Wednesday, September 28, 2022

FaBo dishing out/ promoting obscenity via Reels

FaBo has been aggressively promoting their Reels and Short Videos with suggestive thumbnail images. It's actively involved in jeopardizing the productivity and moral values of its target audience in India, irrespective of age and other demographic classifications. It's their way of being in league with the break India forces. 

If these obnoxious reels are reported, FaBo responds back at times saying that their 'fact-checkers' (mostly from the zoobear community) or technology found everything within their 'worldwide' community standards and if it is still considered offensive, one can simply block the makers of such reels so as not to see the maker in future. 

FaBo is getting bolder by the day. 

(2022-09-28  1.50 pm) 

Real Indians should unite to decimate the diabolical designs of FaBo. Use your grey matter. Can you see the diabolical intent of Jhuku's company! Don't pass these off as light entertainment. The rogue community and commies are at serious work by supporting these nonsense.
* Productivity Jihad 
* Morality Jihad

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