Monday, January 21, 2019

Chop and/ or Telebhaja defined

'Chop' and/ or 'Telebhaja' (tasty but killer concoction of unhygienic oil fried savories), the Brand Ambassador of Industrial Output and the National Dish of the State of Bengal.
That's according to 'Her Highness', the 'Know It All', the 'Greatest Gift of God to Bengali Mankind', the one and only proprietress of 'MaMaMa' political party of uneducated ruffians.
She has unabashedly announced on television channels that she personally knows a lot of Chop and Telebhaja sellers in Kolkata and elsewhere in West Bengal who have made fortunes for themselves while being in the trade and have become the owners of 10 storied buildings.

* Telebhaja ki Jai
* Chop ki Jai

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