Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Famous dialogues by Anurag Thakur to roast RaGa

Anurag Thakur, Minister and BJP MP from Hamirpur, HP never misses the opportunity to roast RaGa, the murkho ke sardar of Khangressis and his chamchas right inside Parliament. 
* How India Travels 

Manu Bhaker gets her inspiration to excel from the Bhagavad Geeta

India's new poster girl Manu Bhaker has made the country proud by winning 2 bronze medals at the Paris Olympics 2024 in shooting. 
The sanskari girl said that Bhagavad Geeta is the source of her inspiration to excel. 

P.S: Some liberandus are naturally unhappy with her reference to Bhagavad Geeta. They have posted meaningless and idi*otic snide words on their own social media walls while congratulating the girl who made the country proud. 
* How India Travels 

Scores of namesake super speciality hospitals in WB

The scary state of healthcare facilities in a highly populated state like West Bengal with pathetic income opportunities for citizens is telltale in the attached video. 
WB only has multiple huge buildings coloured blue and white. The inspiration provider for all those buildings has fancifully name those buildings 'super speciality hospitals'. Almost all the so called hospitals have signages which clearly state that even the basic facilities are not available. 
* How West Bengal Travels in end July 2024 
* How India Travels 
* Keep Strong Stay Happy is a distant dream in WB 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

It is as impossible to find a secular Mu$lim, as a three-legged human

It is as impossible to find a secular Mu$lim, as a three-legged human.
I$lam has been an exclusionist cult since 1400 years. 
Courtesy: Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee 
* How India Travels

If you can read Bangla, wake up and get a hang of the future of Hindu Bengalis

Hindu Bangalis will remain sleeping. After waking up they will keep screaming that they will not allow WB to become another UP or GJ. Hindu Bengalis are ok with Kangladeshis changing the demographic profile of WB but are against Indians working and living in WB! 
If you can read Bangla, wake up and get a hang of the future of Hindu Bengalis. 
* How India Travels 
* HowWestBengalTravels

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bangladeshi entered WB illegally, already has his Aadhar Card

এটা ২৫/০৭/২০২৪ এর ঘটনা। 
বাংলাদেশ থেকে ২ মাস আগে এসে বারাসাত লোকসভার রাজারহাট মন্ডল -২ এর ঘুনিতে এসে এরা উঠেছে। ১ হাজারের উপর সংখ্যায় এরা ঘুনিতেই আছে। 
এরা সব রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিম। এরা ২ মাসের মধ্যে আধার কার্ড বানিয়ে নিয়েছে আমাদের রাজ‍্যে ঢুকে। 

This video is of 2024-07-25. 
This muzlim man entered India from Bangladesh on a tourist visa 2 months ago, paid ₹6000 to unknown contacts for his Aadhaar Card (which he has already got with him) and has settled in Ghuni, under Barasat Loksabha constituency, North 24 Parganas district, West Bengal. Thousands of such ghuspetiyas are changing the demographics of WB at a scaringly fast pace. 

This video has already gone viral.  

Drawing the attention of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India to take action without further delay. 
* How India Travels 
* How West Bengal Travels (in July 2024) 

P.S: DM for video credit. I request my followers if you know the owner of this video please mention him so that I can add credits.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is legally permitted!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Butterfly, butterfly, where are you going

Butterfly, butterfly, where are you going ..... 
* How India Travels

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Halal pushes economic apartheid and funds Islamisation and terrorism

In India, the halal economy is worth around $100 billion and growing rapidly by the day. 

A news report of the “UP government crackdown on businesses using fake documents for Halal certification” has created a lot of ado, including the backlash and flak from the usual suspects, a clique that intolerantly and vehemently propounds its tolerance just for the fact that Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath is perceived as the “Hindutva icon” and that he unabashedly asserts his Hindu ascetic identity. The state police have filed a FIR for the phoney branding of products as ‘halal’ in order for financial gain. The FIR filed in Lucknow names several businesses that exploit consumers’ “faith” by acquiring bogus certificates to classify various items as “halal”. Halal India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai; Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind Halal Trust, New Delhi; and Halal Council of India, Mumbai, are among them. 

Source: Firstpost(dot)com report dated 2023-11-21 
Weblink of content:  
* How India Travels

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বারাসাত, নারীর সন্মান আজ ভূলুণ্ঠিত

এটা মনিপুরে নয় এটা পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বারাসাত, নারীর সন্মান আজ ভূলুণ্ঠিত আদরের রত্ন জেহাদীদের হাতে

আর,  পুলিশ 🤔

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Kanwariyas laud Yogiji

Kanwariyas are extremely happy because of Yogiji's instructions requiring all food and beverage stall owners to display their real names in Hindi in their route in UP during the holy month of Shravan (wef 2024-07-17). 
* How India Travels

Suhani Shah is super talented

This young girl Suhani Shah in talks with Usha Uthup is super talented. Her skills are awe inspiring. Let's pray that Suhani scales great heights in life.
Best wishes to you, girl ❤
* How India Travels

