Sunday, January 30, 2022

WB has actually turned bankrupt by January 2022

WB is bankrupt. Self proclaimed culturally rich Bengalis are like ostriches with their heads buried deep into the ground. It's not that they don't understand the implications at all! 
This has happened because of one single lady's bid to project herself as extremely knowledgeable, extremely caring while donning the make belief crown of being the Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind. All these in spite of the lady being an absolute 'angootha chaap' autocratic compulsive bluffer. She has shamelessly promoted government sponsored extortion to an extent that has been unheard of in Indian history. Little wonders that the wasted state has been transformed to a WasteBin between May 2011 and January 2022. 
The anti national CheePeeEms wanted the state to perish ever since 1977. People of WB booted out the commies in 2011 only to vote to power an even more diabolical and power hungry individual who is aspirational but lacks abilities. 
In mid 2021, people of WB who love thriving on alms rejoiced for the third time in a row for managing to push the state into impending oblivion with the rhetoric that 'thankfully WB will not become like UP, GJ, MP, KA'! 
It's repulsive to note that there are well heeled Modihaters in this state who strongly feel that the proprietress of the party ruling the state should be respected for being a woman. The prime reason for them to remain Modihaters is the loss of lots of unaccounted slush money after one epic announcement by Modiji at 8 pm on 2016-11-08. 
Video courtesy: CN - Calcutta News 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

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