Sunday, December 31, 2023

Masjid in Prayagraj with Pakistan flag fluttering was demolished🚩

A masjid in Prayagraj had a Pakistan flag fluttering. Yogi ensured that the flag and the masjid were gone forever 🚩 

Garb se pukaro, Bharat Mata Ki Jay 🙏
Jor se pukaro, Bharat Mata Ki Jai 🙏

RaGa - talking about Hindu philosophy

Hear the pet Owl of Muzlims blabbering nonsense about philosophy of Shiva vis-a-vis that of Vishnu. The idi*o*t is indeed a Mur*kho Ka Sar*dar. 
God, please pick him up ASAP.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

First Amrit Bharat Express train to be flagged off on 2023-12-30

The first all new Amrit Bharat Express train will be flagged off from Malda railway station on 2023-12-30 on its maiden run to Bangalore. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Did any Britisher ever guess that some day their PM would be a Sanatan Hindu 🕉️

What a strange irony of history! Prior to August 15, 1947, did any British citizen even dream that their Prime Minister would be a Sanatan Hindu  and he would sit on the ground and chant Ramnam Sankeertan with everyone? 
* How India Travels 
* How World Travels 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Police atrocities on truckers in WB recorded in 2023-12

With inspiration provided by a Queen Bee 👑🐝 Waste Bengal has become a hellhole, an epicenter of unprecedented levels of corruption and wrongdoings. 
Roadies from across India should be aware that should the need arise, receiving help from police can at best be termed as a pipe dream! 
Video age: December 2023

PK's response to Tejaswi Yadav talking about GDP of Bihar

Tejaswi Yadav, the murkh son of fodder chor Laloo Prasad Yadav cum deputy CM of Bihar spoke about GDP of Bihar. 
Election strategist Prashant Kishore (PK) gave a hard hitting reply to the murkh Yadav. 


India should have been renamed Bharat way back in 1947

Truly thought provoking. 
India should have been renamed Bharat way back in 1947 itself. 

The accompanying video is an excerpt from Sadguru's interview with Kiran Bedi (retired IPS) in June 2014.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The man who fabricated the fibreglass idols of Ram

A man from North 24 Parganas district in West Bengal was assigned the task of fabricating the fibreglass idols of Ram Lalla to be installed in the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. 
* How India Travels 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Sabnam Sheikh walking from Mumbai to Ayodhya in December 2023

Sabnam Sheikh, a Sanatani Mus*lim left Mumbai for Ram Temple in Ayodhya (UP) on foot. 
Ram lalla will surely reward her sometimes sooner or later. 
Sabnam is an exemplary Indian Roadie On Foot 👍

The Gandhi parivaar had possibly masterminded the parliament security breach in December 2023

It's crystal clear that the Gandha Mafia parivaar with an overgrown adolescent son and an equally 'gaa*dhi' daughter had masterminded the security breach inside parliament in mid December 2023. 
* How India Travels 

The real MK Gandhi

The real MK Gandhi

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

RaGa - defining Satyagraha

Get enlightened by the Murkho Ke Sardar giving out gyan on the meaning of 'satyagraha'! 
* How India Travels 

Maidan must be converted into a jail to accommodate all the TMC chors


The Brigade Parade ground (Maidan) must be converted into a jail to accommodate all the TMC chors . . .  Suvendu Adhikari. 

(December 2023) 

Queen Bee's 👑🐝 bhaipo's marriage in Kurseong in early December 2023

Queen Bee's 👑🐝 bhaipo's marriage in Kurseong in early December 2023. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

MP CM's message to Muzlims, shape up or kuchal denge

No more anti India slogans in MP. 
Loudspeakers banned at religious places. 
Dr Mohan Yadav, the new CM of MP wef December 2023 has sent out a no-nonsense message to the rogue community. 
The pissful catwas should start realizing that it's shape up or ship out time for them. Nahi toh kuchal diya jayega. 
The typical play of victim card will NOT be tolerated. 
* How India Travels (December 2023) 

