Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Umbrella is Amrela in WB

Umbrella is Amrela. 
HS and Higher Secondary are different.
Messaging in Rotten Inglish is enough to pass in English!
It's the 'Qualified Uneducated'  'hanikarak' commie TEACHERS who have pushed these kids to the edge and made them a laughing stock 😡  The kids protesting on roads failed in the HS Class 12 exams in WB. Most of them flunked in English. Their demand is to declare them as 'passed'. The results were published on 2022-06-10.
While the world is publicly shaming them, I am yet to find one of those commie buffoons who have protested and utter those oft spoken phrase, 'English is not their mother tongue'. The commie buggers will never be with the kids because they never want anyone to equal to them or their own children in social status!
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