Monday, July 31, 2023

House of nuisance creator bulldozed in Ujjain in July 2023

Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. 
House of nuisance creator bulldozed. 

The rogue community (and their apologists) will no more be able to go scot free after creating nuisance. It's just a matter of time before the same lesson is replicated throughout India. 
Irrespective of how loud their death wails might be, instant justice will be meted out to them by 'sanatanis'. Lord Chanachur's dukaan can't shelter the rogues anymore for endless number of decades. 
They might as well shape up or ship out from India. 
* Events Of India in Ujjain, mid July 2023 
* How India Travels

Kunal Ghosh's statement against Buddhadeb Bhattacharya on 2023-07-30 sucks

Erstwhile Marxist CM of WB upto May 2011, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, a gentleman to the core is fighting for life in Woodlands Hospital in Kolkata. 
The Tolamul spokesperson has made a statement against Buddhadeb Babu on Sunday 2023-07-30 which sucks. The criminal KuGho of Tolamul is utterly repulsive. Nothing better can be expected out of these obnoxious creatures 😡
* Events Of India
* How India Travels

UP Police has arrested 74 illegal Rohingiyas in July 2023

Yogiji is ensuring a safe Uttar Pradesh for all rightful citizens. 
The anti terrorist wing of UP Police has arrested 74 illegal Rohingiyas in July 2023. 
* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* How India Travels

How dare someone replace the Ashok Chakra in my national flag with some nonsense

How dare some people had the audacity to replace the Ashok Chakra in my national flag in Kanchrapara, North 24 Parganas district, Waste Bengal in end July 2023 😡😡😡😡 
Who is providing these dangerous inspirations to the community of rogues? 
WB immediately needs Yogiji as a visiting CM or someone akin to him. 
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India please find the wrongdoers and ensure that exemplary punishment is meted out to the culprits. 
We don't need to exhibit any tolerance towards the rogue community who are invariably behind every wrong in India. 

IMF forecast - India's GDP growth forecast 6.1%

Relentless efforts by PM Modi has made India's economy stronger than ever before. Even IMF forecasts India's GDP growth in FY2024 to be 6.1%. IMF predicts that the average GDP growth around the world to be 3% only. The forecast for China's GDP growth is 5.2% only. 

Btw, the Governor of RBI is not the big mouthed commie economist Rajan. Modiji preferred to appoint a student of history to head the RBI. Hopefully, I am right in the subject of specialization of the boss of RBI. 

The illegitimate children of next door Chi*nese uncles (read, commies), the fiberandus (fake + liberal + gaandus) and the white & blue collared 'murkhs' for whom Ola drivers are everything, will never see or understand all these but will squat and keep enjoying all the good that's happening in India. 

These 'deshdrohis' believe that an overgrown adolescent Gandha or a qualified uneducated IITian or a Hawaii chappalwali could also have done these wonders for India! 
* What Has Modi Done 
* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* How India Travels

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Hard to believe that IIT - Kgp churned out a 'namuna' like Arvind Kejriwal

Yes, way back in 1980 I did dream of walking in through the hallowed portals of an IIT. However, I was not good enough to achieve that milestone. However, I could never ever dream that an IIT can churn out such an obnoxious 'namuna', a Qualified Uneducated bloke like Arvind Kejriwal. 

I have a classmate, a childhood buddy who in his 60s still wishes that he could step into Kejri's shoes to derive Khujli'ing pleasure 🤭. 
He is also in awe of Rubbish, Raju and his wife Saggu, and of course someone's biwi number 2, 3 or 4 who claim to be journos and keep batting for Kejri and the Gandha parivaar 😡. 

Hey Ola 😰

Basejump from The 42 on 2023-07-25

To commemorate the unveiling of the Durand Cup Football Trophy, two retired Indian Army paratroopers jumped from a specially created stage on the roof of  Kolkata's tallest residential tower, The 42' onto the Maidan opposite Tata Centre, off the Chowringhee Road, Kolkata on Tuesday 2023-07-25 after a heavy bout of rain. 

* basejump

Friday, July 28, 2023

Arvind Kejriwal is the most dishonest politician

Kejriwal is undoubtedly an extremely dishonest man first and politician much later. His IIT Kgp degree doesn't make him a good man automatically. 
Anand Ranganathan has nailed it. 
However, Kejriwal is a bachcha vis-a-vis a queen bee 👑👸🐝who wears hawaai chappal, a smart watch and clasps an iPhone📱
* How India Travels

Udupi girls hostel wrongdoing by Muslim girl students

Hardly anybody in India is talking about the shameful act by 3 muz*lim college girls against Hindu girls in a college hostel in Udupi, Karnataka in July 2023 😡 

* Events Of India

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Occupancy rate of Vande Bharat Express trains in July 2023