Jyotirpriyo Mallick, Minister, TMC govt before his arrest

The highly inspired lieutenant of a Queen Bee 👑🐝(a.k.a. Jyotirpriyo Mallick, a.k.a. Balu) a few weeks before his arrest by ED for swindling hundreds (maybe, thousands) of crores of rupees from the state exchequer in a public distribution system while he was the cabinet minister responsible for the department in WB 'gorment'. 
The fool didn't take a cue from the past track records of the Queen Bee 👑🐝. He was under the impression that his boss (for whom life is all about I-Me-Myself) will shield and rescue him. 
* How India Travels

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Sayani Ghosh foul mouthed Rajnath Singh

Sayani Ghosh has been crossing all limits because of inspiration provided by none other than the Queen Bee 👑🐝
The accompanying video of her foul mouthing Rajnath Singh, Union Defence Minister is from 9th or 10th December 2023. 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Mahua Moitra after getting expelled from Lok Sabha on 2023-12-08

Mahua Moitra after getting expelled from Lok Sabha on 2023-12-08 for her direct involvement in the Cash For Query scam. 
* Cash For Query

Two prominent bad omen (panauti) women of India

The two prominent bad omen (panauti) women of India. 
* How India Travels 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Techie thugs using AI tools for voice cloning to swindle money

Stay safe from techie thugs. They have started voice cloning using Artificial Intelligence (AI) by masquerading as some close relatives or acquaintances to siphon off money. 
It's actually happening. 
If someone asks for money, hang up the call and make a return call to cross check the veracity of the assistance seeker. Make your dear ones aware about the menace. 
* How India Travels 
* How World Travels 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Alolika Bhattacharjee Guha with AB in KBC

Alolika Bhattacharjee Guha is the latest internet sensation after her round in KBC and down to earth interaction with Amitabh Bachchan which made the latter laugh his heart out. 
Alolika originally hails from Malbazar, Jalpaiguri district, North Bengal. After marriage in 2018, she stays in Kolkata with husband, 4 years old son and in-laws. 

ভারতবর্ষের অত্যন্ত জনপ্রিয় কুইজ শো কন বানেগা করোরপতিতে যাবার স্বপ্ন অনেকেরই থাকে। কিন্তু পৌঁছাতে পারে কজন? ১৮ বছরের প্রচেষ্টায় সেই স্বপ্নই সফল করেছেন মালবাজারের মেয়ে Alolika Bhattacharjee Guha। মূলত মায়ের অনুপ্রেরণায় এবং শশুর বাড়ি,  বাপের বাড়ির সকল সদস্যদের সহযোগিতায় তার এই কেবিসির যাত্রা সফল বলে জানিয়েছেন Alolika দেবী। ভারতবর্ষের এই মেগা কুইজ কনটেস্টে তার প্রাপ্তি ১২ লক্ষ ৫০ হাজার টাকা। যা দিয়ে ভবিষ্যতে তার চার বছরের ছেলে অর্ক গুহর ভবিষ্যতের পড়াশোনা এবং বাবা-মায়ের বাড়ি তৈরির জন্য ভাইকে সাহায্য করতে চান। 

Alolika জলপাইগুড়ি এসি কলেজ থেকে জুওলজি অনার্স নিয়ে পাস করার পর গৃহ শিক্ষকতা। শিক্ষকতা করতেন মালবাজার সিজার স্কুলে। পড়াশোনাও এই স্কুলেই তার। আইসিডিএস প্রকল্পের সুপারভাইজার পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হয়ে অপেক্ষা করছেন জানুয়ারিতে সরকারি পদে যোগ দেবার। মালবাজারের ১৪ নম্বর ওয়ার্ডের প্রমোদনগর কলোনিতে বাবার বাড়ি। বিয়ে হয়েছে বছর পাঁচেক, স্বামী কলকাতায় বেসরকারি ফার্মে কর্মরত। স্বামী পিনাকী গুহ বাচ্চা এবং শ্বশুর শাশুড়িকে সামলেছেন তার শুটিং এর সময়। সঙ্গে গিয়েছিলেন ভাই অয়ন ভট্টাচার্য। ফোন ফ্রেন্ড অপশনে তিনি বেছে নিয়েছিলেন বর্তমান সিজার স্কুলের আরেক তরুণ শিক্ষক সুদীপ মজুমদারকে।  Alolikaদেবী জানাচ্ছেন সবাই খুব কোঅপারেট করেছে আমার এই যাত্রা পথে। সবার প্রতি আমি কৃতজ্ঞ থাকব সারা জীবন।

