Sunday, December 30, 2018

Dangerous days ahead

"Dangerous days ahead...

1. Moghuls became Indians and Indians became Kafirs.

2. Nehru-Khan-Maino became Gandhi and Indians became fools.

3. Muslims became Kashmiris and Kashmiri Pandits became refugees.

4. Bangladeshis became Bengalis and Bengalis couldn't celebrate Durga Puja in soon to be....West Bangladesh

5. Those who are intolerant of Hindus became Secular and the real seculars became Sanghi terrorists.

6. The Maoists and Urban Naxals became Intellectuals and the Intellectuals became Bakhts.

7. Terrorists became 'poor-sons-of-headmasters'  who killed/beheaded army men and the army became human rights violators who used pellet guns on these peaceful terrorists.

8. The wood used for Asthi became an environmental concern while the land used for burials became secular birth rights.

9. The wool used in Rakhi during Raksha bandan hurt the sheep but thousands of goats slaughtered in the most cruel manner during Bakri Eid became religious freedom.

10. Appeasement became secular while Equality became Communal.

11. RSS org. became terrorists but Hafiz Saheb and Hurriyats became pinnacles of nationalism and peace.

12. Bharat Mata Ki Jai became communal while Bharat Tere Tukde Honge was called "Freedom Of Expression."

13. Divide And Rule became inclusive and Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas became division.

A very dangerous situation is being created in the country by the so called Seculars, without realising the poisonous end it is creating."

(Copied verbatim from Anand Mugliker).

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