Everyone else is supposedly a murkh

Everyone else is supposedly a 'murkh'! 
* Didir Baani 

We should never forget why our fled from East Pakistan to India

It's not what our Bangal forefathers possessed in East Paxtan that's important. My generation and the future generations down the line should know and remember why in the first instance our forefathers left behind everything fearing persecution and fled to India. 
How India Travels 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

It's not only me. Even the Maulana is convinced that Yogiji's decision is right. 
* How India Travels

Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit for you

The real Vijayalakshmi Pandit for the knowledge of deshdrohi 'chamchas' in India. 
How India Travels 

One Bangla movie also gave 4 superhit Hindi songs

One single Bangla movie of 1967 gave India four superhit  Hindi songs. Music was by R.D.Burman. 
* How India Travels

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Patriarchal family life was forced into us Indians by the West

Patriarchal family life was forced into us Indians by the West! 
Are you even aware that American women were allowed to vote as recent as only after 1960. 
How India Travels

Firhad Hakim - those who were not born as Islam are unfortunate

According to Firhad Hakim, Mayor of Kolkata, those who were not born as Islam are unfortunate. 

(July 2024) 
How India Travels 

Stop saying 'Bahut pressure hai'

Stop saying 'Bahut pressure hai'. 
Enjoy whatever you do with 'pleasure' - Kapil Dev 

Cow rescued by BSF before being smuggled to Bangladesh

Flourishing export business from Queen Bee's Republic of Waste Bengal 👑🐝 to Bangladesh 😰😡😰😡. 
A cow was rescued by BSF before it could be smuggled to Bangladesh. 
* How India Travels

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Just because a docile person or animal tolerates your nonsense doesn't mean that he or she is weak

Exercise caution during your journey with me and my professional initiatives (like, Indian Roadie, Marketingpundit, and many more). Opportunist friends can evict themselves from my life! 

A docile elephant trampled its mahout (keeper) after it couldn't tolerate the mahout's physical torture anymore. One can see the mahout poking the elephant for the first couple of seconds before it retaliated. This torture must have been continuing for quite a few months or even years. 
Incident happened in Kerala, India on 2024-06-20. 

Lesson: Just because someone tolerates your nonsense doesn't mean that he or she is weak. The retaliation can be scary. Elephants are not known to retaliate immediately (like, Yours truly 😉).

Smriti, wife of Captain Anshuman Singh, shared her husband's dedication and commitment

I could barely control my tears 😰 

Captain Anshuman Singh (1997 - 2023-07-19) was posthumously honoured with the Kirti Chakra in early July 2024 by the President of India for his bravery in rescuing many during the Siachen fire incident.

Smriti, wife of Captain Anshuman Singh, shared her husband's dedication and commitment, highlighting the spirit of this true hero.

* Kirti Chakra 
* Defence 
* True Hero 
* Army Heroes 
* Indian Army 

* How India Travels

Friday, July 5, 2024

GMaps directed a long distance truck driver to a narrow village road in Jamuria, near Asansol

Long haul truck drivers whom I rely on for routes and amenities have themselves started embracing technology 🤭. Their confidence seems to have struck an all time low. Some of them can't think of seeking help from anyone other than Google Maps. 
A huge truck from somewhere outside West Bengal, surely not from any of the 5 south Indian states, going by its colour and looks, 
got stuck in a narrow village road near Jamuria, less than 20 kms from Asansol in WB, late on 2024-07-01 evening. 
The driver claimed that he was following GMaps which resulted in him landing into a sticky situation 😃. I wonder if the driver and his helper are techies or vloggers. Why on earth didn't they get down and knock on a few doors to ask the peasants about the correct route 🤔. 
* Perils Of Blindly Following Online Navigation Maps

Thursday, July 4, 2024

BJP sanskar vis-a-vis uncultured Congress

BJP sanskar vis-a-vis uncultured Congress. 
Md Rahul Ullu Khan expects the Honorable speaker Om Birla to bow down while shaking hands with him. 
* How India Travels (early July 2024) 

Koo, the Indian alternative to Twitter/ X is closing down

Koo, the Indian social media platform that emerged as a contender to X, is shutting down due to financial difficulties and an unpredictable market environment. 
I have kept repeating since 2019 that as long as the hawala funding of social media platforms based out of amrika with the sole objective of jeopardizing the meteoric developments happening in India under the leadership of PM Narendra Modiji, don't stop and/or continues, no social media platform with Indian origin can survive!

External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar in response to the hate speech against Hindus on 2024-07-01 by an utterly cunning Md Rahul Ullu Khan inside Parliament. 
Let the tirade against the id*io*t continue till his last breath! 
Hindus will never forget nor forgive the ras*c*al for his evil karma on 2024-07-01. 
* How India Travels

Mahesh Jethmalani in response to the hate speech against Hindus on 2024-07-01 by an utterly cunning Md Rahul Ullu Khan inside Parliament. 
Let the tirade against the id*io*t continue till his last breath! 
Hindus will never forget nor forgive the ras*c*al for his evil karma on 2024-07-01. 
* How India Travels

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

इस महान पुरुष को नमस्कार है। इसने चांटा भी मारा है और आवाज भी नहीं हुई। इसे कहते हैं समझदारी।

'Islam is not a religion but a political ideology that imposes itself by force and fear', Dr Wafa Sultan

Dr Wafa Sultan author of the book "A God Who Hates" is a Syrian-Amerian psychiatrist trying to wake-up the 'Americans who are sound asleep' to the dangerous reality of Islam which she terms is 'not a religion but a political ideology that imposes itself by force and fear'. 
* How World Travels 
* How India Travels

Sikhs are selling their souls for crumbs in return

Sikhs are selling their souls for crumbs in return. 
* How India Travels

NaMo - roasted RaGa by terming 1st July as Khata Khat Diwas

As it's always said, 'don't fool around with a seasoned sales/ marketing expert'. 