মা একসময় থিয়েটার করতেন। ইচ্ছে ছিল টিভিতে অ্যাক্টিং করার। কিন্তু বিয়ের পর তা সম্ভব হয়নি। চাইতেন মেকে যাতে একবার অন্তত টিভি পর্দায় দেখা যায়। সেই যাত্রা পথ শুরু হয়েছিল ১৮ বছর আগে। বেশ কিছু বছর আগে একবার গ্রাউন্ড অডিশনের সিলেক্ট হলেও ফাইনাল পর্যন্ত পৌঁছতে পারেননি। সুযোগ আসে এই বছর প্রি রেজিস্ট্রেশন করার পর। দুই দুইবার লটারি এবং টেলিফোনিক অডিশন হয় ।  সেখানে নির্বাচিত হয়ে মে মাসে হঠাৎ খবর আসে অডিশন দিতে যেতে হবে মুম্বাইয়ে। কিন্তু ট্রেনের টিকিট না পেয়ে, ফ্লাইট এর টিকিটের ভাড়া যোগাড় করতে না পেরে অডিশন দিতে যেতে পারেননি। সেই সময় অত্যন্ত হতাশ হয়ে পড়েন । কিন্তু জুন মাসে হঠাৎ আবার ফোন আসে অনলাইন অডিশন এর জন্য। সেই ধাপ পেরিয়ে দুই দুইবার পার্সোনাল ইন্টারভিউ এর পর সেপ্টেম্বর মাসে ফাইনাল শুটিংয়ের জন্য সুযোগ পান। আর সেখান থেকেই পৌঁছে যান অমিতাভ বচ্চনের বিপরীতে হট সিটে। জীবনের যাত্রা পথের গল্প শুনিয়ে, মাত করে দেন অমিতাভ বচ্চন সহ দর্শকদেরও। তিনি মঞ্চ থেকে ধ্বনি দেন "জয় হো কেবিসি"। Alolika সহজ সরল বাচনভঙ্গি, তার কেবিসির যাত্রাপথের কাহিনী গম্ভীর থাকতে দেয়নি অ্যাংরি ইয়ংম্যান কেও। এপিসোড সম্প্রচারিত হবার পর গতকাল অমিতাভ বচ্চন এপিসোডের ক্লিপিংস তার টুইটার একাউন্টে শেয়ার করেন যার ট্যাগলাইন ছিল "জয় হো।" 

সব মিলিয়ে কেবিসিতে গিয়ে রাতারাতি স্টার মালবাজারের এই কন্যা। প্রতিনিয়ত ফোন আসছে বিভিন্ন মিডিয়া হাউজ থেকে ফেসবুক ইনস্টাগ্রাম এ লাফিয়ে লাফিয়ে বাড়ছে ফলোয়ার। তবে এই সব কিছুর কৃতিত্বই Alolika দিচ্ছেন তার আপনজনদের। ভাই অয়ন ভট্টাচার্যের কথায় দিদির স্বপ্ন সফল, আমরাও সবাই খুশি। Alolika প্রমাণ করলো ইচ্ছে আর প্রচেষ্টা থাকলে সফলতা আসবেই। একটু দেরি হতে পারে কিন্তু আসবে নিশ্চিত। অমিতাভ বচ্চন কেমন হেসে এক কথায় জবাব অত্যন্ত বিনয়ী। 

* Education And Career Pundit 
* How India Travels

Unknown facts about Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Children of India should be aware of untold facts about Netaji Subhas Chandra 
Hear the facts from the next of kin of Netaji. 
* How India Travels 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

1992-12-06 set the ball rolling for India to become a Hindu nation

It was on 6th December 1992 that the seed was sown for a Hindu nation named Bharat. 
Jai Shree Ram 🙏 

* How India Travels

Monday, December 4, 2023

Hanuman in Nabanna on 2023-10-05

At 11.05 am on Thursday 2023-10-05, a Ram Bhakt hanuman had suddenly reached the 13th floor of 'Nabanna' building, the seat of power from where inspiration (anu_perona) is provided by a Queen Bee 👑🐝 for all wrongdoings in Waste Bengal. 
He looked up and looked down to take stock of the extent of malaise which has been spreading from this building since mid 2011. 
The incident is NOT funny. It is harbinger of good times ahead for a double engine government (not 'gorment') in WB to evict the source of all 'poblems'. 
The time might not be too far when the bhagwa will flutter from the four corners of Nabanna (across the Hooghly River) along with the tricolour flag from an even longer mast. 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Vivek Ramaswami, the potential Republican Presidential candidate was asked if he was a Hindu

In 1893 Swamiji stood in the USA as a Hindu monk. Vivek Ramaswami is the potential Republican Presidential candidate!                 
He is asked “Are you a Hindu?' 

