Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mamata never wanted to bring back migrant workers. It was evident by early April 2020


Even as early as 2020-04-03, it was amply clear that Mamata Banerjee or WB govt bureaucrats had no intentions to bring back to WB migrant workers from other states. 

* How India Travels

Mamata started shunning responsibility and acknowledging failures wef end-April 2020


Mamata started shunning responsibility and refused to acknowledge failures in controlling spread of Corona even more vehemently wef end-April 2020. For all her failures she blamed the PM. She had fudged all figures related to Corona affected and deaths and wanted brownie points on the basis of fudged data. 

By end April 2020, she had started putting her ministers in the front line to bear the brunt of public outrage. 

Note what she stated during her press conference on 2020-04-27. 

* Didir Baani 

* Didir Kirti 

* How India Travels

Flagmarch in Tikiapara after police were assaulted in end April 2020


Flagmarch in Tikiapara by police and Rapid Action Force after policemen on duty were assaulted by Muscleman rogues on 2020-04-28.  

The policemen were trying to enforce lockdown. 

* How India Travels

PM Modi on 2020-05-22 clearly said ₹1000 crores advance, but Mamata at her dirty game again

PM Modi announces Rs 1,000 crore ‘advance assistance’ to West Bengal in Mamata Banerjee’s presence, CM lies, says ‘no clarity’.
PM Modi along with Mamata Banerjee today conducted an aerial survey of the devastation wrought by the super cyclone Amphan over large swathes of West Bengal before landing near a school in Basirhat, 50 Kms from Kolkata airport, where he held a review meeting with the West Bengal chief minister and other officials. Following the review meeting, PM Modi announced through a video message advanced interim assistance of Rs 1,000 crore for the cyclone-hit West Bengal.
However, shortly after the meeting concluded, the West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee, while talking to the press, claimed that the PM Modi has only assured of financial assistance and there was no clarity as to whether it would be advanced assistance or a package of some sort.
While PM Modi said in clear and lucid terms that the centre will be extending an “advance assistance” of Rs 1000 crore for West Bengal to cope with the devastation caused by the cyclone, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee appeared to deliberately muddle the discourse by claiming that there was no clarity on the announcement made by the Prime Minister.
Here’s the announcement made by PM Modi in which explicitly mentions that the centre will be providing an “advance assistance” of Rs 1000 crore to the West Bengal government to help them tide over the destruction caused by the cyclone.
At 4:15 into the above video, PM Modi says, “The Indian government will provide an advance financial assistance of Rs 1000 crore to the West Bengal government to help in the restoration, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the state hit by the cyclone. Rs. 2 lakh would be given to the next of kin of the persons deceased and Rs 50,000 each to the persons who got seriously injured.”
It is also pertinent to note that West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee was seated just some distance away from PM Modi during his briefing and can be seen in the above video as well, implying that the announcements made by PM Modi in his briefing were entirely audible to her.
In fact, shortly after PM Modi announced in his video message that the central government will provide an advance aid of Rs 1000 crore to the West Bengal government, the same was also communicated through the official Twitter handle of the PMO India.
“Rs. 1000 crore advance assurance will be given to West Bengal, ” the official PMO India handle tweeted.
However, despite PM Modi’s explicit reference to proving advance assistance to West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed in a press briefing after the meeting with PM Modi that there is obscurity on the financial aid announced by the Prime Minister and she was not sure whether it was advance or a part of a package or something else.
At 2:03 into the above video, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee while addressing press questions says, “Prime Minister Modi announced Rs 1000 crore from the emergency fund to provide interim relief to West Bengal but he did not expressly clarify whether it would be advance or a package. He said that we will discuss later on, then he said maybe advance also.”
Despite PM Modi clearly and unambiguously declaring that Rs 1000 crore will be provided to the West Bengal government, the cyclone crisis along with the looming threat posed by the coronavirus outbreak did not deter West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee from playing her petty politics against the central government. By alleging that there was no clarity on the economic assistance provided by the central government, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee attempted to cast the Modi government in an unprepossessing light, apathetic to the plight of victims of the cyclone.

