special class of very 'peaceful and appeased citizens' of sickular West Bengal (100% sarcasm intended) had a free run over Vidyasagar Setu (2nd Hooghly River Bridge) connecting Kolkata with Howrah on Saturday, 2019-04-20 evening.

Did anybody spot anyone with helmets?
Did anybody spot a single cop shooing away anybody?

The seat of power of the Government of West Bengal which supposedly is a high security zone is less than 500 mtrs away.

If anyone of us communal roadies stop for a moment to click photos or pray to Ganga Mata for our well-being, we will be nabbed by the cops and severely punished.

Be wise and travel at your own risk when in Bengal 😠
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