What a beautiful answer he gave! Most Indian politicians will not dare to respond like this but will be ashamed to be a Hindu and will hide behind the so called secular veil! 
* Proud To Be An Indian 
* Garb Se Kaho Hum Hindu Hai 
* How World Travels

Didir Baani - A sample of her meaningless poems

'Bhikiri' Bengalis who love to live on petty alms are in awe of this all in one 'Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind who also claims to earn crores by virtue of being a poetess and author. 
Here's a sample of her meaningless poems. 
* Didir Baani 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengalis Shamed 
* How India Travels 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Vijaypat Singhania - Baghban advice

Pay heed to Vijaypat Singhania's 'baghban' advice. Don't give away your wealth to your children as long as you are alive. 

If a child of yours demonstrates extra care for you, more often than not it's a criminal plot being hatched by him/ her (and his/ her spouse) to usurp and strip you and his/ her other siblings of all your wealth and land you into utter misery! 

* All My Years 
The overgrown adolescent 55 years old panauti Gandha Owl, viz. the Murkho Ke Sardar will hopefully keep emitting obnoxious gas from all the orifices of his body while remaining holed up within the precincts of his bedroom and washroom for the next couple of days. 
The snubbing that he received in MP, CG and RJ on Sunday 2023-12-03 should be enough for him to hold Maino and Pappini's hands and escape to Italy by the first available flight.

An inspiring Bharat Mata caught the attention of PM Modiji in November 2023

The real Bharat Mata did not miss the hawk's eye of my karmyogi PM Modiji while campaigning for the assembly elections in November 2023. 
I wish all 140 crores of Indians are as deshpremi as the kid and her parents with sanatani Hindu values.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Alolika Bhattacharjee Guha in the hot seat of KBC with Amitabh Bachchan

The ability to laugh and remain happy is indeed the best medicine for a healthy life. 
Alolika Bhattacharjee Guha in the hot seat of KBC with Amitabh Bachchan. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Didir Baani - Her commitments about double double jobs turned down

Her commitments about double double jobs prior to the 2021 assembly elections while remaining seated in a wheelchair was turned down by Vaipo Banerjee in mid 2023. 

* Didir Baani 
* How India Travels

Pappini inadvertently spoke out the truth

Overgrown adolescent Pappu's sister Pappini blurted out the truth. 
* How India Travels 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

PM Modi was flown in a Tejas plane by Debanjan Mandal (SPS 1992)

PM Narendra Modi on Saturday 2023-11-25 undertook a sortie on the Tejas aircraft in Bengaluru. He called the flying experience "incredibly enriching" and said that it bolstered his confidence in the country's indigenous capabilities.

Debanjan Mandal (ICSE SPS March 1992 batch) flew the Indian PM in the Tejas. 
It's an incredibly proud moment for all us whose alma mater also happens to be St Patrick's School, Asansol. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Didir Baani - 2023-11-23 - Spat venom at Netaji Indoor Stadium

Spits venom non-stop realizing that her misdeeds have been exposed and that her time is over. Her dreams of becoming the PM in 2024 has vanished. 
She has realized that she is no match for Modiji. 

* Didir Baani on 2023-11-23 at Netaji Indoor Stadium

Mahua Moitra - Cash For Query scam

Mahua Moitra 
Cash For Query scam

Who's the actual panauti

Therefore, who's the actual panauti 🤔 
Will Pappini care to answer!

Mumbai Ahmedabad High Speed Rail infrastructure project (total distance: 508 kms) is getting ready at a fast pace. 
100 kms of viaduct and 250 kms of pier erection is ready as in mid November 2023. 
Once the ambitious railway project gets completed along with the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway which is also nearing completion, road traffic on Mumbai-Ahmedabad stretch of NH48 will automatically reduce a lot. 
* What Has Modi Done 
* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 

Friday, November 24, 2023

RaGa is indeed a Murkho Ke Sardar. 

