Friday, January 26, 2024

RaGa started his Nyay Yatra from MN instead of AR in January 2024 to please the Chinese

The Gandhi family of questionable pedigree is not only shameless, but diabolical, too. Antonia Maino wants China to make her retard son who's an overgrown adolescent because of extensive substance abuse, the PM of India and then forcibly make the Hindus convert to followers of Ola or just bully them to leave their own motherland. In lieu thereof, the gandha Gandhis would have have handed over Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh to China on a platter. 
Pappu, the idi*ot started his Bharat Todo 'nyay yatra' from Manipur and not Arunachal in January 2024. He did not want to displease China. China has reportedly thanked the gaddar parivaar for working overtime to take China's dubious involvement in AP away from people's mind. The gaddar parivar has not yet made any statement about China blowing the lid. 

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