Sunday, June 16, 2019

Striking trainee doctors in Bengal don't need a couple of Buddhi-Gb shoulders to weep on

Stay clear of the BUDDHI-Gb intellectuals (aantels) of West Bengal.

BJP should take note. These hypocrites can be made to change colours by offering them a roadside 'fish-fry'.

For all that you know, they have been planted to break down the doctors' legitimate stir in Bengal by the egoistic diabolical LADY herself.

Young and senior doctors in Bengal have faced the brunt of hooliganism for too long. They are capable of handling their legitimate stir by themselves.
They don't want a couple of Buddhi-Gb shoulders to weep on.

These #I_know_it_all 'aantels' from the world of Bangla cinema, jatra, natok, authors are the most obnoxious lot of people in Bengal. 

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