Sunday, January 24, 2021

Mamata refused to speak at the 125th birth anniversary program at Victoria Memorial grounds on 2021-01-23

Awwww 😩😩😩😩😩 
I missed the opportunity to learn so many unknown facts (albeit fictitious) about History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, World War, Netaji's Childhood, etc, etc, etc from the 'Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind' on Netaji's 125th birth anniversary ☹️ 
An aspirational leader like her (but without an iota of positivity and capability) should have resigned in POTEST! 
I am heartbroken 🤭 
Hopefully, I will NOT have to wait for the next POGRAM with bated breath 😉 
* Victoria Memorial 
* Laugh Aloud 
* Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Didir Baani
* Didir Kirti
* Jao Didi Jao
* Aar Noi Annay
* Modi Haters Love Mamata 
* Demonetization Affected Love Mamata 
* Hindu Haters Love Mamata 
* Enemies Within Love Mamata
* How India Travels 

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