Monday, January 31, 2022

Rotten English - Presar Cucar

Fallout of 34 years of Commie rule followed by 10 years of diabolical rule in West Bengal (ever since 1977) have resulted in atleast 5 generations of Bengalis gone waste. A few more generations are waiting in the sidelines. 
'Shameless' teachers of government and government aided schools in this wasted state and the infamously obnoxious CheePeeEm + TMChii apologists will say that English is not their mother tongue. 
It's a planned effort to produce more and more unemployable youths who will live on alms ('bhaata'). 
Only pathetically weak and incompetent people will support such terrible lacuna in communication. 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Rotten English 
* Laugh Aloud   
* অট্টহাসি_হাসুন  
* How India Travels

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Coal Gas Holder of DPL razed to the ground in January 2022

The coal gas holder of the now shut shut down state owned Durgapur Projects Ltd (DPL) erected during end of 1950s was razed to the ground in end January 2022. 
The structure was an iconic landmark of the industrial city of Durgapur. 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India 

Madan equated Netaji's work with that of Mamata

Just prior to Netaji's 125th birthday celebration in January 2022, Mod-on said that it's Mamata only who can continue with the 'aandolans' started by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose!
The audacity and shamelessness of these TMChii goons have reached dizzying heights 😡
* How India Travels
* Events Of India

WB has actually turned bankrupt by January 2022

WB is bankrupt. Self proclaimed culturally rich Bengalis are like ostriches with their heads buried deep into the ground. It's not that they don't understand the implications at all! 
This has happened because of one single lady's bid to project herself as extremely knowledgeable, extremely caring while donning the make belief crown of being the Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind. All these in spite of the lady being an absolute 'angootha chaap' autocratic compulsive bluffer. She has shamelessly promoted government sponsored extortion to an extent that has been unheard of in Indian history. Little wonders that the wasted state has been transformed to a WasteBin between May 2011 and January 2022. 
The anti national CheePeeEms wanted the state to perish ever since 1977. People of WB booted out the commies in 2011 only to vote to power an even more diabolical and power hungry individual who is aspirational but lacks abilities. 
In mid 2021, people of WB who love thriving on alms rejoiced for the third time in a row for managing to push the state into impending oblivion with the rhetoric that 'thankfully WB will not become like UP, GJ, MP, KA'! 
It's repulsive to note that there are well heeled Modihaters in this state who strongly feel that the proprietress of the party ruling the state should be respected for being a woman. The prime reason for them to remain Modihaters is the loss of lots of unaccounted slush money after one epic announcement by Modiji at 8 pm on 2016-11-08. 
Video courtesy: CN - Calcutta News 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Monica, Oh My Darling ....

Monica, Oh My Darling …. 

Republic Day 2022 celebration rehearsal by Indian Navy on 2022-01-22 ❤️❤️❤️ 

I love my New India ❤
* Republic Day 2022 Celebration Reforms 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Pissful youths of Rajasthan taught a lesson of their life in Kashmir

A couple of pissful youths had travelled from Rajasthan to Kashmir. 
There they raised anti-Indian slogans. The illegitimate sons of their Paki uncles had screamed Pakistan Zindabad. They  had also screamed that they will never allow India to become a Hindu Rashtra. 
Our forces rightfully taught them to respect Bharat. 
Catwas in India should either shape up or ship out to their hoors! 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Why doesn't the Pope chant the Gayatri Mantra

Isn't Gayatri Mantra as universal a hymn s Abide With Me? 
Why doesn't the Pope chant the Gayatri Mantra at St. Peter's Square in Vatican, everyday 🤔 
Abide With Me removed. 
* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* Pathbreaking Initiatives By Modi Govt 
* Pathbreaking Initiatives By BJP Govt 

Monday, January 24, 2022

People want Yogiji in UP

Laal Topi, Moti Bua and Pappini should stop dreaming of ruling Uttam Pradesh in their lifetime. 
The verdict of people are loud and clear. 

Source: India TV opinion poll 
* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* How India Travels

Parai Shikshalay

Parai Shikshalay (like Duare Sarkar) is the diabolical lady's newest scheme in WasteBin. Schools must remain closed citing Covid as an alibi. 

Education must be relegated to the dumps at any cost! 