CR Vande Bharat trains' occupancy: 
July 2023 

1) 20826 Nagpur-Bilaspur-120.36%
2) 20825 Bilaspur-Nagpur-109.62%
3) 22229 CSMT-Goa-92.64%
4) 22230 Goa-CSMT-80.50%
5) 22225 CSMT-Solapur-84.27%
6) 22226 Solapur-CSMT-94.98%
7) 22223 CSMT-Shirdi-73.56%
8) 22224 Shirdi-CSMT-73.86%

Credit: Central Railway 
* How India Travels

Settings for wild orgies in Waste Bengal with the weirdest partners

Settings for wild orgies in Waste Bengal with the weirdest partners 😡
The partners include Diabolical Tolamul, I-Me-Myself CheePeeMul and Pedigreeless Khangress.
Needs no further explanation.
* Events Of India
* How India Travels

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Didir Baani - she treats her DMs like her menial staff

As long as she remains the administrative head of the 'gorment', all will do chori without fear because she herself lacks integrity. 
Coming from the 'khalpaar', she treats her DMs like her menial staff and threatens to slap the junior level government officials 😡. 
(August 2022) 

The diabolical lady leaves no stones unturned to fool gullible Bengalis into believing that she's the Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind. 

Occasion: Purulia district administrative meeting.

* Didir Baani

Tesla is almost certain to set up a major export hub in India

Tesla is almost certain to set up a major export hub in India. 
It's all because of the ecosystem that PM Modi, whom I call the CEO cum CMO of India, has created within a short span of 9 years only from 2014 to 2023. 
* What Has Modi Done 
* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* Indian Roadie News

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Didir Kirti - She delighted her choti lickers by supposedly playing the guitar 2023-07

হাবভাবটা এমন যেন বলতে চাইছে যে এই গিটারটা ভালো না। আমি গিটার আবিষ্কার করলাম আর আমি জানবো না কোনটা ভালো কোনটা খারাপ!
বেকার যুবকদের কর্মসংস্থান নেই, জিনিস পত্রের দাম আগুন 🔥, তদারকি নেই, কাজ নেই, কর্ম নেই, ভোট লুট করে মনের আনন্দে গিটার 🎸  বাজানোর নাটক করছে। 
She delighted her choti lickers by supposedly playing the guitar. 

কেউ কেউ অবশ্য বলবে যে উনি মহিলা, উনি  Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind। ওনাকে সম্মান করা উচিত। 

* Didir Kirti 
* Events Of India in July 2023

TMC netas made lot of money

TMC netas made lots of money. Their net worth grew in leaps and bounds every 5 years or lesser. 

Parnasha Gupta Roy will do good to name even 5 'rightful' Bengali entrepreneurs who started operations from WB in the past 30 yrs

In response to Dr. Vivek Bindra's YouTube video titled Rise and Fall of West Bengal dated 2021-03-31 ( Parnasha Gupta Roy, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Founder Director, Jeevsutra Pvt Ltd has spoken very well ostensibly to stir up Bengali sentiments. 
However, Parnasha has missed out a moot point that one LADY has shamed Bengalis  throughout the world and doomed West Bengal forever. 
Can she deny that remotely. 
The ground realities in West Bengal are far from rosy. 
It's evident that this lady with her leftist bent of mind and an underlying hate for Modiji has tried to play on Bengali sentiments. 
She, fortunately earns well and therefore is talking big. 
Let her name even 5 'rightful' Bengali entrepreneurs who started operations from West Bengal in the past 30 years and have spread wings nationally. 
Let her face the extortion zulum by Mamata's anupranito brothers. Parnasha's sweet instigations with conviction will change.

RaGa, the buffoon in London in May 2022

RaGa, the thoughtful old and wise hangressi hag participated in a 'go as you like' fancy dress competition in London in May 2022 wearing his late dad's dress. 
He forgot that he was live on TV because of the hangover following the puffs he is so fond of. 
He went into a 'chintan session' and woke up from his slumber only after the audience clapped in glee and the anchor burst out laughing. 
FaBo and India Yesterday must have got their catwa fact checkers into the act to come up with some rhetoric to claim that it is a doctored video. 
* Events Of India 

Muslims given 15 days to vacate a railways land in 2023-07

Railway properties are not for the rogue 'ola' drivers! Why weren't the plunderers not evicted prior to 2013-14 🤔  

The madrasa chaaps want Modiji out of power little knowing that Modiji gave them 15 days to vacate, while Amit Shah would have given them 15 hours to flee and Yogiji's bulldozers would have completed the job in less than 15 minutes and none would have had the ball*s to protest. 