Narendra Modiji, the PM cum Chief Marketing Officer of India roasted Md Rahul Ullu Khan on 2024-07-02 in the Parliament by reminding 140 crores Indians that yesterday (2024-07-01) was 'Khata Khat Diwas'. 

Did anybody get the promised ₹8500 in their bank account on 2024-07-01? 
* Khata Khat Diwas 
* How India Travels

RaGa - insulted Hindus to foreign audience during his trip abroad

Hear how the tyre puncture repairwala, Md Rahul Ullu Khan goes about insulting Hindus 😡. The M*C with a fully cut di*c*k is capable of reading por*no*grap*hy only. His entire murkh khandaan wouldn't have understood a word of the gita, upanishad, .... 

💥कहां मर गए कांग्रेस के हिंदू नेता और वोटर राहुल पप्पू खुल्लम-खुल्ला बोल रहा है कि  *मुझे हिंदूओं के किसी भी धार्मिक ग्रंथ गीता भागवत रामायण शिव महापुराण पर कोई विश्वास नहीं है। कांग्रेस के ब्राह्मण नेता क्या अपना जनेउ तोड़ चुके हैं , या नदियों में बहाकर तर्पण कर दिया है??  क्या ऐसी स्थिति में कांग्रेसी हिंदुओं को भावी मुसलमान कहना गलत होगा???  
यह सब सुनने के बाद  सपा,  TMC ,  AAP,   कांग्रेस या कांग्रेस के समर्थन वाली किसी भी पार्टी को वोट करने वाले हिन्दुओं को चुल्लू भर पानी में डूबकर मर जाना चाहिए। 
* How India Travels

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

We too support staunch Hindus who stand up for the Rights of Hindus

We too support staunch Hindus who stand up for the Rights of Hindus.

RaGa called Hindus violent, hate mongers and liars inside Parliament on 2024-07-01

Rahul Gandhi called the entire Hindu community violent, hate mongers and liars on his first speech as Leader of Opposition (LoP) inside Parliament on 2024-07-01. This is not just shameful but extremely dangerous too.
How dare he chose to demean Hindus 😡.
However, Prime Minister Modi vehemently objected.
In the WikiLeaks, we know Rahul Gandhi went to the US embassy to say that the biggest threat is Hindu Terrorism and not anyone else. That was after the Mumbai terror attacks.
Millions of Hindus have voted for the Gandhi khandaan since the 1950s. Hindus who still keep voting for this family are utterly shameless.
* How India Travels

Monday, July 1, 2024

When Principal and Vice Principal are Muzlims, obviously paper shall be leaked!

When Principal and Vice Principal are from a certain QUOM, obviously paper shall be leaked! After all how can Madrassa educated people run normal schools? 

Parents beware! Check full school committee members before admitting your wards! 

Very well said Vandana M 
* How India Travels

Chopra, North Dinajpur incident on 2024-06-30

The Chopra, North Dinajpur incident on 2024-06-30. The man mercilessly beating up the lady and man is TMC MLA's close aide JCB. 
* How India Travels

RaGa, today's 1st July 2024. Where's my ₹8500

Today is 1st July 2024. Abbey Pappu, mera ₹8500 for July 2024 kaha hai? 

I expected the perpetually do*ped b***n c**d tuchiya to transfer the miniscule ₹8500 to me every month from the ₹50K+ crores which the Gandha khandaan had swindled from the general public and the government exchequer ever since independence. 

I am glued to the phone since the morning. No message received from my bank as yet 😡. 

I wish he meets his fate by visiting the 72 wh*or*es, contract H*I*V and becomes upwardly mobile.
Sa*al*a  .... another deshdrohi in the murkh khandaan!

RaGa says Constitution can't be changed

The 5th generation Gandha id*i*ot says that Constitution of India can't be changed.

Murkh 😡
* How India Travels

Chopra, West Bengal MLA Hamidul Rahman on Chopra Assault Video

"In Our Muslim Rashtra there are certain rules, the woman was treated following same way, but possibly a bit in excess", Chopra, North Dinajpur district, West Bengal MLA Hamidul Rahman on Chopra Assault Video. His aide who calls himself JCB is the person who molested and shamed the woman on 2024-06-30 since she was a BJP Minority Cell worker. 

Since when has WB in India been declared a Muslim state? 

TMC is now openly working for fulfilling the dreams of PFI 😡 
* How India Travels