Monday, May 13, 2024

Interim bail granted to Arvind Kejriwal reveals the biased and unjust decisions made by the judiciary

The bail granted to Arvind Kejriwal is a glaring example of the biased and unjust decisions made by the judiciary in the history of India. This gloomy and twisted ruling raises serious concerns about the neutrality of our judicial system.  Now it will serve as a precedent for fraudsters, criminals, and even terrorists to seek relief. Milord,  unwavering clemency for Kejriwal who also got the backing of Western countries is frightening.  In the face of such injustice, it is imperative for every Indian who values fairness to voice their dissent.   Do not underestimate the power of your voice. Seismic changes start off as small rumbles. Get engaged in the battle for reason and freedom of thought and speech. Judiciary in India under influence of CIA, ISI, PRC, Indo oppn and everyone else against India. Result of collegium system of selection of HC & SC judges. Entire judiciary is run and controllled by 300 flys and every judge is uncle , aunt, son, daughter, in law etc ...from these350 Your voice matters. Use it.

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