(July 2023) 
* What Has Modi Done

Sanmoy Banerjee - Huge legal cost being incurred by Abhishek Banerjee to travel to USA via Dubai

সেকশন ৪৮২ তে মামলা করেছিলেন অভিষেক ব্যানার্জি, কলকাতা হাইকোর্টের জাস্টিস তীর্থঙ্কর ঘোষের আদালতে । কি নিয়ে, কেন মামলা করেছিলেন সেটা বলছি । তার আগে মামলার প্রথম পাতাটা নীচে দিলাম । চোখ বোলান তাতে । 
অভিষেকের হয়ে আজকে (2023-07-24) কলকাতা হাইকোর্টে কে কে দাঁড়িয়েছিলেন ? তালিকা বলছে ১. দিল্লি থেকে অভিষেক মনু সিং ২. প্রাক্তন এজি কিশোর দত্ত ৩. সঞ্জয় বসু এবং আরো ৫ জন । 
আজ একদিনে শুধু আজকের প্লিড করতে আদালতে আইনজীবীদের জন্য মেটাতে হল কত ?  আমার ধারণা পঁয়তাল্লিশ লাখ টাকা । 
গত শুক্রবার এই একই টিম দাঁড়িয়েছিল । সেদিনও শুনানি হয়েছিল । সেদিনও এই একই পরিমাণ খরচ মেটাতে হয়েছে অভিষেককে । 
মামলাটি এখন প্রধান বিচারপতির কাছে ফেরত গেছে সিদ্ধান্তের জন্য । সেই সিদ্ধান্ত ফাইনাল হলে নয় জাস্টিস অমৃতা সিনহা অথবা জাস্টিস তীর্থঙ্কর ঘোষের কাছেই ফেরত আসবে । আর তারপর নতুন করে বিচার শুরু হবে অভিষেক দেশ ছাড়তে পারবেন কি না এবং ছাড়লে কতদিনের জন্য যেতে পারবেন ।
ওদিকে কয়লা কাণ্ডে আজও সুপ্রিম কোর্টএ মামলার ফয়সালা হল না । ২৮ তারিখ ইডি গিয়ে জানাবে কি কারণে তারা বারবার বাধা দিচ্ছে অভিষেককে । সেদিন সুপ্রিম কোর্টএ কয়লা চুরির টাকা নেওয়ার কেসে অভিষেকের আবার শুনানি । বিদেশে যেতে পারবেন কি না তার শুনানি । আজ যখন কপিল সিব্বল অভিষেকের হয়ে লড়লেন সেদিনও উনি লড়বেন আমি নিশ্চিত । 

এই হল খসরা চিত্র । 
সুপ্রিম কোর্টেও কপিল সিব্বলের সঙ্গে ছিলেন বড় মাপের উকিলরা । প্রাণপাত করলেন তাঁরা ।

তারিখ কত আজ ? ক্যালেন্ডার দেখে লিখে রাখুন, ২৪.৭.২০২৩ । শুধু একদিনে কলকাতায় আইনজীবীদের জন্য অভিষেক খরচ করলেন ৪৫ লাখ, এই একই দিনে দিল্লিতে আমার হিসেব আইনজীবীদের পেছনে খরচ করলেন প্রায় ৩৫/৪০ লাখ ।

দু ক্ষেত্রেই দাবি একটাই আমাকে আমেরিকা যেতে দিন ( ভায়া দুবাই, খবর পেলাম ) । দুবাইতে মধ্যিখানে থেকে ৩ দিন থেকে যাবেন আমেরিকা ।

আর একটা আব্দার আদায়ের জন্য কলকাতা এবং দিল্লীর সুপ্রিম কোর্টে একটা ছেলে আইনজীবীদের জন্য খরচ করার হিম্মত রাখে ৮০ থেকে ৮৫ লাখ । উকিলের তালিকা অন্তত সেই কথাই বলছে ।

নীচের তালিকায় ভালো ভাবে চোখ মেলে আরো একবার দেখুন । ঠিক বললাম কি না মিলিয়ে নেবেন ।

সন্ময় বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় (৯৮৩০৪২৬০৭৮)

Monday, July 24, 2023

Didir Kirti - Azhan sung with music from the Shahid Diwas stage on 2023-07-21

Azhan sung with music from the Shahid Diwas stage on 2023-07-21 have become a controversial issue. 
Muslims are mighty displeased. 
* Didir Kirti

Didir Kirti - She played the guitar 2023-07-21

The Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind supposedly played the guitar sitting on the stage on 2023-07-21 afternoon. 
* Didir Kirti 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Events Of India

Mamata fan cleaning up her banner 2023-07

A diligent 'teniya' was at his 1st practical class in Kolkata in July 2023 to graduate and become a super successful 'extortionist' from Tolamul Institute of 'Tolabaji' (extortion). 
In less than 5 years he will surely be seen zooming around in high end SUVs and IAS/ IPS officials queueing up to salute him! 
* Events Of India, 