Friday, August 14, 2020

AIMIM corporator Murtaza Ali threatened police trying to enforce lockdown


AIMIM corporator Murtaza Ali was seen openly threatening two police constables who were trying to enforce lockdown in Telangana. 

Police in some states punished Hindus displaying saffron flags and banners


Ajit, editor of OpIndia speaks about police going overboard in some states and punishing Hindus who displayed saffron flags or banners proclaiming that business would be conducted with Hindus only. 


Yogi Adityanath spoke about his dreams for UP


Yogi Adityanath spoke about his dreams for UP during his days as Member of Parliament from Gorakhpur. 

Yogiji deserves a lot of respect. 

* How India Travels 

Vandebharat Express train


Bangalore communal riots on 2020-08-11 (Part B)


Bangalore communal riots on 2020-08-11 (Part A)


Aftermath of communal riots in Bangalore on 2020-08-11


The scene of mayhem and destruction in Bangalore, a day after the communal mob went on a rampage and engaged themselves in mass rioting on 2020-08-11 😠 
* Bangalore Riots
* How India Travels

Mamata's understanding of Corona

Saturday, August 8, 2020

What really happened in Rajabazar in Kolkata on 2020-08-05

What had really happened in Rajabazar in Kolkata on 2020-08-05. The problem started with Muscleman demanding  the removal of saffron flags from near a Hindu temple.
Once the police arrived, they were seen taking sides with the non-Hindus. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Mamata kept bluffing to PM that Covid care in WB is totally free

Mamata kept bluffing to PM that Covid care in WB is totally free.
In reality, private hospitals are fleecing patients since there are pathetically insufficient beds in government hospitals. Junior staff are extorting huge sums of money from patient parties. Ambulances are charging a minimum of ₹5000 for ferrying patients for a distance of only 5 - 7 kms.
* How India Travels

By end July 2020, health infrastructure in WB had totally collapsed

By end July 2020, it has been proved beyond doubts that healthcare facilities in WB has totally collapsed.
A 8 year old kid who fractured his legs in a road accident lost his life because of total apathy of the doctors and state administration 😠
The Chief Minister who is also the Health Minister keeps claiming that the health system in West Bengal is the 'besht'. Even while innocent lives are being lost everyday, she continues blabbering lies and is still trying to earn brownie points.
* Didir Baani
* How India Travels

Bluffer Mamata, non-compassionate Mamata, opportunistic Mamata, failed Mamata

By July 2020, Mamata's real real self has been completely exposed during the difficult times of Corona cases mounting in leaps and bounds in West Bengal. She is clueless.
Her rhetoric about 'I have a life too', crap, crap, crap are hilarious.
Bluffer Mamata, non-compassionate Mamata, opportunistic Mamata, failed Mamata.
She's purely diabolical in her intentions. She's full of venomous ideas.
* Didir Kirti
* Didir Baani
* How India Travels

Mamata's flip-flops in Lockdown dates in August 2020

Mamata announced four editions of lockdown dates in Bengal not to control Corona but to keep her 'milch cows' appeased. 
She runs a government without agenda and a state with diabolical intentions. 
Mamata's flip-flops in Lockdown dates in August 2020 sucks. 
* Didir Baani 
* Didir Kirti 
* How India Travels

Mamata didi, Jai Shree Ram 😃

Indian Hindus, who supposedly are 'kiminals' wished Mamata Banerjee a Jai Shree Ram on 2020-08-05, the auspicious day of Bhoomi Pooja in Ayodhya 😃

Video courtesy: Tarunjyoti Tewari. 

Mandir vis-a-vis Hospital


গতকাল (2020-08-05) রাম মন্দিরের ভূমি পুজোর পর থেকেই হঠাৎ কিছু তথাকথিত উদার মনস্ক মানুষের হাসপাতাল হাসপাতাল রব উঠলো। রব উঠতেই পারে। কিন্তু ভারতবর্ষের সর্বাধিক ভাবাবেগের সাথে এই হাসপাতাল তৈরীর দাবি কতটা বাস্তব? নাকি শুধুমাত্রই একটি নির্দিষ্ট সম্প্রদায়ের প্রতি বিষোদগার থেকে এই ধরনের দাবি। আসুন দেখে নেওয়া যাক ভারতবর্ষের সর্ব শ্রেষ্ঠ All India Institute of Medical Sciences এর কিছু তথ্য।

