Saturday, March 2, 2019

Justifying PM Modi's mention of Abhinandan's capture as a 'Pilot Project'

Dar dar ke siyasat nahi hoti gulaami hoti hai .. Pakistan is not returning our Wing Commander because of our sweet words but because of the immense pressure we've created.. And if we stop keeping them under pressure more such wing commanders will be captured in future.. Today there's Pak occupied Kashmir tomorrow it will be Pak occupied India.
I'm sure even our brave Commander wouldn't want that..that would be belittling his sacrifice. Because the 40 soldiers who were killed and many more before is equally important as one commander returning. It's not about provocation because no one provoked them for the pulwama attack and other terrorist attacks. They have there own weird ideas. You can't stop them by being decent because they aren't themselves. The shelling is still continuing at the borders as we speak now, is onus of peace only on India? They only understand pressure tactics and that's why we should speak to them only in that language. We have shown too much love for peace that's why they're daring to war against us... We must show them war to make them understand the value of peace.
I know that war is never good for any side.. But the war is always ON from their side we fail to realize that.. We're foolishly sacrificing our soldiers lives time and again to these terrorists then how are we valuing our soldiers!
Content courtesy: Comment by Grace Gomes on Facebook on 2019-03-01, in response to someone's snipe at PM Narendra Modi when he said that the 'Surgical Strike 2' and Wing CDR Abhinandan's capture and subsequent promise of release by Imran Khan was only a 'Pilot Project'.

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