Sunday, August 14, 2022

Didir Baani - she is visibly shaken after the arrest of Partha and Anubrata

She went to Delhi to beg for mercy from none other than the PM with yellow bouquet of flowers. Got a solid 'jhaar' from the PM in early August 2022, came back with blackened face. Even before she could wipe off the shame, her diehard loyalist Anubrata Mondal got arrested on Thursday, 2022-08-11. She has started feeling the intense heat of ED and CBI. As is expected of her, she has already started inciting TMChii rogues to resort to unprecedented violence from her hurriedly called meeting from Manton in Behala on 2022-08-14. Her rhetoric was that she went to Delhi to 'demand' money for the state while in reality she went to 'beg' for money to bailout the state whose exchequer is empty. 

It's evident that during her recent visit to Delhi, even Maino snubbed her. It's evident that her Prime Ministerial dreams have gone 'phoose' because the other political rogues want to stay clear from her. 

Hear how shamelessly she is batting for her dearest rogue cum star fund raiser, Kesto (Hanubrata) who was ultimately arrested by CBI from his home in Shantiniketan on 2022-08-11. Notably, she didn't utter a word about her lieutenant Partha Chatterjee (incidentally the MLA from Behala) who was arrested on 2022-07-23 morning. 

She has openly announced that from 16th August it will be 'KHELA HOBE' throughout Waste Bengal. After communicating her wishes for unleashing violence, she said it will be games of football and badminton throughout every nook and corner of the state! 

Absolutely diabolical 😡 

She is visibly shaken after the arrest of Partha and Anubrata. 

Video courtesy: Aaj Bikel 
* Didir Baani

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