Sunday, July 7, 2024

Just because a docile person or animal tolerates your nonsense doesn't mean that he or she is weak

Exercise caution during your journey with me and my professional initiatives (like, Indian Roadie, Marketingpundit, and many more). Opportunist friends can evict themselves from my life! 

A docile elephant trampled its mahout (keeper) after it couldn't tolerate the mahout's physical torture anymore. One can see the mahout poking the elephant for the first couple of seconds before it retaliated. This torture must have been continuing for quite a few months or even years. 
Incident happened in Kerala, India on 2024-06-20. 

Lesson: Just because someone tolerates your nonsense doesn't mean that he or she is weak. The retaliation can be scary. Elephants are not known to retaliate immediately (like, Yours truly 😉).

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