Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Robert and Priyanka Vadra made Rs.47 crores in 3 years from DLF Ltd through an illicit land deal

Robert and Priyanka Vadra got 5 acres of land for Rs.15 lakhs only from DLF.
That 15 lakhs was given by DLF to Vadra as 'loan'.

After 3 years, the same land was 'sold' back to DLF for some Rs.47 crores, from which the original Rs.15 lakhs loan amount was 'deducted'.

Therefore, Rs.47 crores was free money for the 'khandaan'.

DLF got more agricultural land converted for commercial use from the Hooda government. It was a very clean deal, says Robert Vadra.
That was not Money laundering, says P. Chidambaram and Kapil Sibbal.

Nevertheless, quite a few Indians are enamoured by the red sari wearing mandir hopping  Indira look alike Priyanka Gandhi Vadra 😈

The above land deal by Robert & Priyanka is just the tip of the iceberg of one of the innumerable 'heraferi' deals in which the infamous family made a whopping sum of Rs.47 crores in 3 years.
The #EnemiesWithin will still remain the 'bootlickers' of the Khangress 'parivar' 😈

Friday, March 22, 2019

Why 'khandaani januedhari chors' and Gadharam Mutra Bhakts hate Narendra Modi

The 'khandaani januedhari chors' and their bhakts, viz. #GadharamMutraBhakts (men and women alike), viz. #EnemiesWithin will obviously be hating Narendra Modi and his passion for building a new and ethical India.
Change yourself before it's too late!

Happy Holi 2019 - respect women, respect privacy

#Marketingpundit & #IndianRoadie (virtual space initiatives by Deep Banerjee) urges you to play HOLI, the festival of colors responsibly on March 21, 2019.


Why Jet Airways started crash landing in March 2019

Jet Airways is one of the most well known Air services in India which has been operating since a decade. Most of us would have used Jet Airways for flight travels during the last 10 years. But here is one secret that might change your view about the company.
Jet Airways started in the year 1993 as a domestic Aircraft. But they took almost 12 years to start their international operations i.e. in the year 2004. In the year 1993, Jet Airways took just 4 flights for rent and started their commercial operations. But from 2004 the company suddenly grew big and became one of the top competitors in India and the stock market value of the Jet Airways shot up exponentially.

What really happened after 2004??

The Jet Airways expanded their business in a very short time after 2004, which raised many doubts. The Airways put a tough competition to Sahara and finally in the year 2007 they decided to overtake the Sahara Airlines. The value of Sahara Airlines in 2007 was nearly 500,000 Dollars. But the Jet decided to buy Sahara in 2008, by then the value of Sahara Airlines had collapsed to 340,000 dollars.
Later in 2008, the Jet Airways started their new venture called the Jet Lite where they claimed to provide flight service in very economical rates. In 2009, they started another company called Jet Connect with a same claim of providing cheap Air service.
But today the same Aircraft company has come to a verge of bankruptcy. The company which had nearly 300 flights and 74 destinations is today loss ridden. So what is the real reason? What happened in the last 10 years?
An investigation conducted by a Kannada Channel “Power TV” exposes the dirty truth of the Jet Airways and their secret connections with two most controversial people. Firstly let us know who is the founder of Jet Airways.
Mr Naresh Goyal is the man who started the Jet Airways in 1993. He claimed to be an NRI who resides in London. However, his NRI status in not clear; he has changed his stance many times before claiming to a resident of Germany, Britain and even Dubai.
This man was born in Punjab and studied B.Com. He came from a very poor family and was said to be working as a clerk in a company for many years. Initially no one knew from where he got the money to invest for JET Airways. When Jet Airways was in the success run during 2004-05, Naresh Goyal’s name was highlighted in the Forbes magazine as one of the richest person in India. So, how did a man who was working as a clerk was able to invest for Airways?
Naresh Goyal today has 18 companies. Among these, 14 companies are in India and the other 4 companies are said to be registered abroad.
Before starting Jet, in 1992, Naresh Goyal started a company called Tie Winds Corporation in a country named Isle of Man which is a small Island near UK.  This company is the one which controls all financial activities of the JET Airways.
But no body knows that this man had started 3 companies way back in 1970s in the name of Jet Airways. All these companies were started with just Rs 1 Lakh budget and had huge loan on them. When Goyal started Tie Wind corporation, he deliberately started it in a country which is regarded as Tax heaven. So, he did not have to reveal where he got money from and in whose name was it being operated.
In the year 1992, a man called Hasmukh Deepchand Gardi invested a huge amount in Tie Wind Corporation and become partner with Naresh Goyal. So who is this man? He was the same man whose name was revealed in Panama papers for holding fraudulent companies and cheating the country with tax evasion. It is said that he had a whopping 30 fake companies registered in his name for evading tax.