Didir Baani - 2023-11-23 - 10 lakh crores supposedly invested in WB

Year after year, not once but seven times, SHE has been holding a farcical Bengal Global Business Summit where billboards screamed 'Bengal Means Business'. In the guise of all these hoopla, crores of rupees have been siphoned off. No worthy investments have been made by any businessman although hundreds (if not thousands) of MOUs have been signed during every summit. 

The most recent BGBS was flagged off on 2023-11-21 at the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre with she delivering a long meaningless speech. With every sentence the audience were in splits because of the nonsense she spoke. 

Even before the dust of BGBS 2023 had settled, she held a 'jansanjog meeting' at Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata. The venue was packed with HER chappal-lickers on Thursday 2023-11-23 during the meeting hosted by her. 
She bluffed that rupees 10 lakh crores have been invested in Waste Bengal because of those circuses named BGBS. She actually spat venom with every word she uttered with scary diabolical objectives. 

With inspiration provided by her, her goons extort and loot from the prettiest cobbler on the footpath to the wealthiest industrialist. Nobody will invest in this wasted state. Neither does she (and her team) know how to attract investment nor does she have the propensity to ensure that something good really happens in this wasted state. 

Bengalis are a know-it-all species in nature. They love to believe her bluffs. They are content to live on small doleouts. 

Let her publish a white paper on the entire bluff and fiasco revolving around BGBS. 

This lady, a Murkho Ke Rani, has screwed up over 40% of my peak professional life. There are people I know who have told me that the person deserves respect because of her gender. 

* Bengal Does Not Mean Business 
* Didir Baani at Netaji Indoor Stadium on 2023-11-23 
* Bluffer Didi  
* Bluffer Didi Exposed 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Adv Priyanka Tibrewal exposed Mamata's bluff about investments in WB

Adv Priyanka Tibrewal exposed the bluff being meted out by Mamata Banerjee year after year after every farcical Bengal Global Business Summit. 

(2023-11-23 Kolkata) 
* Bluffer Didi 
* Bluffer Didi Exposed 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Didir Baani - 2023-11-21 - BGBS She's an Englishian and Bengalian

With such a know_it_all Englishian and Bengalian Queen Bee 👑🐝 with proficiency in 39+ existing and non existing languages who of course is also the Greatest Gift of God To Bengali Mankind at helm of affairs in Bengal lecturing potential investors to this wasted state, it's only an opportunist scrap iron recycler who will squeeze money out of the state exchequer to claim that he is an industrialist, unless of course some businessman was bitten by a stray mad dog on the streets of Alipuram or Khanshire! 

Even at a forum like BGBS she had to foul mouth our karmyogi PM Narendra Modiji. Bengalis throughout the country will be frowned upon even more because of the 'khalpaar' Kalighatian. 

Even after all these, some will quip that the person deserves respect because of the person's gender! 

Crores of rupees of 'Bengalians' have gone down the gutter once again. 
* Didir Baani at Bengal Global Business Summit 2023-11
* Bengal Doomed
* Bengalis Shamed
* How India Travels
* Events Of India

Bangladeshis rejoiced after India lost to Australia in World Cup Cricket on 2023-11-19

The ola drivers throughout the world are a born ungrateful tribe of 'gaddars'. The ones in Bangladesh displayed their traits on camera on 2023-11-19. 
Hear and watch the unfaithful id*iots in Bangladesh rejoicing after India lost against Australia in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 finals at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. 
They have forgotten that India helped them against Pakistan to win their freedom in 1971. 
India under the able leadership of Modiji will give the unfaithful Bangladeshis a fitting reply in days to come. 

Brilliant step by NCERT to include Ramayan and Mahabharat in school textbooks

A brilliant step by NCERT to include Ramayan and Mahabharat in school textbooks. 
I wonder what the Murkho Ke Sardar, commies, deshdrohis and anti Hindu brigade will say about the proposed move. 
* How India Travels

Bharat Invented Numeral System

Bharat Invented Numeral System 🙏 

The Gandha khandaan never wanted Indians to know about it.
* How India Travels

Didir Kirti - 2023-11-21 - BGBS - Saurav Ganguly appointed Brand Ambassador of Bengal

Saurav Ganguly appointed Brand Ambassador of WB at the inaugural session of Bengal Global Business Summit in Kolkata on 2023-11-21 by CM Mamata Banerjee. 