Bangalis are very happy that they didn't allow West Bengal to become Gujarat or UP. Plus they are extremely happy getting ₹5 dimbhaat, ₹500 spitted as alms to their wives, mothers and daughters and most importantly local hooch in pouches to be had with telebhaja for ₹28. 

The CheePeeEms converted to ChiiPeeMuls (in mind and spirit) will remain happy with Bangla culture and language. 

The buddhibichi teachers of government aided schools and colleges will keep blabbering nonsense while earning their fat paycheck with minimal efforts. They are mighty happy that WasteBin is managing to keep cronie capitalists far away. 

Modihaters who lost a lot of slush money on 8th November 2016 will swear that the 'lady' must be shown respect. 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

None of the DMs from WB attended the virtual meeting with PM Modi on 2022-01-22

PM Modi had called for a virtual meeting of District Magistrates spread across the country on Saturday 2022-01-22. 
Not a single DM from West Bengal was present in the meeting. Imagine the audacity! 
It's needless to mention that it was the Aspirational PM Without Capabilities, viz. present CM of the wasted state who is providing the IAS the inspiration (anuperona with a missing r) to be indisciplined. 
These men and women will rightfully face the music once the new service rules for IAS get rolled out after mid March 2022. 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Didir Baani - Mamata's story on Pichaboni Bridge and Matangini Hazra on 2022-01-23

Mamata's story on Pichaboni Bridge and Matangini Hazra on 2022-01-23. 

SHE never fails to blabber nonsense without blinking an eyelid in her bid to project herself as the Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind! 
* Didir Kirti 
* Headful Of Lice  (ukoon) 
* Headful Of Lies 
* Storyteller Didi 
* Compulsive Bluffer Didi exposed  
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Didir Baani - Rabindranath supposedly made Gandhi break his fast in 1947

আজ (2022-01-23) পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ইতিহাসে স্মরনীয় দিন । আজ আমাদের মাননীয়া মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ১৯৪১ সালে প্রয়াত রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরকে দিয়ে ১৯৪৭ সালের ১৫ই আগস্ট গান্ধীজির অনশন ভঙ্গ করিয়েছেন ।
মৃত মানুষকে বাঁচিয়ে তোলার তালিকায় যীশুখৃষ্ট আর ত্রৈলঙ্গস্বামীর সাথে ওনার নামটাও যোগ হলো । 

* Didir Baani 
* Headful Of Lice  (ukoon) 
* Headful Of Lies 
* Storyteller Didi 
* Compulsive Bluffer Didi exposed  
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Didir Kirti - শঙ্খ বাজাতে গিয়ে একি অবস্থা 🤭

শঙ্খ বাজাতে গিয়ে একি অবস্থা (2022-01-23) 🤭 
শঙ্খধ্বনী আর পেছনের ধ্বনী  সব মিলেমিশে একাক্কার। শেষে শঙ্খটাও বিরোধীতা করলো? 

এটা রাজনীতি নয়।  ব্রাহ্মণ কুলে জন্ম নিয়ে এ কি। হাটে হাড়ি ভেঙে গেল। বাড়িতে মা কালীর পুজো হয় অথচ শাঁখ বাজাতে হিমশিম খাচ্ছে! অহংকারে  সবকিছুই পতন হচ্ছে এবং হতে থাকবে! অলক্ষ্মী মহিলা। 

বাংলায় একটা  প্রবাদ আছে, 'গায়ে মানে না আপনি মোড়াল'।  পিসির ও সেই অবস্থা হয়েছে!!

ইউটিউবার দের হাতে একটা নতুন মিম তুলে দিয়েছে পিসি!!! এখন সিনেমা /সিরিয়াল  এর যা অবস্থা  এদের দেখেই পয়সা  উসুল  করতে হচ্ছে। 

এনার আগাগোড়া সবটাই তো নাটক। সবটাই তো ধোঁকা। সব ধরা পড়ে যাচ্ছে! 