Ill behaved Nandini (Mamata Ganguly) roadside eatery owner in CBD Kolkata

This ill behaved and snooty girl Mamata Ganguly (fake name: Nandini) and aged 32+ runs a eatery on the footpath in front of Koilaghat Street railway booking office in the CBD of Kolkata along with her parents. She was made famous by scores of vloggers who also addressed her as Smart Didi. Just because she wears skin hugging jeans and t-shirts (instead of a dirty nightie) and has Bluetooth earphones hanging from her neck, featuring her was perceived as good saleable content. Videos and Reels featuring her went viral. She was also invited to feature in the famous television reality show Didi No. 1. 
In reality ger body language and pronunciation sucks. 
She is the next Ranu Mondal of Ranaghat and Kaancha Badam seller/ singer from Birbhum, both from WB and both of them fell from grace with a thud.

Restaurant owner in Jaipur beaten to death by two employees in July 2023

A 45-year-old ex-serviceman running a restaurant at Kalwar area in Jaipur was beaten to death allegedly by two employees, who are brothers, of his restaurant late on Saturday evening. Police said the three were having dinner together when the owner scolded them for the poorly cooked egg bhurji that they had made for him.

This triggered a verbal spat and ended in a violent scuffle. The two accused left the victim in a pool of blood and fled after putting the shutter of the restaurant down. Police have registered a case of murder. SHO Ravindra Pratap Singh of Kalwar police station told TOI that the incident took place late on Saturday evening when the deceased, identified as Hameer Singh, asked his employees to make egg bhurji for him.

"He accused the two employees of overcooking the dish and abused them. This irked the duo, who beat him up with hockey sticks and batons," Singh said. The incident was brought to the notice of police by a man who lives close to the restaurant at 12.30am on Sunday 2023-07-23. 
It's evident that the names of the chefs were not revealed to shield the culprits in Congress ruled Rajasthan 😡. 
* Events Of India

India's defence exports surpassed ₹16,000 crores in 2022-23

India's defence exports surpassed ₹16,000 crores in 2022-23. 
* What Has Modi Done 
* How India Travels

Didir Baani - 100 days work scheme renamed 'Khela Hobe'

Sign of 'garibi' (100 days of menial govt work) in West Bengal will henceforth be named 'KHELA HOBE'. The architect of the branding exercise was none other than the all-in-one Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind. The intention reeks of diabolical designs. 
The announcement was made from the stage of Shahid Diwas 2023 on 21st July. 
* Didir Baani 
* Didir Kirti 
* Events Of India

Friday, July 21, 2023

Who coined the new acronym I.N.D.I.A

বিকৃত মস্তিষ্কের রক্তচোষা মানুষ  হলেই চোরদের  মহাথাগবন্ধনের নাম I.N.D.I.A  দিতে পারে l বলাই বাহুল্য এইরকম  বিকৃত মস্তিষ্কের  কলঙ্ক/ অমানুষ পশ্চিমবঙ্গই  ভারতবর্ষকে দিতে পারে l
একুশে জুলাই ২০২৩ এর মঞ্চ থেকে রক্তচোষার ডানহাত, বাঁহাত এবং নিজে চেচাচ্ছে ২০২৪ এর লোকসভা ইলেকশনে I.N.D.I.A  জিতবে এবং NDA হারবে  এবং পশ্চিমবঙ্গবাসি হিজড়াদের মত হাততালি দিচ্ছে 😡 l হাততালি দিচ্ছে মৌকাবাদ I-Me-Myself (নিজে ভালো তো সব ভালো) অ্যাটিটিউড এর ছিপিমূল গুলো l
উফ, বাঙালিরা সত্যি কালচারালি রিচ! 

Who coined the new acronym  I.N.D.I.A  for the mahathugbandhan on 2023-07-18 in Bangalore? It had to be a diabolical Bengali witch. 
* Bengalis Shamed
* Bengal Doomed
* Events Of India

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Anyone who has HER blessings is destined to land in jail

Anybody who has had the blessings of a 'shani', the Queen Bee, is destined to land behind rusted iron bars! 

Context: Kaustav Roy, owner of Kolkata TV arrested. 
* Events Of India from Kolkata at 2 am on 2023-07-18

Kaustav Roy's mobile records can be enough to put a LADY behind bars

For Kaustav Roy (arrested once again at 2 am on 2023-07-18) going to jail and back is like making a day trip from Uttarpara to BBD Bag and back twice a week for all the 52 weeks in a year. He is a known history sheeter! 