Let the opportunist scrap iron recycler try to work on his own image first! Another 'Khao And Khaane Do' project by the Greatest Gift Of God To Bengali Mankind. 
Does the @$$ even know that he is a laughing stock 🤔 
Greg Chapel had exposed the bugger long time ago. 
Sourav Ganguly has been named the brand ambassador of Bengal by the Hon'ble Chief Minister at the Bengal Business Global Summit (BGBS). Ganguly's association with Bengal is expected to enhance the state's image and promote business and investment opportunities globally.

* Bengal Does Not Mean Business 
* Didir Baani 
* Didir Kirti 
* Bengal Doomed 
* Bengal Shamed 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Modiji gave a befitting snubbing to the Aussies in Ahd on 2023-11-19

Way back in 2006, the World Cup Cricket Trophy 🏆was won by Australia on Indian soil when India had Khangress ruling India from Delhi. Sharad Pawar handed over the trophy to the Aussie captain. However, immediately after getting hold of the trophy, the Aussies physically pushed out Pawar unceremoniously because they did not want him in the photo frame.
The ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 was once again won by the Aussies in Narendra Modi Stadium, Ahmedabad after defeating India by 6 wickets on Sunday 2023-11-19.
The Trophy 🏆 was handed over to the Australian Captain by none other than Narendra Modiji.
Modiji gave a fitting reply by walking off the podium with the the Australian vice president without wasting a minute for the much awaited photoshoot with the winning Australian team.
Tit for tat. The Australians learnt a lesson after 17 long years.
* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai
* Events of India
* How India Travels

Didir Baani - 2023-11-21 - BGBS - Bengal is now an economic powerhouse

"Bengal is now an economic powerhouse", whatever the f**k means 😡 

That's Didir Baani on 2023-11-21 at the inaugural session of BGBS 2023 in Kolkata. 

My money being blown off by the Queen  Bee 👑🐝 year after year for 7 long years in the guise of Bengal Global Business Summit. 

There are people who still say that she being a lady deserves 'respect'. 
* Didir Baani on 2023-11-21 at BGBS 
* Bengal Doomed
* Bengalis Shamed 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Shehla Rashid of August 2019 vis-a-vis November 2023

Shocking transformation! 
Shehla Rashid of pre August 2019 vis-a-vis November 2023. 

Finding it hard to believe that it's the same Shehla Rashid Begum of pre August 2019 and leader of the Tukde Tukde Gang speaking from the orifice between her lips 👄! 
The ghar wapsi has made me so happy. 

Hopefully, the other tuchiyas will follow suit. 

* Modi Hai Toh Mumkin Hai 
* How India Travels

Longest railway station platforms in India

The longest railway station platforms in India. 

Consultant beggars of Waste Bengal

Consultant 'bhikhiri' (beggar)! 
I am in no mood to laugh. It's the ground reality, the truth about the state of affairs in Waste Bengal. 
Don't miss out on the threats. 
The architects of this situation are Jyoti and his first bencher girl. 
* How India Travels

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Murkho Ke Sardar in action

"Murkho Ke Sardar" 👌👌👌
Thank you Modiji for coining this new phrase applicable to Maino's beta 🙏 


The only difference is the change in the leadership

'The only difference is the change in the leadership' - Gaurav Arya

Navi Mumbai Metro Line 1 Phase 1 commenced services wef 2023-11-17

Navi Mumbai Metro is finally on track! Passenger services commenced on the most-awaited 11.1 km Navi Mumbai Metro Line 1 Phase 1 with effect from 17th November 2023. 