১৯৫৬ সাল, ভারতবর্ষের স্বাধীনতার পর প্রথম তৈরী হয় AIIMS দিল্লি। তারপর থেকে আর কোনও এই ধরনের হাসপাতাল বা Institute তৈরীর ভাবনা আসেনি দীর্ঘ অর্ধশতকের ওপর। মধ্যের সময়টা প্রায় পুরোটাই কংগ্রেস শাসনাধীন ভারতবর্ষ। অবশেষে দীর্ঘ ৫৬ বছর পর ২০১২ সাল নাগাদ প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয় আরও সাতটি AIIMS যথাক্রমে ভোপাল, ভুবনেশ্বর, যোধপুর, পাটনা, রায়পুর, ঋষিকেশ এবং রায়বেরিলি।অর্থাৎ স্বাধীনতার ৬৫ বছরে সর্বমোট ৮ টি।

২০১৪ সালে রাজনৈতিক পটভূমির পরিবর্তন হয়, নতুন স্থায়ী সরকার দেশবাসীর অনেক আশা পূরণ করবে বলে দীর্ঘদিন বাদে একটি শক্তিশালী সরকারকে নির্বাচিত করে দেশবাসী। তারপর আবার ২০১৯ এ সেই সরকারকেই আরও শক্তিশালী করে ফিরিয়ে নিয়ে আসে। এই ছবছরের কার্যকালে কতগুলি নতুন AIIMS পেলো দেশবাসী? হ্যাঁ নতুন প্রতিষ্ঠা পেলো যথাক্রমে নাগপুর, মানগালগিরি, গোরখপুর, বিবিনগর, ভাটিন্ডা, কল্যাণী, দেওঘর এবং তেলেঙ্গানা মিলিয়ে সর্বমোট আরও ৮ টি। বর্তমানে মাদুরাই, রাজকোট, বিজয়পুর, আওন্তিপুরা, বিলাসপুর, চাঁদসারী, রিওয়ারি, দারভাঙ্গা সহ আরও ৯ টি under construction. এর মধ্যে কয়েকটি খুব শীঘ্রই operational হতে চলেছে। জানিয়ে রাখা ভালো বর্তমান কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রিসভা আরও ২০ টি নতুন AIIMS এর সম্মতি বা ছাড়পত্র দিয়ে দিয়েছে।

মুশকিল টা কি জানেন আসলে রাজনৈতিক বিরোধিতা করতে করতে অন্ধ হয়ে গিয়ে দিকবিদিগ জ্ঞান শূন্য হয়ে কোথায় মন্দির আর কোথায় হাসপাতালের প্রয়োজন তা না জানার খেসারত দিতে হয় আট থেকে আশি সাধারণ মানুষকে। সঠিক তথ্য সঠিকভাবে পরিবেশনের দায় নেই বিরোধী রাজনৈতিক দলগুলির, তাই নিরীহ সাধারণ মানুষের ভাবাবেগের ওপর অতি সহজেই এরা কুঠারাঘাত করতে পারে। আশাকরি যে সব বিখ্যাত আত্মা মন্দিরের সাথে হাসপাতাল গুলিয়ে ফেলছেন, তাদের চাহিদা মাফিক সবকিছুই তারা পেয়ে গেছেন অলরেডি।

Copied from the Facebook wall of: Swarnendu Deb dated 2020-08-06. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Expressway to Temple Town - Infrastructure drive is making Ayodhya more accessible for tourists

Expressway to  Temple Town -  Infrastructure drive is making Ayodhya more accessible for tourists.
Ayodhya, despite the limelight it has received over the last three to four decades, hasn’t developed into a major revenue-generating tourism centre, largely due to the lack of good connectivity infrastructure.

While Uttar Pradesh has consistently ranked among the top three states in terms of both foreign and domestic tourist arrivals in the country over the last decade with a share of around 13 to 15 percent in both categories, the state remains far from reaching its potential in this domain.

Tourism activity has remained largely confined to the three attractive destinations in the state - Agra, Varanasi and Prayagraj.

