Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Warning ❗️ an extremely controversial post you may not expect from me; but nothing comes in the way of hitting hard (with facts), when it comes to national interest.
I’m not a ‘Sanghi’; neither proud of this fact, nor ashamed; though ideologically admire RSS greatly; mainly for the selfless service they’re doing for the nation in diverse fields, and for being the fist to rescue citizens with relief measures during any calamity/disaster. That said, not a small thing though, am not blindly enamoured by whatever their boss does. For example, the unnecessary appeasement they’re now following to woo the ‘Meems’.  See, remaining politically correct, or saying/doing nothing against them is one thing, perfectly OK; but going too far to appease (ya, they often do it and have a Wing and a big budget for it) is another. The test should be the results …. any success in bringing an iota of change in their mindset, or even get votes for a nationalist party; ever? If not, why not be clear headed to openly work to strengthen the nationalists only; and declare it so?

This brings me to the main reason for writing on RSS today (never did it before). Because am terribly annoyed at their boss for his misdemeanour, rather crude comments, taking advantage of his post, against a person who single handedly has done far far more (if not a thousand times) than this organisation did in decades…. that’s PM Narendra Modi, who has not only given strength to the nation loving Hin-dus to speak for themselves, (yes, could you utter a word before 2014?), but done a hundred more things to restore their dignity….. the once in a centuries kind of nation-building works, in addition.

So, my anger is against this ‘autocratic’ RSS boss, the ‘Sarsanghchalak’ Mr MOHAN BHAGWAT, who has bestowed upon himself the prohibitive title of ‘Param Pujya’ too. He’s already 74 (11.9.1950), continuing to occupy the post since March 2009, 15-1/2 yrs 😳.  Didn’t have any bright credentials to be there in the first place (Agriculture Husbandry graduate, no PG or Doctorate as claimed), and with no distinguished achievements before, or Statesman-like visionary statements after, either. Rather have seen queer behaviour; eg bestowing highest honours on a Congressi Pranab Mukherjee, and publicly speaking against the Govt policies often, whom they profess to support 🤯 !

👉 What the hell provoked him to behave against PM Modi publicly? Is his IQ level that of Papu’s? Was it such a big crime committed by Modi when he displayed extreme modesty by saying that “I’m only a medium to serve the nation, the real doer is Ishwar”. Anyone aware of Sanatan philosophy would understand that we all are mere performers/doers of the ‘Will of God’ (मैं तों मात्र एक निमित हूँ, परमात्मा का कार्य पूर्ण करने के लिए); isn’t it true also? Likewise, does he always not give credit to the 1.4 billion Indians for whatever is being achieved by him as PM? So, should Mr BHAGWAT choose this as an excuse to abuse PM? Who doesn’t understand who was his target and the intent? Will RaGa not accentuate this in Parliament? 

Therefore, to me it’s abundantly clear that Mr Bhagwat has been nursing a grudge against Modi for something else, but found the occasion to attack when he perceived him on a weaker wicket than in 2019, or 2014. In fact once earlier too spoke against Govt (taking Opposition line on Reservation, and caused a huge dent to BJP in election outcome). Is it an Ego problem, to prove himself superior? Modi gave him the Z+ security coverage (the only person, and highest possible); gave him the highest honour at Ram Mandir inauguration, and has always praised RSS profusely. 👉 We also know RSS didn’t help during 2024 elections as they used to before; nobody saw their volunteers (Karyakartas) on booths or knocking at doors, unlike before; for whatever reason. And, sure one can’t expect such a juvenile, suicidal behavior, if at all it was in reaction to JP Nadda’s remarks, too. Well, it’s their prerogative, if he wants to bring in his ‘The Man’ (Gadkari …. or whosoever); BUT this double speak is not what the BJP/Hindus should be expecting from a man of his position, the largest social NGO in the world. Would strongly urge him to resign soonest; certainly before he turns 75 next year.

👉 To repeat, this post is NOT against RSS, but only the sticky boss who wants to cling to the chair till eternity, and not grooming talent to take over. Whatever the issues, should’ve been thrashed out closed door; nobody can deny him meetings at his calls. I too won’t have written a public post, but forced to when he chose to go public. For whom is Modi dying working so hard, and who’s there to speak for him; even in BJP? You may, therefore, like to share, if agree; so that all concerned, including the right-minded social media activists get the points to come up with. 

Copied from the Facebook wall post dated 2024-09-08 of Sushil Kumar Rajpal

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