Khangressi murkhs are aggrieved on PM Modi addressing their employer as Murkho ke Sardar

Khangressi Murkhs have let the cat out of the bag. Since the Murkhs are protesting, the world now knows that it's their employer, a Gandha Owl who was referred to as the Murkho ke Sardar by our karmyogi PM Modiji in mid November 2023 during the last phase of election campaign in Madhya Pradesh 🤭 
* How India Travels

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Nitish Kumar, CM, Bihar demonstrated means to prevent pregnancy in the Bihar Assembly

Nitish Kumar, CM, Bihar is a prominent face in the I.N.D.I. Alliance of thugs, criminals and wrongdoers. Watch and hear what he said and did in the Bihar Assembly to advice educated women from getting impregnated during copulation. 
How low will these id"io*ts stoop to with their words, body language and deeds? 
Repulsive characters 😡 

PM Modi during his election campaign in Madhya Pradesh strongly detested the obnoxious deed of Nitish in the Bihar assembly. 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

'Vijaygatha of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi'

When I say that Shri Ayodhya ji will become center of Geo Politics in time to come and will be a 3rd pole of Geo Politics people question that we have Kashi, Ujjain, Mathura why Shri Ayodhya ji only. 

These secular Hindus don't know the history of Shri Ayodhya ji, and they don't understand that victory which has come from struggle is always greater than victory served on a plate.  

These secular Hindus who used to talk about hospitals, schools, and toilets at Ram Janam Bhoomi have never taken part in any struggle. Calling them coward is not wrong. 

Must watch film: The story of 500 years of struggle for Ramlala and the construction of Ram temple has been shown so beautifully through a short film. This 12 minute 41 second video was made by Chandra Prakash Dwivedi of the famous TV serial Chanakya. This short film has been named 'Vijaygatha of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi'. 

I hope this film helps such secular Hindus to wake up and understand the sacrifice of 100000s of Hindus in the last 500 years. 

Jai Shri Ram

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Announcing the launch of Best Route For Road Trip on 2023-11-14

I (Deep Banerjee, Founder - Indian Roadie, Marketingpundit and associated forums) am happy to announce the launch of a new initiative, a blog, viz. Best Route For Road Trip on Tuesday 2023-11-14 at 2.30 pm. 

The blog can be accessed from 

Making cricket balls in Meerut

From choosing the perfect leather to carefully stitching the seam, the process of making cricket balls is tedious and time-consuming. It can take up to one and a half hours to make just one ball. This small unit in Meerut, in Uttar Pradesh, makes around 600 balls in a day. But this is not the only one. The city houses more than 3,000 units that manufacture sports equipment. The ongoing cricket World Cup has surged the demand for cricket equipment, including these crafted leather balls. 
Courtesy: The Hindu 
* How India Travels

Ayodhya Deepotsav on 2023-11-11

Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh made history by setting a new Guinness World Record during its Deepotsav festival on Saturday 2023-11-11, where over 22.3 lakh 'diyas' (earthen lamps) illuminated the night in celebration of Diwali. 

The videos shows the elaborate preparation in the morning for the evening. 

* Uttar Pradesh Trails 
* Diwali2023 
* Ayodhya 
* Guinness World Records 
* Uttar Pradesh Roadie 
* Indian Roadie Festivals

Monday, November 13, 2023

Mahua Moitra is a threat to our nation

Not all ladies deserve deserve respect. 
This lady thrives on men. This lady poaches on men. She's a diabolical parasite. She has jeopardized the security of India by revealing her confidential username and password to Hiranandani. Nevertheless, she claims to be a 'public servant'. 
She's one who's dirtying the sanctity of India's parliament. 

* Mahua Moitra 
* Cash For Query 
* How India Travels

PM Modi spent Diwali 2023 with jawans on duty at the border

It was a very special Diwali on Sunday 2023-11-12 for my karmyogi PM Narendra Modiji and also the jawans guarding our motherland surrounded by rogue neighbours at the borders. 
Both are working round the clock so that we live in peace along with our dear ones. 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

When will Bengalis and other Indians start living without subsidies

When will Bangalis, Dilliwalas and some more start living on their own abilities? 

* How India Travels

Monday, November 6, 2023

Mahua Moitra is withering away fast

I see an over stressed, over misused Halloween character with dark circles clearly visible under the eyes. No botox treatment will restore what's lost forever. 
The queen bee 👑🐝of WB will surely dump the Halloween, now that she is in terrible soup involving her direct involvement in the cash for query scandal.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

It's high time that true Indians cripple the Muzlims economically

While standing on Indian soil if they can threaten Hindus with violence, we can retaliate by making them starve. 
The saffron daariwala pissfuls have the same venomous thoughts throughout India. 
However, the moment they get cornered they start playing the victim card. The rona dhona starts like spoilt pampered children because for 70+ years they have thrived thanks to appeasement politics by Congress, Communists and all the other regional parties. 
They have got away with communal violences, attrocities against Hindus 🕉️, love jihad, abductions, stone pelting, murders, etc.  

