Saturday, May 13, 2023

36,000 untrained primary school teachers in WB to be sacked

Who provided the inspiration (ANUPERONA) to appoint the 36,000 untrained primary school teachers who will be rendered unemployed in Queen's Republic of WB within the next 4 months starting 2023-05-12 on orders passed by the High Court in Kolkata 🤔 

Remember the DOBOL DOBOL CHAKRI HOBE screams by a Queen Bee 👑🐝! 

The minimum sum of money which could have clandestinely gone to the Queen Bee's coffers would be is 36,000 x ₹7 lakhs! 

How many of these 36,000 were assigned WB state election duty in 2021 🤔. A CBI probe is urgently needed. 

There are Modihaters who still believe that one diabolical lady deserves respect! 
* EventsOfIndia 
* HowIndiaTravels

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