Monday, April 25, 2022

Investors won't invest in Bengal to watch tigerr, rising sun

With rhetorics about tigerr, sunrise and more such cr*p, it will be utter stupidity to expect that investors would be keen to invest in a WasteBin 🤔 
She is not at all serious about creating a congenial investment environment in the state. She has no clues of how to go about doing it and neither does she want to learn about it. 
Nothing better can be expected from HER. 
Hear HER sales pitch during Bengal Global Business Summit held in Kolkata with lots of fanfare in April 2022.
A handful of industrialists had a gala vacation in Kolkata for 3 days at our expenses and HER whims.
* Didir Baani
* Bengal Doomed
* Bengalis Shamed
* How India Travels
* Events Of India

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