Now it's time for us to cripple them economically. Irrespective of the profession we must totally boycott them. If they can't love India from within, if they have problems with Bharat Mata, they can't earn a rupee from Indians. The fiberandus can go to hell. 

1) হিন্দুদের কাছ থেকে ফল কিনবেন। 
২) হিন্দুর কাছ থেকে শাকসব্জী নেবেন। 
৩) হিন্দুদের কাছ থেকে কাপড় কিনবেন / সেলাই করাবেন। 
4) আমাদের ডাক্তার কেবল হিন্দু হবে । 
5) গাড়ি মেরামতের কাজ হিন্দু করবে। 
6) হিন্দুর হোটেলে যাবেন। 
7) হিন্দুর রিকশায়  চড়বেন। 
8) হিন্দুর কাছ থেকে মোবাইল রিচার্জ করবেন। 
9) বাড়ি এবং বাড়ির আসবাব হিন্দুরা তৈরি করবে। 
১০) হিন্দুদের থেকে রেডিমেড আইটেম কিনবেন। 

আমি আমার দেশকে ভালবাসি, তাই আর্থিক বয়কট করবো। 

ভারত মাতা কী জয় 🚩  

(The video is from Assam in early November 2023) 

Jyotipriyo Mallick has said that Mamata knows everything

মনে হচ্ছে খুব যত্ন সহকারে ইডি শ্যামবাজারের শশী বাবুর কোন এক অঙ্গে ট্রিটমেন্ট করেছে।    আইডিয়াটা তো মাননীয়াই দিয়েছিলেন প্রেস কনফারেন্সে। ব্যাস যেই ট্রিটমেন্ট শুরু অমনি হুড়হুড়িয়ে মাননীয়ার ভীষণ প্রিয় এবং টিএমসি সরকারের প্রাক্তন খাদ্যমন্ত্রী জ্যোতিপ্রিয় ওরফে বালু সব নাম বলে দিয়েছে মনে হচ্ছে।  এতো নিজেই বলে দিল যে তেনারা সবকিছুই জানে। 

এই প্রেস বাইট গুলো কিন্তু কারো ঘুম কেড়ে নিয়েছে। যতই বোটক্স করুক চেহারাতে কিন্তু তার ছাপ পরিষ্কার দেখা দিচ্ছে। 

* How India Travels

Didir Baani - supposedly set up 500 IITs in WB

She supposedly set up 500 IITs in West Bengal after coming to power in 2011. 
Education and pedigree are important! 

* Didir Baani

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Where is Arvind Kejriwal's ₹23 cr worth smog tower

Kejriwal's much touted Smog Tower in CP worth ₹23 crores can't be seen because it's hidden behind smog. 
Kejri is possibly the worst, most unethical and corrupt IIT-Kgp-ian to acquire a degree from the hallowed institution 😡 
Who in my list is smitten by Kejri's background as an IITian? 
* How India Travels

Lovely song by a 5 year old girl with her mother

The 5 year old girl singing with her mother at a reality show will make your day. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Molesters of 17 years old school girl who died in Ambedkarnagar shot at during encounter on 2023-09-17

Two muzlim boys in a bike pulled the dopatta of a 17 years old Hindu girl returning home from school riding her bicycle in Ambedkarnagar, UP at 3.30 pm on Friday 2023-09-15. She lost balance, fell on the road and was hit by another muzlim boy also riding a bike. The main culprits and the accomplish in the second bike escaped the scene leaving the injured girl on the road. 
Passersby and witnesses took the injured girl to a nearby hospital she was declared brought dead to hospital. The case was almost shut considering it to be another case of road accident. 
However, on examining CCTV footages and questioning witnesses, the actual sequence of events leading to the death of the young girl came to light. 
The three boys from the rogue community were subsequently arrested. They tried to escape from police custody and two were shot in their legs in an encounter with UP Police on Sunday 2023-09-17, while one fractured his legs in his bid to escape. 
All three were nabbed once again and are in custody. 

Yogi Adityanath on 2023-09-17 promised that all such rogues will be sent to meet Yamraj. 
Hail Yogiji 🙏 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels