Saturday, November 19, 2022

Awww .... Aftab is soo cute, etc, etc

Awww  .... Aftab is so cute. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so handsome. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so adorable. 
Awww  .... Aftab is such a great women's rights activists. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so concerned about environment and is totally against bursting crackers during Diwali. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so pissful. 
Awww  .... Aftab is such a great f**k*r. 
Awww  .... Aftab's household makes such lip smacking kababs & biriyani with halal meat. 

Awww  .... Shraddha's parents predicted how big a b*st*rd these Aftabs are and therefore opposed tooth and nail. The sw*ne tricked Shraddha to leave her home in Mumbai and the girl landed in Delhi on 8th May 2022 to get 'effed' left right and center by Aftab. 

Awww  ..... Aftab made 35 pieces of 'boti kababs' out of Shraddha Bansal because after reaching Delhi Sraddha started pestering the MF to marry her. 

Awww  ..... So what if Aftab got nabbed. The entire camel mutra drinking community will easily find thousands of Hi*du liberandu g*rls who are waiting with legs wide open. 

Awww  ..... Me Lord will also feel that Aftab too has a future. 

* Love Jihad

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