This man Hasmukh Deepchand joins as the Director of Jet Airways in 1992. But what will shock everyone is Hasmukh Deepchand was a man who has close links with underworld DON Dawood Ibrahim. So, the huge money which Deepchand earned was through extortion, kidnap, murder or even terror activities.

Was the same money invested in one of the most trusted AIRWAYS of India?

According to Power TV, Hasmukh Deepchand has over 30 companies in Panama alone, which is a tax heaven for benami account holders.
The list of company includes,

Moray Trading Corportaion

Capricorn World Wide Ltd

 Initiative Investment Corporation

Octagon International

Eco corp Investment

County International Investments

Afia Corportaion

Haymil INvestments

Inter Trade Business

MSM Advisors Consultants

MP International Holdings

Harrow Management Corportaion

Maritime World Trade Corportaion

Farris Corporation

UPS corporation

Onyx Service corporation

Now the question is whether JET AIRWAYS has links with Dawood Ibrahim?

In the year 2001, the issue of Jet Airways and its suspicious funding was raised in Lok Sabha. The links of Dawood Ibrahim with Jet Airways was also questioned. The then dis-investment minister Arun Shourie had made a startling claim that the investment to Jet Airways through Deepchand was not transparent. His argument lead to an investigation on Jet Airways.

The government then handed over the case to IB’s joint director Anjan Ghose. Anjan Ghose had written a letter to Joint Secretary of the Internal Security Sangeeta Gyrala clearly stating that JET AIRWAYS founder Mr Naresh Goyal had close links with the most wanted terrorist DAWOOD IBRAHIM. He mentions that Naresh Goyal has been part of many business with Dawood Ibrahim who is pumping in huge amount of money obtained from terrorist activities to JET AIRWAYS!

But within days after this explosive information was out, Anjan Ghose got transferred from IB and the entire case was suppressed.
So, the Jet Airways continued its business with illegal money. An important point to be noted is, after DeepChand many people held the position of Director in Jet Airways, and the names of all these people will surprise the country.
After 2004, the first person to be appointed as Director is none other than JAVED AKHTAR, the famous Bollywood lyricist. After him comes Khadri Mustafa Iftikar and then Ghander Ismail Ali took the position of Jet Airways.

But the 4th name who took over as Director of Jet is Pitroda Gangaram Satya. Does the name sound familiar?

YES, it is none other than Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi’s right hand man…


So, Sam Pitroda takes charge of Jet Airways as Director in the year 2004. Do not forget he is the same man whose name is heard in National Herald Scam and several other multiple money laundering cases along with SONIA GANDHI and RAHUL GANDHI.
So, Jet Airways had got huge money and investment from Dubai man, who is in close links with Dawood Ibrahim. Intelligence Bureau had filed report that Naresh Goyal was in contact with Dawood Ibrahim and finally Sonia and Rahul Gandhi’s very close aide becomes the director of the same company which is said to be getting money from DAWOOD.
Now connect the dots and decide what role does Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi has to do with a company which is being said to be funded by the most wanted terrorist DAWOOD IBRAHIM.
On top of all these developments, it is now found that JET Airways has a whopping loan of Rs 17,000 crores. He is requesting the Modi government to bail him out from the loans.
Rahul Gandhi was questioning PM Modi when Vijay Mallya who had a loan dept ofRs  9000 crores before fleeing the country, but now will Rahul Gandhi answer the nation why his close associate has links with a company which is said to have been funded by Dawood Ibrahim and that owes the country Rs 17,000 crores.
Tomorrow if he flees the country, will Rahul Gandhi blame Modi government? This is not just fraud or corruption, but a massive security threat to the country in which the JET AIRWAYS, SAM PITRODA and GANDHI FAMILY is probably part of!