Why wasn't Babool Supriyo called on stage to blow the conch shell 🤔 
That could have thrown open some opportunities for the opportunist to be within 11' of his new maalkin. PresentPresently he is totally unemployed. 
* Didir Kirti 
* Headful Of Lice  (ukoon) 
* Headful Of Lies 
* Storyteller Didi 
* Compulsive Bluffer Didi exposed  
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Madan Mitra's expression of revolt within TMChii in mid January 2022

The revolt within TMChii is tumbling out in the open. 
It's Madan Mitra in mid January 2022, although he tried his level best to downplay the statements made by him. 
Madan Mitra literally challenged the roles of Partha Chatterjee and Abhishek Banerjee. 
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* Events Of India

Dream of every youth who had the right upbringing

The dream of every youth who had the right upbringing 👍

Sarcasm at its best by Anand Ranganathan. 
Pappu and his apologists massacred with one single Tweet before the UP Assembly Elections 2022.
* How India Travels

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

She doesn't like to see Modiji's photo in Covid vaccination certificates

I too can't tolerate your know-it-all constipated smile staring at me from billboards across WasteBin! 
Why do you behave as if you are the #GreatestGiftOfGodToBengaliMankind 🤔 

Another cringe #DidirBaani 
Will this obnoxious lady ever realize that right thinking and honest nationalists love Modiji and will keep loving him! 

* How India Travels

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Students of Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata danced to the tune of obscene lyrics of a popular Ravindra Sangeet in March 2020

Shameless boys and girls danced and giggled to the tune of obscene lyrics of a popular Rabindra Sangeet to celebrate Holi in March 2020. 
Location: Inside Rabindra Bharati University, B.T. Road, Kolkata. 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

UNICEF supposedly acknowledged Duare Sakar. A big bluff

Blatant lie being propagated by a Minister of Gorment of WasteBin, days before the Gangasagar Mela in January 2022. 
Once the bluff has been exposed, the 'monti' has tendered a cursory apology! 
The banner claims that UNICEF has appreciated the 'Duare Sarkar' scheme floated by the 'gorment'. It's a known fact that there's no such acknowledgement by UNICEF. 
Location of these flex banners: All over Gangasagar. 

* HowIndiaTravels 
* EventsOfIndia

Some Hindus in CG took oath to boycott business dealings with Muslims

The attached video is from Surguja in Chhattisgarh where some Hindus are taking oath to NOT have any kind of business dealings/ transactions with minorities. 

Democracy hai bhai, Freedom Of Speech aur Freedom Of Expression hai. 

If these rights are applicable to someone whose religion preaches only THEIR GOD is worthy of respect, only believers/followers of THAT religion are worthy of respect, then it should be applicable to Hindus too. 

Copied from Rupa Murthy 
* HowIndiaTravels 
* EventsOfIndia

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Serious security lapse in Punjab during PM Modiji's visit on 2022-01-05

It is a mockery of Democracy that PM's convoy was stuck on a flyover in Punjab on 2022-01-05. 
This serious security lapse caused by the arrogance of CONgress Govt in Punjab will be the last nail in its coffin.
People of Punjab will teach the Fake Gandhis a big lesson in the forthcoming Elections. 

* BharatStandsWithModiJi 

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* EventsOfIndia

Jai Hind and Happy 2022 to our gallant soldiers

Let's wish these gallant Indians a warm Jai Hind and Happy 2022. 
They are the ones who toil it out 24x7 in hostile weather conditions in treacherous terrains to ensure that we can sleep peacefully and comfortably in the warm comfort of our homes. 
* HowIndiaTravels

UGC has changed undergraduate History syllabus in colleges

Ever since 1947, the Khangress made it a point to always project the Muscleman as Holy Cows by placing them high on pedestals in school and college syllabus. 
Nobody dared to question the Gandhas and their @$$lickers on why Hindu culture and dynasties were not taught as elaborately as the Mughal plunderers. 
India has had enough of the nonsense for almost 70 years. UGC has now ensured that undergraduate History syllabus projects the truth, etc, etc, etc about India. 

* WhatHasModiDone 
* PathbreakingInitiativesByModiGovt 
* PathbreakingInitiativesByBjpGovt 
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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Netaji is not 1 of top 10 alumni of Presidency University

In its 200 years of existence, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's name doesn't  figure in the list of top 10 alumnii of Presidency University (erstwhile, Presidency College), Kolkata. However, Aparna Sen's name does figure! 😡 
Shame, shame, shame. 
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* EventsOfIndia