Saturday, May 27, 2023

SENGOL is actually an important piece of our culture, tradition and history, dating back to Chola period

What was displayed in Allahabad museum as Golden Walking Stick gifted to
Nehru, is actually an important piece of our culture, tradition and history, dating back to Chola period. 

This gold coated silver sceptre features an intricately carved ‘nandi’ at the top, is five feet in height, and it is called SENGOL. It represents Power and Justice. It is considered a symbol of authority, and transfer of power from one ruler to another. 
The ruler who is handed the Sengol, is supposed to govern in a fair and impartial manner. 
On August 14th 1947, the then PM Nehru, received #Sengol as a symbol of achieving Independence from the British rule. 

Now thanks to @narendramodi government, this important piece of our history which till date was unknown to most of us, will be revived, and installed in the new Parliament building. It will be placed in a glass case next to the Speaker's seat. 

(Copied from Rupa Murthy) 

It is because of Modiji's relentless efforts that we are getting to know the evil designs of Nehru - Gandhi khandaan. 
* What Has Modi Done 

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