Sunday, March 19, 2023

Didir Kirti - No doctors fees payable for repeat consultation within 15 days

Corporate entities were forced to vanish from WB. 
Consequently, corporate professionals have vanished rendering this wasted state a huge old age home, with aged parents left at the mercy of TMChii goons. 
Teachers have vanished so that the young generations in the state grow up to become 'bokhate' rogues in the employment of TMChii. 
Going by HER new decision in March 2023, no doctors fees payable for repeat consultation within 15 days
This step will compel doctors to quit WB en masse so that the elderly perish without healthcare enabling the rogue Queen and her goons to usurp more and more properties without any hindrance 😡😡😡  
* Didir Kirti
* How India Travels (mid-March 2023) 

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