Now you know the real connections of the Gandhi family and Jet Airways!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Holi Bol 2019

Happy HOLI BOL to all my men & women 'chowkidar' friends and a loud HARI BOL to the 'role models' of my other acquaintances ;)

Requesting my lovely intelligent acquaintances to wake up from your deep slumber. Time and tide waits for none.

Make a Holi 2019 resolution right now that you will also become a 'chowkidar' for the nation's good. Ringing in the change is not the work of one single person.

Monday, March 18, 2019

RIP Manohar Parrikar Sir (1955 to 2019-03-17)

Manohar Parrikar Sir, you will always remain in my heart.
Your #JOSH for creating a new and transformed India till your last breath on 2019-03-17 will never be forgotten :( 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Promoting BJP at Hongkong Airport

A gentleman was spotted in Hongkong Airport, promoting BJP to Indian passengers in right earnest.

Arch Modi haters in Pakistan have started eulogizing PM Narendra Modi

Even arch Modi haters within Pakistan have started eulogizing PM Narendra Modi.
However, the #EnemiesWithin India who consider themselves demographically superior (in reality, my left toe!) work overtime to find and share anti-Modi content online.
Moreover, quite a large number of shameless & brainless Hindus  consider it a fashion to address level headed fellow Hindus who love Modi's efforts to transform India for the inclusive good of everyone,  as 'Hindu Zealot' 😈.
Shame on those shameless creatures!
The truth is #CongressKhandaanChorHai

Thursday, March 14, 2019

School children in India grow up harbouring American Dreams inspite of such profound 'knowledge' imparted by teachers

Even with such 'knowledge' imparted in schools, students nurture the American Dreams and grow up to become one of the 5+ lakhs students who passout every year from the 7000+ engineering colleges in India.
No wonders most of them are unemployable or will surely be jobless by the time they are 40.

The 'Natoore' (nature) and 'Footure' (future) of school children in India are pretty obvious

India's FOOTOORE is in the hands of a God gifted NAATOORE teacher!
Jai ho :P

With such teachers in schools, the 'Natoore' (nature) and 'Footure' (future) of school children in India are pretty obvious.

The parents of these kids could be menial workers, household helps, rickshaw pullers, etc and almost spend their entire earnings with the belief that their wards will grow up with absolute fluency in English.

Does your thoughts match with the girl in the video

If you are one of those Narendra Modi haters (#HateModiBrigade member) for no logical rhyme or reason, one of the #EnemiesWithin and seeing my post on your mobile or laptop, you are actually seeing your own reflection on the screen of your device!

Pathan Bhai's tight slaps on the Pakis and their sympathizers in India

Tight slaps on the Pakis and their soul mates in India by one Pathan Bhai.
The video went viral after WingCdr Abhinandan's release.
The #EnemiesWithin India will do good to watch the whole video.

'Mota' Didi or Buri Pishi of Bengal, the 'Greatest Gift of God to Bengali Mankind' is incoherent and keeps bluffing

Dearest Mota Didi (not in size, but in age) or Chhoto Bon or Buri Pishi .... our nation and me not sure how to address you !
The nation wants to know ....