What is common between these three destinations other than their critical place in Indian history and civilisation? Good connectivity.

Agra, along with Jaipur and Delhi, is part of the most popular tourism circuit in India, called "Golden Triangle". It is close to Delhi, where a large number of foreign tourists land, and also has its own airport.

It is linked to Lucknow through the Lucknow-Agra Expressway, and to the National Capital Region through the Yamuna Expressway.

Varanasi and Prayagraj, only 120 kilometres apart, form a triangle of their own with the town of Sarnath, and have good rail and road connections, and their own airports with flights to major state capitals and urban centres.

The case of Chitrakoot, the second most important place in the Ramayan circuit after Ayodhya, isn’t very different.

Forget connectivity with other cities, there is not one direct road link between the two temple towns of Ayodhya and Chitrakoot.

A result of apathy of successive governments unwilling to touch anything associated with Ram even with a 10-foot-pole, this is now changing.

Both Ayodhya and Chitrakoot are getting separate expressways, linking these towns with neighboring districts and the National Capital Region.

The under-construction Purvanchal Expressway, which will link state capital Lucknow with the town of Balia on the border with Bihar in the east, passes through seven districts. One of these districts is Ayodhya.

Given that Lucknow is already linked to the National Capital Region along the western boundary of the state through the Lucknow-Agra Expressway and Yamuna (Agra-Greater Noida) Expressway, this would make for seamless connectivity from both eastern and western parts of the state to Ayodhya.

Both Delhi and Agra, the two cities that receive the largest number of foreign tourists, will be linked with Ayodhya through this network of expressways.

Despite delays due to Covid-19 outbreak, the main carriageway of the 340-km-long expressway is likely to be opened by the end of this year.

The Purvanchal Expressway, and consequently the district of Ayodhya, will be linked to Gorakhpur, another major temple town in the state, through the Gorakhpur Link Expressway.

Gorakhpur is the seat of the much-revered Gorakhnath Peeth, which for decades under three Mahants - Digvijay Nath, Avaidyanath and Yogi Adityanath - played a pivotal role in the Ram Janmabhoomi movement.

As Chief Minister, Adityanath continues to head the Gorakhnath Peeth as Mahant.

Work on the Link Expressway is already under way.

The Adityanath government is also upgrading the existing airstrip in Ayodhya to a full fledged airport for better connectivity.

In the 2020 budget, the government had allocated Rs 500 crore for the construction of the airport. Rs 200 crore had been released in 2019 to acquire land for expansion around the existing airstrip.

Currently, airports in Lucknow and Gorakhpur, both within 150 km east and west of Ayodhya respectively, serve tourists coming to the temple town by air.

Ayodhya’s railway station is also getting a much-needed upgrade.

The railway station is being massively improved and remodelled based on the Ram Mandir at a cost of Rs 104 crore. Work on the first phase of the station began sometime in 2019 and is likely to be complete in 2021.

A majority of domestic tourists are expected to reach the temple town via rail.

Within the city, multiple other existing facilities and tourist attractions, including the city’s bus station and the ghats along the Sarayu River, are being revamped.

The Purvanchal Expressway is not the only new road that Ayodhya is getting.

In February 2019, Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways, laid the foundation for five National Highway projects in Ayodhya.

These projects include the construction of a 46-km-long four-lane ring road around Ayodhya to reduce traffic congestion on the narrow lanes inside the town, 275-km-long Kosi Parikrama Marg as a pilgrimage circuit around Ayodhya passing through six districts, and the 262-km-long Ram Vangaman Marg.

The Ram Vangaman Marg will be the first and much-needed dedicated road link between Ayodhya and Chitrakoot.

Starting from UP’s Pratapgarh, which is linked to Ayodhya to its north through National Highway 330, the new highway will reduce the distance between the two temple towns by around 50 kilometres.

Chitrakoot, along with the seven districts part of the Bundelkhand in UP, is also being linked to the National Capital Region with the Bundelkhand Expressway.

The 296-km long Bundelkhand Expressway, to be ready in 2022, will link Chitrakoot with the Agra-Lucknow expressway near Etawah.

