Monday, January 24, 2022

Parai Shikshalay

Parai Shikshalay (like Duare Sarkar) is the diabolical lady's newest scheme in WasteBin. Schools must remain closed citing Covid as an alibi. 

Education must be relegated to the dumps at any cost! 

Bangalis are very happy that they didn't allow West Bengal to become Gujarat or UP. Plus they are extremely happy getting ₹5 dimbhaat, ₹500 spitted as alms to their wives, mothers and daughters and most importantly local hooch in pouches to be had with telebhaja for ₹28. 

The CheePeeEms converted to ChiiPeeMuls (in mind and spirit) will remain happy with Bangla culture and language. 

The buddhibichi teachers of government aided schools and colleges will keep blabbering nonsense while earning their fat paycheck with minimal efforts. They are mighty happy that WasteBin is managing to keep cronie capitalists far away. 

Modihaters who lost a lot of slush money on 8th November 2016 will swear that the 'lady' must be shown respect. 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

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