I am sure je mobile'e prochur chat paoa jaabe with moila choti! 
Kaustav Roy's mobile records can be enough to put a LADY behind bars. 
* Events Of India

Divided they will fall when it is time to choose their PM candidate

The thugs, viz. owners and heads of 26 political parties in India met in Bangalore on 18 th July 2023 to form an alliance named I.N.D.I.A to oust Modiji and BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections. 
The outcome has been perfectly summarized in a Tweet by Rupa Murthy. 
* How India Travels

Didir Baani - CPI(M) 'mashed' her body

An aspirational PM (without capability) and with supposedly a MASHED body. 
She never stops her fake over hyped narratives against the commies about what the police did to her on a 21st July years ago. 
* Didir Baani 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Shame Of India

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Modiji hi wapas ayega

Modiji hi wapas ayega ❤ 
The Gandha overgrown adolescent might become a full-time truck khalasi, teniya in a bike repairing shop, tractor driver, farm labourer, or whatever in 2024. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Modiji exposed all the wrongdoings of the chor political party owners

My karmyogi PM Modi is hellbent on exposing all the wrongdoings of the chors and dacoits who own political parties to fool and loot people. 
In June 2023, Modiji publicly quoted the approximate quantity of loot after the mahathugs met up in Patna (in June 2023) to shamelessly discuss a bigger loot w.e.f mid 2024. 
* What Has Modi Done  
* What Has Nehru Gandhi Done 
* How India Travels

Her fake narrative vs Ratan Tata

The truth about the aborted TML plant in Singur from the mouth of none other than Mr. Ratan Tata himself vis-a-vis Mamata's fake narrative in early 2023, almost 15 years after the doomsday in September 2018.
* Didir Baani 
* Bluffer Didi 
* How India Travels 

Grand makeover of Indian Railways under PM Modi from 2014 to 2023

The grand makeover of Indian Railways under PM Narendra Modi from mid 2014 to mid 2023. 
The myopic citizens of India are happy with hollow promises by the Gandha parivaar and the obnoxious fringe 'deshdrohi'  political parties about 'banayenge', 'karenge', etc, etc, etc. 
Here's another answer to 'What Has Modi Done' in the domain of Indian Railways. 
* What Has Modi Done 
* How India Travels

Video courtesy: Indian Compass -

Monday, July 10, 2023

Didir Baani - pre 2011 she had protested panchayat election violence

She had protested pre-2011 Panchayat Election violence in WB during CPI(M) era. 
She herself had unleashed unprecedented violence and kill*ings during the WB Panchayat Election 2023. 
* Didir Kirti 
* Didir Baani 
* How India Travels 

Didir Baani - Calls her state government employees chor, dakat for rightfully seeking their DA

With the use of such unparliamentary words (like chor, dakat) and facial expression which speaks of her upbringings, she knowingly was actually trying to incite violence against state government employees who are on a peaceful dharna asking for their rightful DA component in their remuneration. 
Her hatred for BJP runs through the putrid blood which runs through her veins. 
* Didir Baani

Suvendu on Mamata's pronunciation

Suvendu on Mamata's horrendous pronunciation. 
* Laugh Aloud 

WB Panchayat Election 2023 - unrest - Part 1

This is just a sample of the happenings on polling day (Saturday, 2023-07-08) of  WB Panchayat Election 2023 in one of the 61,000 booths across the wasted state. 

All this happened on the inspiration provided by one and only bloodthirsty and self proclaimed #GreatestGiftOfGodToBengaliMankind who sitting at home feigned injury on her knees and hips while killings, violence, fake voting continued unabated. 

What a farce in the name of democracy here in West Bengal 😡. 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Rimjhim Gire Sawan recreated by Shailesh and Vandana Inamdar in 2023

The melodious song 'Rimjhim Gire Sawan' from the film Manzil starring Amitabh Bachchan and Moushumi Chatterjee dating way back to 1979 was beautifully recreated once again by an elderly couple, viz. Shailesh and Vandana Inamdar in the same locations in Mumbai during the monsoons in 2023. 
The video has gone viral after Anand Mahindra had Tweeted it from his own Twitter handle. 
* How India Travels

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Security forces taught the Catwas from RJ an unforgettable lesson in Kashmir

A group of Muscleman from Rajasthan went to Srinagar and raised their voice in favour of Paxtan. They had possibly forgotten that Kashmir is a UT and is no more the fiefdom of Abdullas and Mehbooba Muftis. 
Our jawans gave them a curtain raiser on what awaits the jihadis and deshdrohis. 

It has been PM Modi who has created an environment where our security forces and intelligence agencies are totally motivated and have been given a free hand to reign the deshdrohis from carrying out anti Indian activities from Indian soil. 
* What Has Modi Done 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Didir Baani - She jumped from the helicopter on 2023-06-27

She in her diabolical dreams jumped from the helicopter ferrying her to Bagdogra airport on 2023-06-27 morning to save herself in the nick of time. 
Only News 18 came forward to publicize her make believe narrative. 

