Saturday, November 19, 2022

Hindu girls should stay clear of Aftabs, Abduls and their clan

It's high time that H*ndu girls stay clear of Abduls (and the camel mutra drinkers) totally. Just shun them. Boycott them totally. Our girls should stop being their s*x toys only to be halaled and dumped in fridges or suitcases. 
Nobody should want to meet the same fate as Aftab's Shraddha.

Young Muscleman boys are trained to kill animals resulting in them developing criminal traits

This post was necessary when I had to jump into a friends Facebook conversation. An assertion disturbed me enough for me to narrate my experience.

I lived in a place called Nizamudin In Delhi. It used to be a posh Punjabi middle class neighborhood till late 90s. The demographic started changing in 1998, till mid 2000s, it was mostly muslim.

Come eid, and the streets started seeing patches of blood after the new settlers came in. In the back alleys, towards the dargah, where I seldom used to go, I was invited by a muslim family I had become quite close to. It was bakr eid.

The entire alleys drain was saturated with blood from several goat sacrifices. I felt pukish, but with my husbands cajoling, walked the hundred odd meters to the home.

A biryani dish awaited us. It was gleefully revealed that the goat was 'sacrificed' and the family's 8 year old had done the honors with help from the uncle.

Over the next few years, it was revealed that young boys were trained to perform such 'sacrifices'.

Over the coming years it became clear that there was a high degree of criminality among the community due to this. 

If Kashmir's ethnic cleansing, Bangladesh and Pakistan's declining minority population doesn't convince you that it is not a community that can live with any other in harmony. Nothing else will.

Don't say inane nice things just to appear secular. See and say things as they are. 

(Copied verbatim from the Facebook wallpost of Narayani Ranganathan in November 2022)

Tamil girls sang Shyama Sangeet

Wonderful 👌👌👌 
Hear the young Tamil girls sing Shyama Sangeet devoted to Maa Kali so flawlessly in Bengali. 
The kids filled my heart 💕

Awww .... Aftab is soo cute, etc, etc

Awww  .... Aftab is so cute. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so handsome. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so adorable. 
Awww  .... Aftab is such a great women's rights activists. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so concerned about environment and is totally against bursting crackers during Diwali. 
Awww  .... Aftab is so pissful. 
Awww  .... Aftab is such a great f**k*r. 
Awww  .... Aftab's household makes such lip smacking kababs & biriyani with halal meat. 

Awww  .... Shraddha's parents predicted how big a b*st*rd these Aftabs are and therefore opposed tooth and nail. The sw*ne tricked Shraddha to leave her home in Mumbai and the girl landed in Delhi on 8th May 2022 to get 'effed' left right and center by Aftab. 

Awww  ..... Aftab made 35 pieces of 'boti kababs' out of Shraddha Bansal because after reaching Delhi Sraddha started pestering the MF to marry her. 

Awww  ..... So what if Aftab got nabbed. The entire camel mutra drinking community will easily find thousands of Hi*du liberandu g*rls who are waiting with legs wide open. 

Awww  ..... Me Lord will also feel that Aftab too has a future. 

* Love Jihad

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Pappu dressed as Sardarji on Guru Nanak Jayanti in Maharashtra

An old and limp Owl Gandhi was spotted dressed  as a 'sardarji' on Guru Nanak Jayanti on Tuesday 2022-11-08 somewhere in Maharashtra during his Bharat Todo Yatra. 
Some utter anti Hi*du and anti Indian 'deshdrohis' will start screaming that their pet Owl exudes trust and is so affable. 
My advice: Leave social media and make this id*ot your bedfellow. 
* Bharat Todo Yatra 
* How India Travels 
* Events Of India

Friday, November 11, 2022

Partha Chatterjee's PhD is a plagized one

It has been ages since I have gone on blabbering that a obnoxious PaCha/ Partha Chatterjee's Ph.D degree in Management from North Bengal University is a plagiarized one. 
Now in early November 2022, it's making news all over in the media. Even the 'chamcha' media of TMChii has started reporting the fact. 
Here are just 3 links where I spoke of 'byartha' (failed) Partha's plagiarized Ph.D.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Yogiji demoted a DSP to Sub Inspector

When you have a 'sanskari' and 'sanatani' principal, rogues don't go scot free. 
Yogiji has demoted a DSP to Sub Inspector for taking bribe to botch-up a gangrape case. It's truly a pathbreaking action by Yogiji. 
Yogiji, pranam 🙏
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

Friday, November 4, 2022

Pappu rode the rooftop of an empty bus in TS during his Bharat Todo Yatra

An old gandha owl rode on the rooftop of an empty state bus in Telengana on 2022-11-02. 

Awww  .... the owl is working so hard to heal the divide in India 😉. That's what the brain dead fiberandus and camel mutra drinkers firmly believe. 
* Bharat Todo Yatra
* Events Of India

Pappu with Pooja Bhat in Hyderabad on Day 56 of Bharat Todo Yatra

Gandha Owl with erstwhile bikini clad alcohol seller having a gala time in Telengana on Day 56 of a futile Desh Todo Yatra. 

Bulldozers will sell like hotcakes in India with so many properties of 'desh todo brigade' to demolish all across the country. The Gandha Owl's desh todo yatra is a stark pointer of where all to deploy bulldozers. 

Awww  .... the owl along with enemy nation apologists are working so hard to heal the divide in India 😉. That's what the brain dead fiberandus firmly believe. The camel mutra drinkers who are the biggest #EnemiesWithin India are rejoicing. 
* Bharat Todo Yatra 
* Events Of India 
* How India Travels

A for Arjun, B for Balaram in UP under Yogiji

The commie buffoons who project themselves to be intellectuals because they have read some literature of alien countries and keep blabbering about mother tongue (other than Hindi) will now get busy to find some anti Indian or anti Hindu narrative. 

Making children learn A for Arjun, B for Balaram, K for Krishna, etc, etc is an unprecedented move by Yogiji 🙏🙏🙏 

Awwww 😩 India has become such a bad place to live in 😃 
The 'rudalis' will start their 'rona dhona' once again. 

It's only a matter of time before they start screaming that this is a surrogate move to ensure that there's only one religion in India. However, for almost 65 years 'Jack and Jill went up the hill' was fine with them. Terming a plunderer as 'Akbar the great' was fine.