Monday, December 4, 2023

Hanuman in Nabanna on 2023-10-05

At 11.05 am on Thursday 2023-10-05, a Ram Bhakt hanuman had suddenly reached the 13th floor of 'Nabanna' building, the seat of power from where inspiration (anu_perona) is provided by a Queen Bee 👑🐝 for all wrongdoings in Waste Bengal. 
He looked up and looked down to take stock of the extent of malaise which has been spreading from this building since mid 2011. 
The incident is NOT funny. It is harbinger of good times ahead for a double engine government (not 'gorment') in WB to evict the source of all 'poblems'. 
The time might not be too far when the bhagwa will flutter from the four corners of Nabanna (across the Hooghly River) along with the tricolour flag from an even longer mast. 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

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