WB missed an historical opportunity to rejoice 😰😰😰😰

* Didir Baani 
* Bluffer Didi

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Didir Kirti - Knees supposedly got mashed on 2023-06-27

HER knees supposedly got 'mashed' but she still kept chatting with Army and Airforce officers for 48 minutes wasting their valuable time 🤭🤭🤭🤭 

Can't get the logic: Did the chopper crash after 30 seconds on Tuesday 2023-06-27. Or is it that the chopper didn't crash because it got free of the diabolical force 🤔 

She supposedly dreamt of becoming an army officer. Thank god that horses can never fly 🤭. 

The nation wants to know when exactly her knees got 'mashed' 😉. 
If knees got 'mashed', then who's that with Army and Airforce officials 🤔 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels 

Views about PM Modi by Joseph Hope, Editor-in-Chief New York Times

Views about PM Modi by Joseph Hope, Editor-in-Chief  New York Times: 

Narendra Modi's sole aim is to make India a better Country. If he is not stopped, in the future, India will become the most Powerful Nation in the World.. It will surprise even  the USA, the United Kingdom, and Russia..Japan.

Narendra Modi is moving towards a specific goal. No one knows what he wants to do....and his intentions, strategy, cannot be predicted.

Behind the Smiling face, he is a dangerous Patriot. He uses all the Countries of the world for the benefit of his Nation......India.

First he destroyed US ties with Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Next Narendra Modi has created an alliance with Vietnam, shattered China’s Superpower dream and made use of the three countries.
The long-running dispute over oil extraction overseas between Vietnam and China has benefited India. With India's support, Vietnam began producing Oil in China's Southern Seas.

Vietnam now supplies all of its Oil to India. The United States has different support for this. He made Pakistan a poor Country without going into a war.

He brought the Port of Iran under his control.

He has set up an Indian Military base on the border with Afghanistan, very close to the area that divides Pakistan.

In order to increase Indian trade, he has also built a route through Iran (leaving Pakistan) to Afghanistan.

Narendra Modi’s desires are going Up one by one. Sections 370 and 35A have been repealed.

One day he will completely capture Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Pakistan will fall into 4 pieces in the coming seasons. This will happen on the warning of Narendra Modi.

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan's traditional ally, will also play a Key role in the Partition of Pakistan..

In Asia, this man who finished China and the United States, has  canceled the SAARC Summit and shown his power to the World.. Narendra Modi has succeeded in maintaining India's superiority over Asia..

He made UAE fine the Foreign minister of Pakistan on landing in UAE & sent the minister back. Malaysia took over a Pakistan airplane to recover debts owed by Pakistan.

Russia and Japan, 2 of Asia's Major Powers, have done nothing to say.

He held both Countries in his hands with great precision. In the case of China's Vietnam Oil issue, China will ask for Oil... Then he will ask Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. 

What he would ask was, "I'll take it.. You have Hair in your Mouth," and tease China's Vietnam issue..

Nothing can be done by China. This person is taking Indian Politics to a totally different level.

Many Countries think and act as if each Country has many Enemies.. But India has no Enemies other than Pakistan. India is almost certain to be a friend to all Countries of the World.

This man is doing more harm to Pakistan than the real War.. By using Muslim Countries against Pakistan, Narendra Modi has proven himself to be one of the Best leaders in the World.
Even if Pakistan goes for War with India, there will not be so much loss.. But now Pakistan is suffering more than that.

In all negotiations with all Countries, this person's Honesty must be taken into account.

India's progress will be difficult for the rest of the World.

With the current astounding growth of India, all the Countries in the United Nations will experience the consequences! 

France is paying for welcoming Muslim refugees indiscriminately

France is paying for welcoming Muslim refugees indiscriminately. 
Can't Indians en masse see what's happening in France w.e.f June 2023. Are the Sens, Senguptas, Das, Dasguptas, Mukherjees, Banerjees, Patils, Pawars, Reddys, Mehtas, Nandas, Kapoors and their ilk of fiberandus keeping track of what's happening in that European country 🤔. 
India needs CAA and NRC without further delay. 
The community of plunderers shouldn't be relied upon. They are historical gaddars! 
* How World Travels 
* Events Of The World 
* How India Travels

Sayani Speaks - Repulsive

Some in Waste Bengal will still say that a 3rd grade Tolawood actress in Waste Bengal deserves respect! 
Who has provided ANUPERONA (with a missing R) viz. inspiration to talk and behave the way she does. Her body language sucks! 
* Sayani Speaks 

NIA arrests Zubair and 3 others in early July 2023 for running ISIS module in MH

NIA arrests Zubair and 3 others in early July 2023 for running ISIS module in Maharashtra. 
More than the Abduls, Gafoors and Rahamans, it's the obnoxious sickular 'aam' Hindus, viz. Sens, Senguptas, Chatterjees, Mukherjees, Mitras, Roys, Khannas, Kapoors, Pawars, Nandas, Mehtas, Sharmas, etc who will be more vocal seeing a pissful being sent to their rightful place by Modi-Shah and Co. 