- আপনি নিজেই বলেছেন, উত্তম কুমারের মৃত্যুর সময়ে আপনি ক্লাস সিক্সে পড়তেন। মায়ের আঁচল ধরে শোকযাত্রা দেখেছিলেন। তখন তো ১৯৮০ সাল। আপনার জন্ম ১৯৫৫ সাল। তাহলে আপনার বয়স তখন ২৫ এর কম নয়। ২৫ বছর বয়সে কেউ ক্লাস সিক্সে পড়ে?

- আপনি বলেছেন, বাবার মৃত্যুর পরে অভাবের জন্য গলার হার বেচে বই কিনে পড়েছেন। আপনার বাবা মারা যান ১৯৭২ সালে। উপলব্ধি বইতেই আপনি লিখেছেন, আপনার বাবা বড়লোক ব্যবসায়ী ছিলেন। জমি বাড়ি গাড়ি সবই ছিল। মৃত্যুর পরের দিন ৬০ হাজার টাকার চেক পান। ১৯৭২ সালে ৬০ হাজার মানে এখনকার কত বলুন তো? বিশ লাখ টাকার কম নয়। তারপরেও কেন আপনাকে গলার হার বিক্রি করে বই কিনতে হল?

- আপনি বলেছেন, দুই ভাইবোনের বয়সের তফাৎ মাস ছয়েকের। এটা কি করে সম্ভব? একই গর্ভে ছয় মাসের ব্যবধানে দুইটি সন্তান কোনভাবে কি সম্ভব? দুনিয়ার চিকিৎসাবিজ্ঞান কি বলে?

- আপনি উপলব্ধি বইতে লিখেছেন, বাবার মৃত্যুর সময় আপনার বয়স মাত্র ১৫ বছর। কিন্তু তা কি করে সম্ভব? ১৯৫৫ সালে জন্ম হলে তখন তো আপনি সপ্তদর্শী! কি করে ১৫ বছর লিখলেন?

- আপনি বলেছেন, আপনার বাবা স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামী ছিলেন। ১৯৪৬-৪৭ সালে প্রমীলেশ্বর বাবু নেহাতই নাবালক ছিলেন। হতে পারে তিনি নাবালক বয়সেই বীরভূমের কোন আন্দোলনে যোগ দিয়েছিলেন। কারন আপনার বাবা স্বাধীনতার অনেক পরে বীরভূম থেকে কলকাতায় এসেছিলেন। তাহলে কিসের ভিত্তিতে তিনি স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামী হলেন?

- আপনি বলেছেন, পৃথিবীর ১১৪০ টা দেশের সাথে লড়াই করে কন্যাশ্রীর পুরস্কার এনেছেন। দয়া করে বলবেন কি ১১৪০ টা দেশের কথা আপনি কোথায় পেলেন? তন্ন তন্ন করে খুঁজেও এখনো ২০০ টা দেশের বেশি পাবেন না। বোধ করি তার থেকেও কয়েকটি কমই হবে। এমন আজগুবি তথ্য আপনাকে দেয় কে?

- আপনি এই দেশের বর্ডার ওই দেশের সাথে জুড়ে দিয়েছেন, মৃত রবীন্দ্রনাথকে দিয়ে গান্ধজিকে ফলের রস খাইয়েছেন, রাজা রামমোহন রায়কে বিধানসভায় বসিয়ে সতীদাহ আইন পাস করিয়েছেন, বসন্তপঞ্চমীকে প্রেমদিবস বানিয়েছেন, বিষ্ণুদেবতাকে মাতা বানিয়েছেন, রোজা না করে ইফতার করেছেন, বাঁধিয়ে রাখার মতো সরস্বতীর অঞ্জলী পড়েছেন, ছাব্বিশ দিনের পর্দাটানা অনশন করেছেন, বেতন না নিয়েও নিজের বেতন দশ গুন বাড়িয়েছেন, ষোড়শী কন্যাকে মাওবাদী আখ্যা দিয়েছেন, প্রকাশ্যে গলায় চাদর দিয়েছেন, দেশাইয়ের গাড়ির উপরে নৃত্য করা .... অবদান ও সৃষ্টির শেষ নেই। ব্যাখ্যাও নেই। ভুল ধরিয়ে দেবার অনুচরও নেই। এই কারনে প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তরও নেই।

You are indeed the 'Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind' or should I say 'Greatest Gift Of God To Mankind'!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

There are no employment opportunities in India for 'retards' like your brother

Name one professional company that would be willing to offer job to your brother, a 'retard' who's always on a high. Now that your 'khandaan' (clan) is out of power, even a 'lala' company will refuse to talk to him.
And starting 2019-03-12, you have started cursing PM Modi for a #PappuGadharam not bagging a job?
Didn't you get a cushy job in your khandaani Khangress party inspite of zero caliber?
Jobs don't land up in your lap. The unemployable deadwoods need to work overtime to become employable.

With SHE spreading her 'profound knowledge' 24x7, I am in immense pain

"Why should I be subjected to all the pain 24x7 and rest of India have all the fun?"

Inspired by the all time favourite pretty face  promoting the gearless scooter, Pleasure.

Btw, I don't need the 'anuperona' (inspiration) of this #I_Me_Myself + #KnowItAll ranter & self-proclaimed #GreatestGiftOfGodToBengaliMankind 😈

#EnemiesWithin, vote sensibly!

'Enemies Within' defined by Ajit Doval, NSA

Are you one of those #EnemiesWithin in your heart but keep screaming that you are also an Indian?

Are you one of those who want to be kept appeased by the 'Khao and Khaane Do' #Khangress and hate PM Modi because he wouldn't allow any of such nonsense to happen under his nose.

It's time for you to run for the nearest rathole before it's too late. However, how deep you might burrow, you will be dug out. You are not the only smart ass around. There are guys who are far more smarter to find you.

Hear the definition of the 'Enemies Within' from none other than the mouth of Ajit Doval, the National Security Advisor in India.

Monday, March 11, 2019

USA reduces validity of visas for Pakistanis from 5 yrs to 3 months

The US government has decided on reducing the duration of visas to Pakistanis from 5 years to 3 months with immediate effect.

Dear Mr. Donald Trump, these 'peaceful' Pakistanis & their sympathizers in India (the #EnemiesWithin) are a dangerous lot of 'namak harams'.

Let them feed on your burgers & hotdogs for the betterment of US economy.
However, they should be debarred from the God gifted natural process of defecation (shi***ng) for 3 months while they are in your land!

Later on don't tell me that I didn't warn you'll. I am doing you this favor on 2019-03-06.

Sanskari 'damaad' Robert Vadra promises not to run away from India after all the loot

No 'luka chupi'.

A very 'sanskari' damaad of the Khangress khandaan ;)

Truthful to the core!

Damaad chuno toh aisa ;)

Why should he leave Bharat with all the loot over the last couple of decades when he has an imported saasu-ma from a country known for its gun-totting dons; a brainless 50 yrs old saala who is also the aspirational PM of India but can't differentiate between the ass & elbow; a sugar coated wifey who has joined active politics in early 2019 and finally thousands of bootlickers of the political party owned by the wifey's clan.

Inke naam Robert Vadra ;)

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dr. Hegde had a chance meeting with Narendra Modi, the then CM of Gujarat in 2002

Dr. Hegde of Harvard University had a chance meeting with Mr. Narendra Modi, the then Chief Minister of Gujarat way back in 2002 during a 9+ hrs AirIndia flight from London to Mumbai.
This is what he has to say about the charismatic leader.
It's such a shame that the #ModiHaters and the #EnemiesWithin are working overtime to project India and Modi in poor light.

That's the new National Anthem w.e.f mid 2018, surely on HER inspiration

That's the new National Anthem of India from sometime in mid 2018, possibly written by a 'legend' who's also a Nobel Prize (literature) aspirant and genuinely India's aspirational PM.

