Tuesday, August 27, 2024

How is it that a truck loaded with construction material was parked on the railway tracks at 1.30 am in a location near Farakka in WB where a large chunk of the population are Muzlims? The truck was not even there on a proper road. 

A major mishap was averted because the alert locomotive driver of Radhikapur Express applied the emergency brakes. The engine nevertheless hit the truck and caught fire. A couple of bogies of the express train got derailed. 

Almost 30 railway accidents have happened in about 70 days ever since the Lok Sabha election results were declared on 2024-06-04 and 'true' citizens of India rejected the I.N.D.I Alliance. 

The overgrown adolescent murkh of the Gandha khandaan with backing from overseas have gone berserk and trying to destabilize India in every way possible 😡. 
* How India Travels

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