Saturday, March 16, 2024

Didir Kirti - Displayed her arty prowess in Didi No 1 on 2024-03-03

When ex-cricketer hubby (who had announced his new role to become a scrap iron convertor) gets an all expenses paid trip to Spain from the Queen Bee ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿof a 'gorment' only to be announced as the brand ambassador of a wasted state, one has to wear a black saree and keep muttering wah wah wah even when lumps of sh*i"t are thrown at your face and tolerate it with a smiling face, too. 
The lady in white was present at a Bengali reality show named 'Didi No.1' in Kolkata on 2024-03-03 religiously viewed by thousands of rubber chappal licking erstwhile commie Bengalis turned Tolamul men and women. She gladly got the opportunity to project herself as the  Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind for the 13797th time or more in the past 13 years since May 2011!
P.S: In return for diligently licking the lady's rubber chappal, the hostess of the shi*tt*y show bagged a ticket for the 2024 Lok Sabha Polls exactly a week after the show was aired.
Didir Kirti
Bengal Doomed
Bengalis Shamed
How India Travels
Events Of India in Kolkata on 2024-03-03.

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