It has been PM Modi who has created an environment where our security forces and intelligence agencies are totally motivated and have been given a free hand to reign the deshdrohis from carrying out anti Indian activities from Indian soil. 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Narendra Modi is the biggest contender of Nobel Peace Prize before the Lok Sabha Elections 2024

Karmayogi Narendra Modiji should indeed be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 🙏 

However, while sitting and shit*ing on Indian soil, unhappy deshdrohis will have FaBo (and their Fu*kcheckers) by their side to run a campaign to malign the great man and Bharat Varsh. 

Btw, there's no denying the fact that I do wear chaddis and am a deshbhakt and Modibhakt. 

The brand equity of India is at an all time high thanks to the relentless efforts by PM Modi. People who matter have started acknowledging the leadership qualities of Modiji within a very short span of time after Modiji became the PM of India. 
* What Has Modi Done 
* How India Travels 
* How World Travels 

France burning, Marseille Library burnt by Muslims

What the community of 'murkh' plunderers did to Nalanda University 821 years ago in 1202, they are making history repeat itself in France by burning down Marseille Library in end June 2023. The community has not evolved a bit over the centuries and only specializes in producing babies, pelting stones and learning the same nonsense about earth being flat! 
These ola drivers can't be expected to value books and the knowledge that one gains from good books. 
* How World Travels 
* Events Of The World

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Amitabh Bachchan's bungalow stands on Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai it's a big bungalow. There are only 2-3 bungalows of big industrialists after AB's bungalow. Along that way you'll find a big bungalow. The name of the bungalow is "Nirant”. This bungalow is 3 times bigger than Amitabh Bachchan's bungalow. This bungalow has about 3 acres of lawn and it is very luxurious. You will be surprised at what kind of a luxurious bungalow in a posh area like Juhu in Mumbai is! That bungalow "Nirant" does not belong to any superstar or industrialist. The bungalow belongs to none other than…
Teesta Javed Setalvad.
She's just a social worker. From 2004 to 2012 , she received millions of dollars in donations from abroad. 
For what? 
To uplift the poor.
Now there's one more thing .. 
Why do some are anti India. Their forefathers sowed the seed.
The infamous Hunter Commission was a commission of inquiry that gave a clean chit to General Reginald Dyer, who ordered the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Harilal Chimanlal Setalvad, who was a member of it, is the great-grandfather of Teesta Setalvad, who is now in jail. It was this Harilal Chimanlal Setalvad's son, i.e. Teesta's grandfather, Motilal Chimanlal Setalvad, who later acquitted General Dyer in the same Jallianwala Bagh case. After independence, Nehru appointed the same Motilal Chimanlal Setalvad, who had acquitted General Dyer, as the Attorney General. One of the many indelible records of Nehru's British allegiance to the British.
The story of seed quality does not end here. When the same General Dyer was facing trial in the same case, it was Diwan Bahadur Kunj Bihari Thapar who declared his steadfast British allegiance by collecting Rs 1.5 lakh on behalf of Gen Dyer and honouring him with an award with a kripan and a turban. Yes, he was actually Karan Thapar's great-grandfather.
The Thapar family is a wealthy family that made their wealth during the First World War, by supplying men and materials to the British for heavy commissions.

When the Thapar family declares their allegiance, don't wonder where the Sikhs' kirpan and turban came from. In fact, it was the management of the Golden Temple that took the initiative. It took place under the auspices of two new rich Singhs, Sujan Singh and  Shobha Singh. There's a reason for that. These were the contractors who were almost entirely in control of the construction work when the capital of British India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi. Khushwant Singh, the son of Shobha Singh, was a well-known writer and a staunch Indira Gandhi devotee who wrote articles justifying and whitewashing the Emergency. This Khushwant Singh's son, Rahul Singh, still continues the clan’s occupation of anti-Indianism by glorifying people like Teesta Setalvad and Arundhati Roy on NDTV.
Back to the Thapar family... Karan Thapar's father, Pran Nath Thapar, was the Army chief of India who led the war with China in 1962. Pran Nath's predecessor, General KS Thimmaiah, had originally proposed Lt Gen SPP Thorat as his successor. But it was Nehru who sabotaged the proposal and inserted Pran Nath on his own. Another aspect of Nehru's British allegiance.
Not only that, the daughter of Pran Nath's brother, Maya Das Thapar, the real Romila Thapar, who wrote history textbooks in Indian schools. That too was Nehru's nomination.  In school/university history textbooks, you will find nowhere the fact that It was Pran Nath Thapar who led the losing war of 1962. Wouldn't it be surprising if her paternal uncle's name appears as a defeated general in the textbook curated by Romila Thapar!
To some extent, it is these rich families who accepted British bribes and are still driving our sense of history to a certain extent. These same families are the self-proclaimed wholesalers of all progress. They are the ones who bring in false stories and prevent the rise of Indian identity. After independence, it was Nehru and the Congress who ensured that British interests were protected by giving key positions to all these traitors. 
When Teesta Setalvad went in, it's not just the fall of a fraudster.  It is also the decline of a large parasitic ecosystem that is rooted back by many generations and has been sucking the blood of the Indian people for more than a century. 