The rough alignment of various expressways, both planned and under-construction, in Uttar Pradesh (UPEIDA)

The region is electorally important for the BJP - of the 19 Vidhan Sabha seats in the seven districts that form Uttar Pradesh’s Bundelkhand, the party had won all 19 in 2017. In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, the party had won all the four seats in the region, repeating its performance of the 2014 polls.

Bundelkhand is flanked in the east and the west by the two most popular tourist circuits in the state. To the east lies the Prayagraj-Sarnath-Varanasi triangle and the Agra-Mathura-Fatehpur Sikri circuit lies to the west of the region.

Located where it is, Chitrakoot can attract tourists from both these circuits.

A plan to expand the existing runway in Chitrakoot into an airport with commercial flights is also afloat and the state government has expressed interest in developing it into a full-fledged airport to service the Bundelkhand region.

Two other infrastructure projects of the Adityanath government, Jewar Airport and Ganga Expressway, will further improve connectivity in the state.

Jewar Airport, coming up in the western part of the state near Greater Noida, will be the state’s first truly international airport. Work on the airport, touted as India’s biggest, has already begun. The state government has allocated Rs 2000 crore for land acquisition in the 2020 budget.

The Ganga Expressway, as its name suggests, will pass through the districts the Ganga River flows through. The 1,020 kilometres long expressway will be completed in two phases, and work on this project is already underway.

In the first phase, a 600 km corridor will link Meerut in western UP with Prayagraj in the eastern part of the state, passing through Jyotiba Phule Nagar, Sambhal, Badaun, Farrukhabad, Hardoi, Unnao, Rae Bareli and Pratapgarh.

In the second phase, two extensions will be built, one on the eastern end and the other on the western end. A 110 km extension will link the western end of the expressway in Meerut to the state’s boundary with Uttarakhand, near Haridwar. Its eastern end in Prayagraj will be linked to Balia near the border with Bihar, through a 300-km-long extension passing through Varanasi and Ghazipur.

The expressway will link all temple towns on the bank of the Ganga River.
* Indian Roadie Infrastructure Projects

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Arfa Khanum's intentions are diabolical

Ms. Arfa Khanum thinks that she is the only smart a$$ around and nobody understands her intention.
She asked for cancellation/ postponement of Ram Mandir Bhoomi Pooja via a Tweet. Her Twitter handle is @khanumarfa.
Why didn't she express her concern and demand the cancellation of Eid celebrations on 2020-08-01?
She is another cunning muscleman 😠
Rupa Murthy exposed her in no uncertain terms.
* How India Travels

Model of proposed Ram Temple in Ayodhya

The proposed model of the Ram Temple, the foundation stone laying ceremony of which will be held in UP's Ayodhya on Wednesday, 2020-08-05.

* Jai Shree Ram

(Pic Source: Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra)
* How India Travels

Kerala ensured that Hindus don't get to see the Bhumi Pujan in Ayodhya on 2020-08-05

Most power grids were down in Kerala since 2020-08-05 morning. The government couldn't have allowed to watch the live telecast of Bhumi Pujan.
That's Kerala model.
Only Hindus are supposed to be tolerant 😠
Hindus will not forgive the Commies. The 'vinaash' of the Commies are imminent.

How dare they have the audacity to threat to rebuild a mosque at the Ram Mandir site

When will the Dhimmi Hindus understand that the true mission of the Jihadis is Ghazwa E Hind and complete destruction of Indian culture and civilization!

Still Hindu are stuck with nonsense like Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb!

Dhimmi Hindu girls who are trapped in Love Jihad are saying my Abdul is not like this Akbar!

War is already upon us (Hindus) but we choose to ignore due to some fake sense of Secularism!

The attached documents are from the Tweet of @AIMPLB_official dated 2020-08-04, 8.42 pm.

Truth will indeed prevail in a new India as desired by dark blotch from Bengal

The shameless saint in white tried projecting herself as innocent and squeaky clean in end July 2020 😡
Truth will indeed prevail in a new India.
The 'Buddha' will run for the rathole. The Khans and KJos will run for the same. However, none will escape.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Amit Shah tested positive for COVID19 infection on 2020-08-02

Amit Shah tested positive for COVID19 infection on 2020-08-02. He will get well soon.
* How India Travels