Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Mamata's misguided youth supporters swarmed trains to Sealdah on 2022-08-29 morning

On the first working day of the week (2022-08-29), SHE and her nephew called a meeting of TMChii youths  in Kolkata (read, rogues) whose lives the diabolical family decimated to smitherns since May 2011. The message to the youths was loud and clear, 'engage in violence, engage in wrongdoings, our administration will turn a blind eye'. 
Her rogues attended en masse to hear her and her vaipo inciting impressionable minds devoid of logic and education. 
The accompanying video from Shyamnagar railway station would give you a glimse of the lawlessness prevailing in this wasted state. The rogues inside the train have locked up the doors from inside so that regular office-goers don't hamper their privacy. Early in the morning, HER inspired followers travelling to Kolkata are said to be consuming liquor with meat sitting inside with locked doors. 

There are a whole lot of comfortably placed men and women who strongly believe that the venomous LADY deserves respect. Yes, I know a few of them.

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