Hear the new anthem with the new lyrics being sung by a loyal lieutenant on the 'inspiration' (anuperona) of the poet - cum - lyricist - cum - #GreatestGiftOfGodToBengaliMankind during a freshers' welcome somewhere in Waste Bengal  😈

Hate Modi more to get this #GreatestGiftOfGodToMankind as your next PM and I will love to see your happiness getting screwed.

The appeased class considers this person to be their messiah. They are smitten by awe. They will NOT change.
My request to others is to change yourself right away.

Living legend of Bengal as in 2019, the 'Greatest Gift of God to Bengali Mankind'

Ever since 2011 - 12, I have been mentioning about a self-proclaimed multi-tasking legend of modern times who's possibly the 'Greatest Gift of God to Bengali Mankind'.

This epic banner/ poster is 100% for real and was spotted near Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM), Sector V, Kolkata on 2019-03-06 and was there even at 10am on Thursday 2019-03-07.

Btw, who are those 13 others who are being hobnobbed as legends, too.

Vice Admiral Girish Luthra, CNC, Western Naval Command sang for his troops

#Salute, #Love and #Respect for Vice Admiral Girish Luthra, the CNC of Western Naval Command who sings a soulful melody for his troops to mark the Golden Jubilee.
Sir, you are a true leader 🙌🙌🙌💙💙💙

SHE laid the foundation stone of Jalpaiguri bench of Kolkata High Court in 1912

#ModiHaters viz #HateModiBrigade viz the #EnemiesWithin and also the #ModiLovers who don't understand Bengali should get get hold of a Bengali speaker to understand the crap that is being meted out without batting an eyelid.

For cheap publicity, a division bench of Kolkata High Court was re-inaugurated in Jalpaiguri on 2019-03-08 although the inauguration was done by PM Narendra Modi in February 2019 :(

The person claimed to have laid the foundation stone of the building herself way back in 1912 😈😈😈😈

It's always heaps of never ending nonsense, every time the mouth opens to say something!

With such erudite people around why did my father with his meagre pay in Coal India Ltd (way back in the 1960s, 70s, 80s) send me to a premium Christian Brothers school in Asansol after foregoing every earthly comfort?

It won't be long before the rest of India starts feeling likewise.

This #I_Me_Myself entity is not a simple person. Looks are deceptive! The stupid  appeased class in Bengal from every demographic classifications are going head over heels thanks to the largesse being distributed to them from public money.

The person who considers self to be the #GreatestGiftOfGodToMankind is out to fulfill personal aspirations by any means and at any cost.


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Justifying PM Modi's mention of Abhinandan's capture as a 'Pilot Project'

Dar dar ke siyasat nahi hoti gulaami hoti hai .. Pakistan is not returning our Wing Commander because of our sweet words but because of the immense pressure we've created.. And if we stop keeping them under pressure more such wing commanders will be captured in future.. Today there's Pak occupied Kashmir tomorrow it will be Pak occupied India.
I'm sure even our brave Commander wouldn't want that..that would be belittling his sacrifice. Because the 40 soldiers who were killed and many more before is equally important as one commander returning. It's not about provocation because no one provoked them for the pulwama attack and other terrorist attacks. They have there own weird ideas. You can't stop them by being decent because they aren't themselves. The shelling is still continuing at the borders as we speak now, is onus of peace only on India? They only understand pressure tactics and that's why we should speak to them only in that language. We have shown too much love for peace that's why they're daring to war against us... We must show them war to make them understand the value of peace.
I know that war is never good for any side.. But the war is always ON from their side we fail to realize that.. We're foolishly sacrificing our soldiers lives time and again to these terrorists then how are we valuing our soldiers!
Content courtesy: Comment by Grace Gomes on Facebook on 2019-03-01, in response to someone's snipe at PM Narendra Modi when he said that the 'Surgical Strike 2' and Wing CDR Abhinandan's capture and subsequent promise of release by Imran Khan was only a 'Pilot Project'.