Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The prodigal son of a badshah

The prodigal son of a badshah .... 

As soon as he could get sexually active, he was. Education didn't help him so contraception was alien idea. He got a girl pregnant. The girl threatened the family. Thus the baby was born. Society will laugh at his son so the father took the rap for it. As a man walking into sunset, he sold the world an illusion that he was still building a family
He made the wife go through amazing embarrassment too. The pre menopausal woman had to act (although not an actress) like she badly wanted a surrogate baby. 
They raised their grandchild as their own child. Father gave this grandchild his name. Wife stood miffed. The mother in her wanted to whack her son so she avoided the public glare
The son cringes at the pain he caused his parents ( we think ). He is grateful and hopes to be a better human being since gratitude fills his being. 
Within 3 years he is back in the party, drugs and casual dalliance space again. Gets busted for drug use and drug possession.
Father comes to the rescue calling media, cops, politicians and every 'anyone significant' he knows. He must save...his prodigal son. The father is an avid reader with book lust and biblomania. But this son didn't get even 1/10th of that eh?
Was the son made in a phase when the father was sloshed in wine, ash, party noise and banned substance ? Is Guilt that makes the father keep saving his prodigal son? Or is it name / status he protects? 

* Little Known Facts 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India 

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