Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Professor Nasir bin Suleiman ul Omar of Saudi Arabia says that Hindus in India are in a deep sleep

Warning: Professor Nasir bin Suleiman ul Omar of Saudi Arabia says that Hindus in India are in a deep sleep. 

Nasir bin Suleiman ul Omar, a Saudi Arabian professor says, "India is in a deep sleep.  Islam is growing rapidly, thousands of Muslims have infiltrated the police, military, bureaucracy, etc. and entered the important  organization. Islam is already the second largest religion in India. India is on the brink of destruction.  Just as the rise of a nation takes decades, its destruction requires time.
India will not end overnight. This will be phased out.  We Muslims continue to work towards that very seriously.  India will surely be destroyed." 
It's high time we Hindus wake up from our slumber and start becoming wiser. 

About 65,000 babies are born every day in India.  Of these, about 40,000 are Muslim children and about 25,000 are children of Hindus and other religions.  Of the children born now, Muslims are in the majority, and Hindus are in the minority.  At this rate, by 2050, Muslims will be the majority in India.
No one can stop India from becoming a Muslim nation then as India will burn instantly in the fire of riots. Muslims will kill the Hindus and bring them to an end.  Today, according to government figures, Muslims make up about 20% of the population, but in reality they exceed 25%. Government figures are incorrect because Wahhabi Muslims deliberately hide real numbers and do not record this rising population as their weapon to keep their Kafir Hindus unaware.

Great nonsense is going on in India in the name of secularism, but Hindus are still in deep sleep. One wonders why the Hindus did not learn a lesson by looking at what started happening in Kashmir w.e.f 1989. Hindus had to leave their wealth and also their omen and girls.
Secularism in India is as long as Hindus are in the majority and they do not know what will happen to them when they are in the minority? Stupid Hindus do not even understand this from the statistics of the infidels of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hindus will never speak, remain calm, take a high moral position. 
They are destined to sink. 

Pakistan, Bangladesh or Kashmir  .... take those for example, Hindus are sure to end.
Consider the Muslim majority areas of Kerala, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Hyderabad and other states where Hindus are constantly migrating from Muslim dominated areas to Hindu settlements.

Apart from this, countries like Zambia and Malaysia are also examples. Once the Muslims became a majority, these secular countries were declared Islamic countries.
There are examples in London, Sweden, France and Norway where violence takes place every day. Birmingham has already become a Muslim dominated locality. 

This is a ploy by the community of rogues to create panic among local people and instill unprecedented fear in their hearts without the courage to speak up!  Muslims gather in mosques 5 times a day in the guise of being religious to offer Namaaz. In reality, they conspire against Hindus!  They take a pledge 5 times a day to finish Hindus! 

Therefore, keeping your eyes and mouth shut is not stupidity.  Now is the time to open your eyes and open your mouth and make people aware. 
Remember this useful dialogue: 
Agarwal Sahab asked his servant Abdul: "I have 2 children and I am worried about their future, but you have 12 and you are not worried yet?" 
Abdullah: "After 25 years, my 12 sons will take over your shop together. When it's you who earn for us, why should I care.
The great mansions built by the Hindus of Sialkot, Lahore, Gujranwala, Karanji were built just for us.  Even in independent India, the Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir have built big mansions for us and in the end we invaded them and we don’t have to worry about you." 

1 comment:

Mini Menon said...

Is there an URL to support this warning?