Copied from @Sanjay Govind Khoche

Monday, July 3, 2023

Lt Gen MU Nair appointed as Head of National Cyber Coordination Centre

Lt Gen MU Nair appointed as Head of National Cyber Coordination Centre. Modi Govt invariably deploys the best man for every critical job. 

Pranam to Yogi Adityanath. Pranam to his own sister's simple living

Pranam to Yogi Adityanath. Pranam to his own sister's simple living 🙏🙏

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Yogiji put a total stop to all nonsense on Bakri Eid 2023 in UP

The pissfuls have understood that their free run prior to 2016 have come to a screeching halt. Yogiji's plans were elaborate to stop all nonsense by the pissfuls during their Bakri Eid festival on Thursday 2023-06-29. 

Hail Yogiji 🙏  
Jai ho Yogiji 🙏 

West Bengal needs Yogiji as visiting or full-time CM or someone akin to him to rectify the system and the mindset of I-Me-Myself Bengalis. 

* Yogi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai

RaGa Speaks - Mahatma Gandhi Kehte The ....

Mahatma Gandhi Kehte The Satta Ke Raste Ko Kabhi Maat chodo - Rahul Gandhi

Didir Kirti - She with a puppy on a treadmill 2023-05

My heart cries for the poor puppy 😩😩😩 
Earlier it was the state budget which supposedly was framed while working out on the treadmill. Although whole of India laughed hearing the claims during the India Yesterday summit, we the miserable citizens are still crying. 
W.e.f May 2023 the puppy will have to 'jhelo' the treadmill almost everyday 😡 
* Didir Kirti

Didir Kirti - Faked injury while campaigning for Panchayat polls 2023

SHE faked hip and leg injury on Tuesday 2023-06-27 after her chopper ran into bad weather while she was airborne from Jalpaiguri to Bagdogra in North Bengal after campaigning for Panchayat polls 2023 in North Bengal.  
The chopper had a smooth landing at an Indian Army base. After spending 48 minutes with Army officials the chopper had taken off for Bagdogra. 
In the presence of Indian Army she was hale and hearty. By the time she landed in Kolkata, she supposedly was in so much pain due to a make believe injury that she had to be driven straight to SSKM Hospital. 

This was a repetition of her act of feigning injury she supposedly sustained while campaigning for TMC before the 2021 state assembly polls. 
* Didir Kirti

Saturday, July 1, 2023

TMC election strategy for Panchyat Polls 2023 in WB

TMC election strategy for Panchayat polls scheduled for 2023-06-08 in WB. Needless to mention, inspiration provided by the one and only bloodthirsty 'greatest gift of God to Bengali mankind'. 

Musclemen in Bangalore called for a boycott of Hindu business establishment in June 2023

The community of plunderers, viz. the musclemen, have started issuing open fatwa against Hindus in Bangalore asking fellow community members to boycott their filling stations, pharmacies, etc. This was in June 2023 after Congress won the Karnataka Assembly Elections in mid 2023. Nobody raises a finger to protest. 
However, when Hindus decided to boycott them in Jamshedpur in 2020, the plunderers started playing the victim card and resorted to hooliganism which they are adept at. The cops too started harassing Hindus. 
When will the feku sickularsickular Hindus wake up to smell the putrid air being released by the musclemen and blowing all over India 🤔 
* Events Of India
* How India Travels 

Sayani speaks - attacking the CPI(M) in her typical style

Sayani Ghosh attacking the CPI(M) in her typical style after Abhishek Banerjee made her the TMC Youth Congress chief. 
* Sayani speaks

Kids of catwas are trained to be brutal through deceitful tactics from childhood

You haven’t understood this till today that it is a training. Before Bakri Eid the family keeps the goat for about 10 days!!!

During this time of the year when Bakri Eid is round the corner, they feed the animals, bathe it, play with it and take care of it almost like a baby.

The children of the house become very affectionate towards it, then one morning the goat is släughtëred right in front of the children's eyes.

Kids are initially angry, hysterical and sad; but eventually they get used to the bloodshed.

This process is constantly repeated year after year, right from childhood.

By the time they reach adulthood, they have become used to the idea of slaughtering in the name of I$lam.

So when they befriend you, be helpful to you, call you brother or sister, and become close to you...


That he has mastered the art of deceitful tactics flawlessly every year since his childhood 😡. 

Be it a goat or you, everything can be sacrificed for I$lam.