Thursday, June 22, 2023

Didir Baani - She will rule as long as she keeps bluffing about industries and job creation

She will continue bluffing about investments by industrialists in the state and consequent creation of employment opportunities because she knows that Bangalis in reality are far more happy getting ₹500 for every lady in the household, a cycle for a school going child for free, a smartphone/ tablet for every child in class 11 and 12, and unlimited number of pouches of country liquor at ₹28 a pouch without having to work in factories or in the market. Little wonders that the slogan 'Bangla-ke Gujarat hotey debo na' appealed to know-it-all Bangalis a lot before the 2021 WB state assembly elections! 
* Didir Baani in Diamond Harbour loksabha constituency in mid-June 2023 before the Panchayat Elections 2023. 
* How India Travels 
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