Monday, November 16, 2020

Arnab is back waving to his fans and given security by 200 policemen

70 'stooges of some bird' landed at Arnab Goswami's house in Mumbai on 2020-11-04 morning to forcibly take him away. 
On 2020-11-11 afternoon, over 200 'policemen' were deployed to provide security to Arnab after Supreme Court of India announced his bail. Thousands of 'Indians' were physically present along Arnab's way back home. 
The birds, their 'darpok singh', a diabolical witch and a tedha chini peon must have realized that now it's time for them to run for cover. India will not tolerate any more of their nonsense. Pissful 'pigisis' will start playing the victims card again. 
Needless to mention that crores of 'Indians' across the world prayed for Arnab's wellbeing for the past 7 days and a few more crores joined the earlier ones to rejoice the news of Arnab's homecoming. 
Btw, a$$es of innumerable retards and overgrown adolescents were set on fire after the good news went viral. 

* ArnabIsBack 
* How India Travels

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