Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Noor Alam Sk, a Bangladeshi protesting NRC and asking Modi to go back on 2020-01-12 .... appalling

This guy, Noor Alam Sk supposedly a Bangladeshi journalist hailing from Khulna was in Kolkata, India on 2020-01-12 on a visa ostensibly for health checkup.

On Sunday, 2020-01-12 he posted the attached photo on his own FB wall after protesting against NRC and asking Modi to go back from Kolkata 😡

We are wondering how the #fiberandus (fake liberals + gaandus) will react at the audacity of the rascal who should be thrashed black and blue and lodged in some obscure jail in India for the next 25 years.

His Facebook posts show him attending various programs in Newtown, Jodhpur Park and elsewhere in Kolkata.

His Facebook profile link:

P.S: By early evening on 2020-01-12,  the coward had deleted the totally unacceptable post from his own Facebook wall  😡
* How India Travels

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